After spinning around Xue An, who was unconscious, Huye stopped and was silent.

"What do you think?" Zhuge Zang asked softly.

Hu Ye looked at Zhuge Zang, "What do you think?"

"I think..." Zhuge Zang laughed bitterly, "He is probably already caught between life and death!"

Hu Ye sighed lightly: "It's not very possible, but it is!"

"What should I do?" Tianzhe said with a solemn expression.

"There is no way, after entering the life and death, everything can only rely on oneself, external forces can not provide any help at all!" said Hu Ye.

"Yeah! But if he can really break through life and death and get out of it, then his future achievements...will be more terrifying than anyone thought!" Zhuge Zang also said.

"He was already an Immortal Venerable in his previous life, so what..." Tianzhuna suddenly stopped talking, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"You mean..."

Hu Ye and Zhuge Zang looked at each other, and then nodded together.

Now, when Tianzhana looked at Xue Anshi, the brilliance in his eyes became extremely complicated.

There are joys and worries, but more fears of the unknown.

The arrival of Fox Night naturally delighted the entire senior management of China.

After all, this is a real fairy king powerhouse!

By all accounts, there are already three fairy kings on the earth today.

Even if the Tianzha is the residual blood cultivation base, Zhuge Zang specializes in auxiliary, it is shocking enough.

After all, many great sects in the depths of the starry sky often have only one immortal king sitting in town, and two of them are already considered top sects.

Now the earth has three at once, which is simply a luxury.

In the next few days, the entire planet began to prepare intensively.

Zhuge Zang took the lead in the outer space, and Tianzhana and Huye were responsible for the implementation, and soon a layered defensive array was established.

And the troops of various countries on the earth are not idle, they use the terrain to build extremely strong fortifications.

At the same time, the arsenal is rushing to work 24 hours a day, and batches of powerful weapons designed to deal with repairers have been manufactured.

This atmosphere has gradually settled down many people who were originally pessimistic.

Everything...seems to be on the bright side!

"The king sent me to patrol the mountains!" A terrible song echoed in the void, and even the space dust was shattered wherever he went.

Then the figure of Houhuye appeared in space.

Although there is no air in the space, it is not a problem for Fox Ye. A slight touch of the space by the divine mind can make the song spread far.

At this moment, the singing Fox Ye was full of intoxication, and almost danced.

His current location is on the edge of the solar system, which is densely packed with various asteroids and extremely empty.

Unless it is a strong person above the true immortal level, it is difficult to cross such a zone.

This can also be said to be the natural defense barrier of the solar system.

The task of Fox Night is to patrol around this edge area to prevent anyone from coming in.

This is a very boring task, and most people may go crazy after spending half a day in such a silent environment.

But Hu Ye didn't care about it, and even used it as a stage to show off his singing voice.

"Friends over there, how are you?" Fox Ye imitated some stars in the concert, pointing to the distant planetary area.

Under the shock of the divine mind, countless small boulders fluctuated and then shook into dust.

This effect makes Huye very satisfied.

"It seems that the friends here are very enthusiastic! Then, Mr. Fox Ye, the famous singer among the heavens, will sing another song for everyone. Why are you willing to cry!"

"I always thought our love was so beautiful..."

From the beginning to the end, the singing voice without even a word in the tune spread far, far away.

And somewhere in the void beyond the edge, the darkness shook a few times, and then the figures of several people appeared.

"My god, who is singing this? This is too ugly!" said a silly dragon man in pain.

Why do you know he is a dragon?

Because this man obviously didn't practice well, there were still two dragon horns remaining on the forehead mountain.

It's just that the dragon's horns are as black as ink, which is obviously not a serious dragon.

At this moment, a figure raised his hand and knocked him on the head severely.

"Stop the **** nonsense, what if you startle the people inside?"

"Yes, Lord Lord, I know it was wrong!" The dragon man said with a grin, clutching his head.

At this moment, Fox Ye had already sung to a climax, and the broken song came from afar.

"Why are you willing to cry and look at yourself so haggard in the mirror..."

The Holy Master couldn't help frowning, his face looked painful, "Don't say it, it's really **** nasty!"

"Master Saint, could this be the defensive circle laid by the opponent?"

"Well, it's really possible! Let's go! Let's get rid of the singing guy now, and then kill the earth and find Xue An to avenge the old man!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the Lord Lord are full of excitement.

Because he has waited too long for this day.

I thought that there would be no chance in this life, but who knew that news came suddenly that Xue An was seriously injured and it was no longer possible!

Hearing this news, the holy lord was ecstatic, and immediately led his hands to rush over.

As for his identity...

I don't know if you can remember that in the Secret Realm of Qi Luck, Xue An once tidied up a magic dragon, and even dragged him directly from the world he was in through the passage of time and space.

Then his men shouted a classic sentence!

It's Yaoshou, Lord Lord has been taken away!

That's right!

It's him!

The world where this man lives is not far from the earth, so he was the first to arrive.

Moreover, after experiencing the "extraordinary shame and great humiliation" of the year, this magic dragon saint master went out of his anger to forcefully manage, and actually broke through the gate of cultivation and reached the realm of real fairy.


He led his hands through the vast boulders and went straight to the source of the singing.

It's near!


When the shadow of Fox Ye appeared in his eyes, a cold smile appeared on the face of the magic dragon saint master.

Damn, singing is even worse than me, it's unforgivable!

Thinking in his mind, he couldn't wait to rush towards the night of the fox.

But at this moment, Hu Ye suddenly turned his head and glanced at him coldly.


The icy eyes were full of supreme The body of the Sage Lord of the Demon Dragon froze in an instant.

He froze in the air with horror, trying to say something, but he couldn't say it.

Then after hearing a bang, the body of the demon dragon saint master completely shattered and fell.

It took so much effort to run here over such a long distance, but he didn't even hold a look in Fox Ye's eyes.

This magic dragon saint master seemed to have come to die on his own initiative.

at the same time.

His gangsters arrived out of breath, but before they could react, the scene that came into view made them all dumbfounded.

It was not until a while later that someone screamed.

"Yaoshou, Lord Lord is dead again!"

"Wipe, my salary this month has not been paid yet!"

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