Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1489: Great bargain, I will do the rest...

Cao Gang is a tough guy.

At least he always thought so.

This kind of hardship is not only reflected in the brutal behavior, but also in the strength of the body.

In fact, in order to improve his strength, long ago, he spent a lot of money and asked a skilled alchemist to replace all his bones with cold metal.

As a result, his entire body became extremely hard, even comparable to armor.

The name Cao Gang was also changed from that time.

After so many years of hard work, his strength has become even more powerful.

Cao Gang was even confident that he could face a high-ranking alchemist without losing his mind.

Of course, the premise is that the high-ranking alchemist does not use those strange alchemy machinery.

But this is already breathtaking strength.

At least in the outer city of Bluestone, and even the entire Bluestone City, his strength has to be considered middle and upper.

What strong strength brings is tyrannical confidence.

Especially when he saw Xue An's fluttering palm without the slightest smoky air, the ridicule on his face was almost overflowing.

So he didn't even hide, he just stood there so carelessly, ready to fight back by relying solely on his tyrannical body.

Of course, all this was because he couldn't detect any alchemy fluctuations from Xue An's body, which clearly showed that Xue An was not an alchemist.

In addition, Xue An was thin and thin, so he was so dismissive, and didn't take this palm seriously.


There was a soft noise.

Xue An's palm lightly patted Cao Gang's shoulder.

The voice is slightly like a fight between friends.

Everyone present sneered.

Cao Gang didn't care even more, grinning and said, "Boy, you..."

The rest of the story is not finished, and it will never be finished.

Because at this moment, a turbulent and majestic force that seemed to fall from the sky came crashing.

In front of this huge force, Cao Gang's proud and arrogant body was like a clay sculpture, unable to even struggle, and it disintegrated in an instant.

At this moment, Cao just woke up and screamed in horror: "Ah, ah, no..."

Unfortunately, everything is too late.

This huge force was like destroying the dry and decayed, directly destroying Cao Gang's hard body, including the metal that constituted the bones, at the same time, it was broken into dust.

In just one breath, Cao Gang's screams stopped abruptly, and he fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, blood seeping out of itself, and then winding along the smooth floor.

But at this moment, a faint brilliance that was not easily noticed rose from Cao Gang's flesh and blood, flew into Xue An's palm, and disappeared.

From beginning to end, the floor under Cao Gang's feet did not tremble at all.

But Cao Gang, who had just survived, was like a rag doll that had been discarded, limp to the ground, completely cut off from life.

And on his face, the fear and regret before dying were still frozen, as if he couldn't believe that he died like this.

The audience was deadly silent, only the sound of torrential rain from outside the window reminded people that this was an extraordinary rainy night.

At this time, Xue An lightly clapped his hands and smiled slightly at Zhuang Linyan who was also shocked.

"It seems... my task has been completed!"

Zhuang Linyan trembled all over, only then recovered a little sober, and then looked at Xue An blankly, not knowing what to say for a while.

She naturally knew Xue An's strength, but she didn't expect to be so powerful.

I thought that even if he could kill Cao Gang, he would have to pay a huge price.

It turned out to be such an understatement, as if a palm that was not focused at all, directly ended Cao Gang's life.

This also made Zhuang Linyan completely lost in speechlessness and shock.

At this moment, Xue An looked around the audience, especially his eyes swept over the people just now, and then slightly frowned, "What a bunch of dirty souls!"

As he said, Xue An raised his eyes and smiled at Zhuang Linyan, "Miss Zhuang, I'm not doing anything else today, so I'll just give you a big bargain, and I will help you clean up this group of people!"

promotional sales…….

This word is placed at this time, how weird it sounds!

But Xue An was obviously interested, and before Zhuang Linyan could react, he smiled slightly at the so-called big guys present.

"Good evening everyone, I will take you on the road today! Hope... you will like it!"

The words were very polite, but the wild murderous intentions contained in them made everyone shudder.

"No! This matter has nothing to do with me, how can you kill the innocent like this?"

"Yes, this is what the Blood Wolf Gang did. You can't do this to us!"

These shouts came and went one after another, and many people were even more angry, and then backed away.

Xue An stood in the same place and smiled lightly at the chaotic, fleeing crowd.

"If I didn't kill a few people, I really failed such a rainy night!"

"So, you should enjoy the time below obediently!"

As he said, Xue An suddenly stomped.

boom! The whole hotel began to shake violently.

At the same time, a person was also making a similar sigh.

Severus, the night watchman, finally crossed the wilderness and came to Bluestone City.

Under the violent storm, his whole body was soaked.

But even so, he couldn't help but look up at the bluestone city hidden in the heavy rain, and then whistled softly.

"Tsk tusk, it's such a murderous weather!"

As he said, there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes, as if the hardships along the way were all resolved at this moment.

A rustling sound came from the trailer behind him.

Severus smiled slightly, "Beautiful lady, don't worry, we have arrived at our destination, and I can already smell the breath of this boy! It's really intoxicating!"

"So, we will meet soon!"

With that, Severus took a pocket watch out of his arms, and the hands of the watch began to tremble slightly, then gradually shifted, and finally pointed in a direction.

"It seems that this gentleman is not too far away from us, this is really great!"

Severus put away his pocket watch, said with a smile, then stepped into the darkness step by step.

He walked very fast, and there was no water in the roads in Bluestone City, so in a while, Severus had already arrived outside the hotel in the middle of the outer city.

When the magnificent hotel in the distance appeared in his sight, Severus's face showed a sinister and arrogant smile.

But at this moment, the entire hotel suddenly began to tremble violently, and then under Xue An's foot, it began to collapse.

Such a huge movement broke the calm of rainy night.

Severus was startled, and the scene that appeared immediately caused his pupils to shrink to the size of a needle.

In the collapsed hotel, there are countless figures running around, but before these people can penetrate the rain curtain, a ray of light cut across their aroused a patch of red Blood mist.

Then these figures stopped abruptly, and finally fell into a puddle of rain and blood, becoming a dead body.

At the same time, a huge pillar of fire rose up throughout the hotel.

The dancing fire snakes reflected half of the sky in bright orange-red colors.

In the heavy rain, the crowd fell in pieces and returned to the darkness.

The flower of death blooms wantonly in this rainy night, and the blood and fire blend together to compose a death movement.

Severus, a self-proclaimed night watchman and known for his brutality and brutality, turned pale after seeing this scene of extreme beauty and cruelty at the same time, and the skyrocketing fire reflected in his eyes. The whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Because he... tasted fear for the first time!

It is an infinite awe of the unknowable, unseen, but real power at the same time.

He is scared!

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