Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1669: 1 sword smashed 13 layers

Shang Peng stared at Xue An in silence, begging for mercy but did not dare to say it.

For this mysterious human teenager, he is now full of awe.

At this moment, Xue An raised his head and smiled at him, "Thank you for telling me the news!"

Shang Peng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile on his face: "My lord, you are polite, this is what I should do, you..."

Xue An interrupted him directly, "Is there anything else I want to say before I die?"

Shang Peng trembled, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

When he was tortured just now, he really wanted to die, but now he has changed his mind.

After all, ants are still greedy, let alone people!

I thought that relying on providing information would save you from death, but I didn't expect that this human youth still wouldn't let him go.

So he shouted desperately: "My lord, can't you spare my life?"

"Say these words to those innocent monsters who were killed by you!"

After all, Xue An waved his hand, the flame was born out of thin air, instantly covering Shang Peng's spirit, before he screamed, he completely burned it into nothingness.

Shang Peng has experienced this kind of pain countless times, but this time he can no longer be resurrected!

At this moment, the resentment curse attached to Shang Peng's body was also resolved, and a series of illusions of fox demon emerged, grateful to Xue Anshen.

Xue An smiled and waved.

These virtual images then dissipated.

But as they dissipated, curses similar to blessings descended on Xue An's body.

Xue An knew that this was the retribution of these fox monsters to avenge themselves on their behalf!

With these blessings, if a fox clan sees it in the future, they will know what you have done, so that you can have all kinds of convenience.

But I don’t seem to need these things! After all, the relationship between me and the fox clan is pretty good!

Xue An said silently in his heart, and then turned away.

But he did not return directly to the outside world, but returned to the Fubao Xiaolou.

The Fubao Xiaolou is very lively at the moment.

The two little girls are playing in the air on the growing magic rune koi.

At this moment, Xue An appeared in the air.

When the two little girls saw Xue An, they shouted in surprise, "Dad!"

Then he flew into Xue An's arms.

Xue An squinted and hugged the two people and dropped to the ground, so affectionate.

at the same time.

An Yan, Hu Ying and Zhang Xiaoyu all came out.

Hu Ying saw the blessing aura on Xue An's body at a glance, and couldn't help but breathe out, "Have you killed that guy?"

Xue An nodded.

"Thank you, Brother Xue, for avenging our fox demon clan!" Hu Ying thanked her sincerely.

Xue An smiled slightly, raised his hand and squeezed her face, "What are you doing so politely to me!"

Hu Ying didn't struggle either. Instead, she said solemnly, "This is not because I am polite, but to thank you for those innocent foxes who died tragically!"

Xue An knew that these fox races had always been united, so he nodded solemnly.

"I understand!"

"Husband, what shall we do next? How is Mengxue now?" An Yan asked anxiously.

Naturally, she already knew the situation of the outside world. When she heard that many powerful men were plotting against Fan Mengxue, she couldn't help being full of worries.

"The next step is to go to the thirteenth floor! As for her!" Xue An smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I have already sent a spiritual protection, so nothing will happen!"

"That's good, that's good!" An Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the two little girls raised their heads eagerly and asked: "Dad, is Aunt Mengxue really in this place? I miss her so much!"

"me too!"

Xue An smiled upon seeing this, "Yes! Your Aunt Mengxue is here, and you will be able to see her soon!"


"Yeah! Because this time, I will take you to the thirteenth floor together!"

When Xue An returned to the outside world with An Yan, two daughters, and Hu Ying and others.

The people who had been eagerly looking forward to Xue An's return as soon as possible couldn't help being shocked.

No one thought that Xue An had left for such a period of time, and when he came back, he would bring back such a large group of people.

Especially among them there are two little girls who look exactly the same, like a jade.

"My lord, this is..." Luo Lanting asked in surprise.

"Oh, this is my daughter!" Xue An said lightly.


Standing in the crowd, Chong Xulan felt her heart broken when she heard these words.

It turns out that not only does this adult have a wife, but the child is already so old!

Especially when Chong Xulan saw An Yan who was standing beside Xue An by Qiao Ran, all her illusions were shattered instantly.

Although she has always been confident about her appearance, she still feels ashamed when facing the beautiful and superb Anyan.

Luo Lanting was also slightly surprised, but soon returned to normal, and then asked solemnly, "Sir, when shall we leave for the 13th floor?"

This is also a big rock in Luolanting's heart.

Because of her brother's death, it was all done by the thirteenth-layer heaven gang. Of course, she engraved her heart with such **** hatred.

Therefore, after seeing Xue An, he asked impatiently.

Xue An smiled faintly, "Are you in such a hurry? That's fine, then let's leave now!"

When this remark came out, many people were shocked.

The second-tier realm master Xiu Ming said in a little astonishment: "But now the thirteenth floor is isolated from other cities. If you want to enter it, you have to..."

He wanted to say that entering the thirteenth level is not that simple.

But before the voice fell, Xue An stepped out of the hall, and then raised his hand to cut out with a sword.


An extremely biting sword light spanned tens of millions of miles in a moment, and directly hit the defensive shackles set up on the 13th floor of the sky.

Bang bang bang!

With a loud noise, this heavy shackle was cut off by Xue An.

After doing all this, Xue An lowered his head and smiled fiercely, "What did you just say?"

Looking fiercely at the thirteen-layer sky that has already opened, not only the whole body was shocked, and then he shook his head repeatedly.

"No... it's all right!"

"Since it's okay, then all follow me!"

Having said that, Xue An raised his hand and hugged Miss Miss, and then took the lead and flew straight to the thirteenth floor.

Behind him are An Yan and Hu Ying and others.

The people of the next level looked at each other, and then they flew up and followed closely behind.

And such a big battle naturally attracted the attention of the entire high-level.

"What? One sword cut through thirteen layers of heaven? How strong is this young man?"

"In this way, Paradise Lost is really going to be unsettling!"

Amid the uproar of the high ranks, Xue An led the crowd and appeared in the thirteenth layer of heaven.

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