This is a prosperous and decadent world.

The prosperity is because there are gorgeous palaces and magnificent cities everywhere.

The collapse was because these cities were all empty, and there were no personal figures.

"What's going on? Why are these cities empty?" An Yan asked in surprise.

Xue An's eyes flickered, "It's very simple, because many people have already left!"

An Yan didn't understand what it meant, "Leave? Where did you go?"

"Where did you go?" Xue An smiled, "Then you should ask the person involved!"

After that, Xue An looked at a certain place, "Let's go! Go and see Mengxue first!"

The 13th floor is huge!

In fact, a long time ago, Paradise Lost referred to the thirteenth layer of heaven, but the following cities were created because of the gradual growth of Paradise Lost.

Xue An had been here before, coupled with the perception in his divine mind, so he soon flew over the big city, and finally came to the front line of the confrontation between the coalition army and Fan Mengxue's camp.

Because Fan Mengxue unceremoniously rejected Wen Linglong's "recruitment", under the command of Wen Linglong in the past two days, the coalition camp has aggressively invaded and is madly eating away at the territory controlled by Fan Mengxue.

When Xue An led everyone here, the battle was already in full swing.

Although the strong from both sides did not appear on the scene, but these pawns alone have already been blushing.

But it can be seen that Fan Mengxue's side is gradually falling under the wind under these soldiers from the abyss, and can only fight and retreat.

Under this circumstance, the soldiers of the abyss became more and more crazy, and some of the injured and fallen to the ground were swallowed by several soldiers of the abyss before they died.

And such a cruel scene spread across the entire battlefield, making it unbearable to look directly at it.

Upon seeing this, Xue An snorted coldly, and then many sword lights appeared in front of him.

Immediately after these sword lights fell like snow, they began to frantically strangle all the soldiers of the abyss.

Puff puff!

Facing the sword light like a wandering dragon, these abyss soldiers didn't even have the power to fight back, they were cut open their throats, and then fell to the ground.

in a blink.

All abyss soldiers in the entire battlefield were all strangled.

The soldiers on Fan Mengxue's side were dumbfounded, staring blankly at the miraculous scene, and then raised their heads to look at the people in the sky who had already gone.

"Oh my god, is the ancestor showing up?" someone whispered softly.

Of course Xue An would not hear this, because he had already left after sending out the sword light.

The front line is not far from where Fan Mengxue lives.

At Xue An's speed, it can be said to arrive in no time.

Fan Mengxue, who was sitting in the old castle, also felt something, suddenly raised her head and looked outside.

At the same time, Xue An also arrived.

Fan Mengxue felt that her heart was about to jump out. With her dry mouth, she stood up almost in a panic, and then stumbled out.

Just walking outside, it happened that Xue An had also fallen on the ground.

The two hit each other.

Fan Mengxue was stunned.

Xue An put the two little girls in his arms on the ground, then smiled at her slightly, "Long time no see!"

Fan Mengxue took a deep breath, suppressed her excitement, and slowly said: "Yes! Long time no see!"

At this moment, the entire castle was also alarmed.

All those who stayed here were driven out.

"Is this the person that His Highness said?"

"It shouldn't be wrong, does it look handsome!"

"Huh, why are there two little girls?"

While discussing.

Miss Miss Nian happily ran to Fan Mengxue.

"Aunt Mengxue! It's really you! We miss you so much!"

Hearing the innocent words of the two little girls, Fan Mengxue's tears burst into her eyes, and then she knelt down, stroking the two little girls' cheeks tremblingly.

"I miss you too!"

"Aunt Mengxue, why are you crying?" Think about it.

"Yeah, Aunt Mengxue, did anyone bully you? Then let my father beat them for you!" Niannian said, waving her small fist.

Fan Mengxue burst into laughter, "Hmm!"

at the same time.

An Yan and others also arrived.

Fan Mengxue quickly wiped away her tears, stood up and saluted, "Sister Yan..."

An Yan stepped forward quickly, grabbed her wrist, and said softly: "Okay! Don't be so polite between you and me!"

With that said, An Yan looked at Fan Mengxue a few times before sighing, "I haven't seen you for so long, you have lost weight!"

Fan Mengxue lowered her head, her eyes red again.

Hu Ying watched from behind.

She didn't know Fan Mengxue, but with a woman's intuition, she could almost see Fan Mengxue's feelings for Brother Xue at a glance.

So she couldn't help but be more conscious of comparison.


It looks pretty good. Although it's a little bit close to me, it's not bad.

Body shape....

Hu Ying looked down at her flat figure, and then automatically ignored the topic.

But it seems that this woman has been seriously injured!

Hu Ying stood still thinking wildly.

Zhang Xiaoyu patted her lightly, "Sister Fox, adults and they are all in!"

"Ah!" Only then did Hu Ying wake up, and walked in, but she suddenly asked after a few steps.

"Little fish!"


"Who do you think is pretty with this Fan Mengxue or me?"

Zhang Xiaoyu suddenly felt her hair stand up, and her eyes became erratic.


"Answer honestly!"

"Uh...Of course it is Sister Fox, you are more beautiful!"

"Well, I have a good vision, I think so too!"

After that, Hu Ying left happily.

Only then did Zhang Xiaoyu let out a sigh of relief.

Damn, luckily I am clever!

When they walked into the hall, Fan Mengxue's subordinates had already rushed over, all eyes were on Xue An, who was chatting and laughing with Fan Mengxue.

And they also noticed that at this moment, His Royal Highness, who doesn't pretend to show any words to any man, actually looks like a woman.

This strong contrast is simply stunned.

At this moment Xue An suddenly stopped, and then went straight to a corner.

Fan Mengxue was taken aback, not understanding what Xue An was going to do, but she also hurriedly followed.

At this moment, Xiao Rui, dressed in black, was standing quietly in the corner.

Xue An walked in front of her and slowly stopped, eyes full of regret.

An Yan also recognized Xiao Rui at this time, and exclaimed, "Husband, she... is she Xiao Rui?"

Fan Mengxue was also taken aback, "Sister Yan, do you know Xiao Rui?"

An Yan sighed slightly, and then recounted the story.

After Fan Mengxue heard it, she finally understood what was going on.

At this moment, Xue quietly looked at Xiao Rui who had been transformed into the strongest killer, and the anger in his eyes was gradually blazing.

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