Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1488: I was hired by her to kill you

Zhuang Linyan nodded, and said in a voice that suppressed her hatred: "Yes! He is Cao Gang, the leader of the Blood Wolf Gang!"

"Oh!" Xue An replied meaningfully, and then stopped talking.

At the same time, Cao Gang, who entered the hall, nodded proudly at the group of people who were flattering him.

"It's such a heavy rain, you can come to join in, I really make Cao very grateful!"

There was a tumult from the crowd, and many people from the small gang shouted.

"Lead Cao is too polite!"

"Yes, it is also our honor to be invited by the Cao Clan Leader!"

For a while, flattery and flattering words were flying all over the sky, but Cao Gang was very useful.

He rolled his eyes, looked around the audience, and when he saw Queen Zhuang Linyan standing in the distance, his eyes lit up.

Zhuang Linyan was **** and charming in an evening gown. Cao Gang's heart was surging, so he showed a faint smile, walked through the crowd, and walked straight over.

"Miss Zhuang, it's been a long time since I saw you, you really have become more and more beautiful!" Cao Gang said with a smile, looking very polite.

It's just that this attitude is really inconsistent with his sturdy bear-like body, full of a sense of disharmony.

Zhuang Linyan's face was frosty, and her eyes were full of murderous intent.

If possible, she really wished to rush forward and kill the murderer who killed her brother now.

But the remaining reason made her calm down, snorted coldly from her nostril, and said in a cold voice: "Cao Gang, you are very costly [Danmei novel] Zhou Zhang invited me to come and participate. This dinner is not just to compliment me, right?"

Cao Gang chuckled, "Ms. Zhuang is too good at joking. I am hosting this dinner for the purpose of discussing the way forward! After all, Ms. Zhuang, you and the female stream are supporting such a large site. It is really hard, Cao Some talented person wanted to share the burden for Girl Zhuang! I wonder what Ms. Zhuang thinks?"

These remarks were succinct, but they couldn't hide the aggressive banditry in the words.

At least Zhuang Linyan laughed back when he heard the words, "Cao Gang, don't you feel blushing when you say this? I am not working hard, do I have a half-cog relationship with you? It's not your turn to share the burden for me. !"

With Zhuang Linyan's statement, the atmosphere instantly became tense.

The big guys from all sides watched with piercing eyes, no one dared to speak, and the hall was quiet.

Cao Gang looked at Zhuang Linyan with a sinking face. Only after a long while, he laughed strangely, "Okay! What a brave heroine, but girl Zhuang, I have to ask you something, our blood wolf gang Hei Dao, the deputy head of the gang, went to send you a letter yesterday, but he hasn’t come back yet. What is going on?"

Zhuang Linyan and the subordinates who came in with her all changed slightly, and no one thought that Cao Gang would suddenly ask such a question.

But Zhuang Linyan reacted quickly and said solemnly: "Didn't I say it yesterday, Black Knife was drunk in my bar at the time, but now where he went, I don't know!"

"Haha! Miss Zhuang, do you think I will believe these words? Black Blade is the deputy head of our blood wolf gang, not a three-year-old child. He disappeared after sending the letter to you, and now there is no life or death. Corpse, don't you think you should give me an explanation?"

This is a perfect trick to kill with a knife. Not only does it use Zhuang Linyan's hand to get rid of the confidant's black sword, but it can also use this matter to question Zhuang Linyan and form a favorable situation for her.

The various calculations and plans are not unskillful.

At least at this moment Zhuang Linyan was speechless.

And Cao Gang obviously didn't intend to let go of this rare opportunity, only to see a sarcasm on his face.

"Almost forgot, Miss Zhuang! There is another great gift, but I prepared it carefully for you, I hope you will like it!"

As he said, Cao Gang raised his hand and lightly tapped a few palms.


With clear applause, seven or eight people walked out of the crowd.

These people are tall, short, fat and thin, but without exception, they are all big bosses in the outer city.

After seeing these seven or eight people, Zhuang Linyan instantly understood something, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Cao Gang laughed more freely when he saw this, "Miss Zhuang, who are these people, I don't need to introduce you to me!"

As he said, he winked at these people.

These people stepped forward and took out a list from their arms.

"Miss Zhuang, I'm really embarrassed! The gifts you gave us are really no blessings for us. You should take them back!"

"Yeah! No matter how much money you spend, we can't be against the Cao Gang!"

"Yes, you still obediently follow Cao's gang leader! Please forgive us for this matter!"

Every word made Zhuang Linyan's complexion white, and in the end her whole body trembled slightly.


Zhuang Linyan was almost mad.

These people are the backhands that Zhuang Linyan specially laid out to deal with Cao Gang. She was running around all day yesterday.

After spending a lot of money, and then personally visited the door, just want these people to join hands with him to deal with this Cao Gang.

At that time, these people agreed very readily, and slapped their chests, vowed to abide by the promise and fight Cao Gang to the end.

With such a promise, Zhuang Linyan was naturally full of joy and thought that there was much to be done.

But it never expected that the group of people who had promised very happily would turn back on the spot and sold themselves completely.

And looking at it this way, these guys obviously had colluded with Cao Gang a long time ago.

It can be seen that this is a trap from beginning to end, just blinding myself, and playing like a fool.

How could this not make Zhuang Linyan angry, but besides the anger, there was more despair.

Could it be that I really can't avenge my brother?

At this time, Cao Gang chuckled and said: "Miss Zhuang, you have also seen that these little tricks of yours are completely under my control, so the person who knows the current affairs is a good master, or surrendered the site obediently, and then invested in my command. This way I can save your life! Otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Xue An, who had been standing silently to the side, even made everyone ignore it, suddenly asked with a smile.

Cao Gang was startled, and then he noticed Xue An on the side. He looked up and down a few times, then sneered, "Who are you again?"

Zhuang Linyan suddenly yelled: "The mission is cancelled, you can go!"

But Xue An only smiled faintly when he heard the words, "Sorry, what I promised must be done!"

After that, he raised his hand and pointed at Zhuang It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that I am the one she hired to kill you! "

These words made the audience quiet down instantly.

It wasn't until a long time that there was an uproar.

Cao Gang was even more astonished and inexplicable. He didn't understand until after a while, and then said with a smile, "You were hired by her to kill me? Boy, you're afraid it's not funny!"

As he said, he laughed loudly.

Amidst the laughter, Xue An sighed lightly, and then stretched out a finger.

"What do you mean?" Cao Gang asked contemptuously, out of breath.

"After a breath, you will die without a place to bury you!" Xue An said lightly.

"Hahahahaha! Really? Then I'm so scared!" Cao Gang laughed louder, and the audience burst into laughter.

Xue An also smiled, with an understatement in his smile, and then raised his hand, slowly splitting a palm.

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