Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1471: Some things, how can one glass of wine forget...

Mingjun and Master Guizun came to the desert city at the same time, this...If this news spreads, I don't know how many people's eyes will be shocked.

No wonder the Lord has been busy making wine recently, it turns out that she knew Mingjun and them would come!

But is that white-clothed young man the Ghost Lord that the Lord has been thinking of unforgettable?

Looks so young!

Donghan was full of random thoughts in his mind, and then quickly cleared out a clean hall.

After the two of them sat down, Meng Yao said with a smile: "You two wait a moment, I'll go and pack some wine and vegetables!"

"Thank you!" Ye Hanshang smiled and nodded.

"My lord is too polite! It will be done soon!"

After speaking, Meng Yao turned around and went out to clean up.

After Xue An and Ye Hanshang were left in the room, Ye Hanshang smiled at Xue An.

"What are you laughing at?" Xue An couldn't help asking.

"Hey, you haven't even said a word since then, are you a little guilty?"

"A guilty conscience? Why should I have a guilty conscience? If I have a guilty conscience, it would be nice not to come at all!"

"Then why don't you speak? Didn't you [800 Novel] see the eyes of the Lord Meng always on you?"

"Are you here to drink or to talk more?" Xue An glanced at Ye Han Chang.

Ye Hanchang immediately closed his mouth.

at the same time.

Meng Yao came in with a few exquisite dishes to go with, and at the same time brought a jar of wine.

Upon seeing this, Ye Hanshang couldn't help but said, "Just a jar of wine?"

Meng Yao smiled and said, "Master Mingjun, this jar of wine is a new wine that I have just developed recently. It is very strong, and it is a bit more powerful than the drunk predecessor, so this jar of wine is probably not enough!"

Ye Hanshang curled his lips, "I don't believe it! What is the name of your new wine?"

"Forget the dust!" Meng Yao said softly, but Yingying looked at Xue An on the side.

Xue An was silent for a moment, then smiled and pushed the cup forward.

"In that case, let's taste what kind of forgetfulness today!"

The wine is like amber, and its fragrance is tangy.

After being poured into the bowl, people are already three-thirds drunk before drinking it.

There were two people sitting at the table, but Meng Yao filled three bowls, then raised a cup and smiled at Xue An.

"My lord, this cup, I respect you!"

Xue An picked up his cup and just wanted to talk.

Meng Yao had already drank all the wine in the bowl.

Upon seeing this, Xue An sighed slightly, and then drank the cup.

When the wine entered the throat, it seemed like a line of fire rushed straight into the heart, and even Xue An couldn't help but shook slightly.

"Sure enough, good wine!" Xue An put down the wine bowl and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ye Hanchang asked, "Really? Then I will try it too!"

After speaking, he could not wait to drank the wine in the glass, and then slapped his taste.

"Really good!"

At this moment, Meng Yao nodded slightly at the two of them, "Two adults, let's talk! I'm going out first!"

After speaking, she turned and left the room, closing the door.

After she left, Xue An and Ye Hanshang looked at each other.

"Old Xue, the name of this wine has a lot of meaning!" Ye Hanchang sighed lightly.

Xue An smiled slightly, refilled the glass of wine, and then faintly said: "For some souls who are suffering from memories, if this wine can really forget the past, then even if it is poison, it is estimated that some people will not Hesitate to drink it!"

Ye Hanchang trembled slightly, and the smile on his face gradually subsided, then he also raised his cup and said lightly: "Yes! I hope this drunkenness can really forget a lot!"

at the same time.

In a flower hall outside, Meng Yao, who was leaning against a pillar in a daze, heard the conversation in the room, grinned, and laughed silently because of the rush of alcohol.

She knew that these words should have been deliberately told to her by Xue An.

But how can some things be forgotten with a simple glass of wine?

Xue An and Ye Hanshang drank this wine for three days and three nights, and in the end they could not finish the jar of wine.

Of course, this is also because this wine jar is a special magic weapon, it does not look big, but there is a cave inside.

Although he didn't finish the wine in the jar in the end, Ye Hanchang was completely drunk.

Drunk and unconscious, can only talk nonsense on the table.

Xue An was sitting opposite, but the whole person was not at all drunk, and even the more he drank, the more sober his eyes were so clear.

"Old...Old Xue...I'm the most fortunate in my mother's life...fortunate to know you brother!" Ye Hanshang said with a big tongue.

Xue An nodded, "Me too!"

Then stepped forward to help him up.

"You are drunk! Let's go!"

"I...I'm not drunk! Old Xue, do you know how uncomfortable I am now? I...I liked a woman before, and I promised to marry her, but when I went back to find her, she Already married as a woman! Uuuuuu..."

Ye Hanshang was really drunk, and actually said all these things that had never been mentioned to outsiders, and cried bitterly.

Xue An sighed lightly. Of course he knew that Ye Hanshang had something in his heart, and he was probably trapped by love, but he didn't expect it to be such a **** bridge.

"Old Xue, do you know how much I envy you! Even though you have lost your cultivation, you have recovered your wife and children! So you must be good, and you must cherish it!" Ye Hanshang began Talk about it endlessly.

Xue An nodded, "I know! Don't worry! And you are too tired, let's sleep for a while!"

With that, the brilliance flashed in Xue An's eyes, and Ye Hanchang fainted with the surging spirit.

Then Xue An helped Ye Hanchang to walk outside the courtyard.

Meng Yao never left, so when she saw Xue An helping Ye Hanshang out of the house, she greeted him.

"grown ups……."

Xue An nodded, "Yao'er, thank you for your hospitality, now Ye Hanshang is already drunk and unconscious, I have to send him back!"

Meng Yao's face turned pale, and she smiled calmly, "Hmm!"

Xue An assisted Ye Hanchang and was about to fly up. At this moment, Meng Yao asked with a crying voice: "My lord, I don't want to forget Qianchen!

Xue An was startled, then without turning his head back, he chuckled and said, "Okay! If you don't want to forget, then don't forget!"

"Will you still drink my wine from now on?" Meng Yao stepped asked with piercing eyes.

Xue An turned to look at Meng Yao, then smiled and nodded, "Of course!"

Meng Yao smiled, "Then I wish you all the best!"

Xue An smiled, then flew up and disappeared into the sky in a flash.

Meng Yao stood there blankly and did not speak for a long time.

"Hall Master, Master Guizun, they have already left!" Donghan couldn't help saying.

Meng Yao shuddered suddenly, regaining consciousness, then took a deep look at Tian Tian before turning around and leaving.

"Hall Lord, what are you going to do?" Donghan asked with some surprise.



"Yes! Making wine stronger than forgetting Qianchen!" Meng Yao said without looking back.

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