Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1472: Alchemy Cube, leaving the ghost world

Soon, Xue An returned to Wei's house with Ye Hanshang, who was so drunk.

An Yan, who was talking to Wei Qingxiao, stood up in surprise when she saw this, "Husband, what's wrong with him?"

Wei Qingxiao hurriedly greeted him.

Xue An handed Ye Hanshang to Wei Qingxiao, and then smiled, "It's okay, he is just drunk! Just sleep!"

Wei Qing laughed and let out a sigh of relief, and then he helped Ye Hanshang back into the house and settled him down properly.

An Yan said a little angrily: "Oh, why did you drink until now and come back? And also poured Brother Xiaoye like this?"

Xue An smiled, took An Yan in his arms, and whispered: "It's not that I want to irrigate him. In fact, he is the immortal king's cultivation base. How can he get drunk so easily? This time he took the initiative. drunk!"

"Get drunk actively?"

"Yes! Everyone has things that cannot be touched in their hearts, and he should be the same!" Xue Anyou sighed quietly.

"What about you?" An Yan suddenly raised his head in Xue An's arms, looked at him with bright eyes, and asked softly.

"Me?" Xue An chuckled, then stretched out his hand to mess An Yan's long hair, and said in a low tone, "Do you know? Before I found you again and missed you, I had more than three thousand years. Drunk once!"

An Yan listened quietly, tears gradually appeared in her eyes, because she understood what Xue An meant.

"But now I will never be drunk again, because I have found all the untouchable things in my heart, and...I will never lose it again!"

Ye Hanchang's drunkenness lasted three days before he woke up.

When he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling above his head, he was dumbfounded for an hour before he gradually recalled what had happened before.

Talk in the courtyard, head to the desert city, forget the past, get drunk...

These things passed through Ye Hanshang's mind like a revolving lantern.


Ye Hanchang jumped out of the bed as if he had been electrocuted, and then ran out without even putting on his shoes.

But as soon as he left the house, he saw Xue An sitting on the stone bench under the big tree in the courtyard, with a teapot exuding steam in front of him.

Xue An smiled slightly when he saw Ye Hanshang coming out of the door, "Wake up? Come, have a cup of tea to wake up to the bar!"

The astonishment on Ye Hanchang's face gradually reduced, and then rushed forward, staring at Xue An.

But I didn't expect Xue An to be unmoved at all, still pouring tea slowly.

"How long have I been drunk?" Ye Hanchang asked in a deep voice.

"Three days!" Xue An filled a cup of tea, handed it to Ye Hanshang, and then smiled faintly, "To be exact, three days and four hours!"

Ye Hanshang did not receive the tea that Xue An handed over at all. Instead, he stared at Xue An and said hesitantly: "Then...Did you say anything when I was drunk?"


"Just some nonsense?" Ye Hanchang said with some guilty conscience.

Xue An shook his head, "No!"

Ye Hanchang let out a sigh of relief, slumped on the stone bench in relief, raised his neck after receiving the teacup, and poured it into his mouth.

At this moment, Xue An said calmly: "Actually, what can you do if you marry a woman? It's not that you can't grab it!"


The tea that had just been poured into his mouth spouted out, and Ye Hanchang roared angrily: "Xue An, are you kidding me?"

Xue An shrugged, and said with a smile, "I'm serious, but I didn't mean to play you. If you are embarrassed to do it, I can help for free!"


After an hour.

Ye Hanchang, who finally calmed down, looked at Xue An in silence, and finally couldn't help but said: "Are you ready to leave so soon?"

Xue An nodded, "Yeah! There is still a lot to do! I can't stay here forever!"

"Or...I'll go to alchemy civilization for you!" Ye Hanshang said hesitantly.

Xue An glanced at him with a smile, "Are you sure?"

Ye Hanchang's complexion turned pale, and finally lowered his head.

Xue An suddenly couldn't bear it, then raised his hand and patted Ye Hanchang on the shoulder.

"Well, this matter started because of me, and the ghost world became what it is now because of my shots. So I naturally want to end this cause and effect, not to mention this time I have a very grand idea, hope It can be achieved through this alchemy trip!"

"What idea?" Ye Hanchang was a little surprised.

Xue An smiled and shook his head, "I can't tell you yet, because it's still immature, but I can guarantee that if it succeeds, it will surprise you, so you will know by then!"

Ye Hanshang nodded when he heard the words, but slammed his fingers into the center of his brows, and then showed a painful expression on his face, and gradually pulled something out of the sea of ​​brows.

Xue looked quietly.

When this thing completely appeared in front of you, the brilliance on it gradually faded away, and it was an extremely exquisite shape, a square shape, and each side was composed of sixteen small squares with unique shapes...a Rubik's Cube.

That's right!

It's exactly the same as the Rubik's Cube often seen on earth.

The difference is nothing more than this Rubik’s Cube is much more refined than those outside.

And through the small squares on each side, you can also see that there are countless gears intertwined.

This Rubik's Cube is so ingenious that it has obviously reached the limit of manpower, bringing the beauty of machinery to the fullest.

Even Xue An couldn't help being a little lost after seeing it.

Then Ye Hanshang said solemnly: "Old Xue, this Rubik's Cube was obtained from an ancient alchemy site, and it is also the only connection between me and the alchemy civilization. Although it is also an alchemy creation, it is extremely special. In fact, I still don’t know what it does!"

"And if you enter the world of alchemy through it, you won't appear as an outsider!"

"Oh?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "You mean..."

"Yes! When I entered that world through this Rubik's Cube, I actually appeared in another capacity!"

Xue An nodded, "Understood!"

Then he took the Rubik's Cube.

Ye Hanshang still hesitated, "Old Xue, when are you going to leave?"

Xue An raised his head and looked at the sky, "In the three days you were drunk, I have finished everything, so it is not too late, I will leave now!"

"Leave now?" Ye Hanshang couldn't help being surprised. He knew that Xue An was going to leave, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Yes! Because I can feel that this world is gradually dying!"

Ye Hanchang was silent for a moment, and then said in a quiet voice: "That... a good trip!"

Xue An smiled, "Don't worry! This time, there will be many surprises!"

With that, the brilliance flashed in Xue An's eyes, and the turbulent spirit directly controlled the Rubik's cube to turn wildly.

And when the Rubik's Cube completely returned to zero,, the void suddenly shook, and then slowly appeared a nearly perfect rectangular space-time gap.

Xue An raised his hand to hold this Rubik's Cube, then stepped out one step, and said lightly: "Go!"

After all, it disappeared after the space-time gap, and then the space-time gap disappeared.

In the courtyard, only Ye Hanshang stood there with a sad expression, and only sighed softly after a long time.

at the same time.

In the far-away place of lava, Jin Jue who was teaching the scriptures suddenly shook, and then turned his head to look towards the sky.

"Master, what's the matter?" Rong Yang, the former lord of lava, asked respectfully.

Jin Jue smiled slightly and shook his head, "It's okay!"

But when he turned his head back, he lowered his eyes, folded his palms, and muttered quietly.

"Nanwuwu Buddha, may the donor have a smooth journey!"

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