Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 438: The magical power of the stars in the body

Chapter 438: The Magical Use of the Stars in the Body

After she explained a lot, the handsome man smiled fondly, stretched out his hand and rubbed her head: "You are right, it is better to inherit this thing than to lack it."

“What’s more, we still have plenty of time, enough to wait until a suitable successor appears.”

The beautiful woman stuck out her tongue coquettishly, smiled and said, "Brother understands me."

Then, she continued to speak: "Looking back now, the happiest days were when we were on earth. When we were hungry, we would pick wild fruits to fill our stomachs. When we were thirsty, we would drink mountain spring water. We were carefree and free every day. How free and unrestrained.”

The handsome man smiled and said, "Then if you are allowed to return to Earth and live such a life again, would you still be willing?"

The beautiful woman said without hesitation: "Of course I don't want to! I have spent so much effort to achieve the level of cultivation I have today. How can I give up just because I just want to?"

"Yes, so most things in life are like this. The happiness in your memories will always only exist in your memories. If you really want to give up everything you have now and embrace the past, you may not be willing. ”

The handsome man looked at the beautiful woman with a smile and said calmly.

The latter hugged him and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, brother is always the one who makes the most sense!"

 “Okay, now is not the time for you to act like a baby.”

The handsome man flicked her forehead with his finger, chuckled and said, "Since no one has received the inheritance in Kunlun Ruins, then you should stop thinking about it and practice with peace of mind."

“If you continue with your current cultivation progress, it won’t be long before you can successfully break through.”


After receiving the encouragement from the handsome man, the beautiful woman nodded heavily, then sat down cross-legged again and began to practice with her eyes closed.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the handsome man couldn't help but shake his head, chuckled and sighed: "You have already lived for tens of thousands of years, but you are still like a little girl..."


Looking at the stone tablet in front of him with the three characters "Kunlun Ruins" engraved on it, Lin Yuan was slightly in a daze.

“ this the real Kunlun Ruins?”

Lin Yuan scratched his head and murmured to himself thoughtfully.

 Before coming, Lin Yuan also read a lot of ancient books about the Kunlun Mountains.

 One of the sayings is that the Kunlun Ruins and the Kunlun Mountains are not in the same place at all.

This speculation is naturally not without any basis.

 After all, in ancient Chinese mythology, the so-called Kunlun Ruins should be an ethereal fairy mountain.

But in reality, Kunlun Mountain is a barren frozen land, covered with snow all day long, and it doesn't look like a fairy mountain at all.

Lin Yuan now seems to think that this statement is barely half correct.

Kunlun Ruins and Kunlun Mountains cannot be confused with each other.

 However, it cannot be said that there is no connection between the two.

 At the very least, Lin Yuan found the entrance to Kunlun Ruins among the vast snow-capped mountains.

If you really want to talk about it, it can really be regarded as a coincidence.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" At this moment, Xiaoyou, who had been resting on Lin Yuan's shoulder, suddenly let out a cheerful whistle.

Since Lin Yuan had a similar mind-set with him, he roughly understood what Xiaoyou wanted to express.

Lin Yuan turned his head and looked at Xiaoyou: "Are you saying that you find it very comfortable here and like staying here?"

"Choo Choo Choo!"

 Xiaoyou chirped happily again, which was considered a response.

Lin Yuan closed his eyes and felt it carefully, and found that the energy concentration here was indeed dozens of times that of the outside world.

Let alone Xiaoyou, even he feels that this is a treasured place for cultivation.

It would definitely be of great benefit to Lin Yuan if he could stay here for a long time to practice.

 Dozens of times the energy concentration means dozens of times the cultivation speed!

It is no exaggeration to say that practicing in such an environment, even the most stupid warrior will not be able to break through to the realm of the King of Heaven!

“Such a rich energy, if it is not absorbed, it would be too much of a waste.”

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan chose to sit cross-legged without hesitation, closed his eyes, and began to absorb the energy contained in Kunlun Ruins.

Under Lin Yuan's deliberate pulling, energy quickly gathered in his direction, as if forming an energy vortex!

And Lin Yuan's location happens to be at the very center of the energy vortex!

However, this is not the end yet.

Just when Lin Yuan began to absorb energy, one of the stars in his body suddenly lit up, blooming with an extremely dazzling light!

What surprised Lin Yuan was that after the star was lit, the speed at which he absorbed energy actually increased by one point!

After discovering this situation, Lin Yuan was slightly stunned at first, and then immediately felt overjoyed.

 For Lin Yuan who is currently in the Kunlun Ruins, this is definitely a great thing!

Before this, Lin Yuan had never thought that the Star Body Strengthening Technique he practiced could actually speed up energy absorption.

 However, Lin Yuan cannot be blamed for this.

 After all, he has always been crossing the river by feeling the stones when it comes to spiritual practice.

Not to mention the characteristics of the Star Body Training Technique, even its efficacy and practice methods were discovered by Lin Yuan himself bit by bit.

However, now that Lin Yuan has discovered the effect of the stars in his body, he has no reason not to make good use of it.

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan did not hesitate to light up all the remaining stars in his body at once!

You must know that after experiencing the decisive battle with the Dark Lord, Lin Yuan's current power of stars has reached more than 9,000 points!

In other words, there are a total of nine stars in his body now!

  When these nine stars are lit up together, the dazzling starlight is even beautiful enough to make people tremble.

Correspondingly, after the stars in his body were lit up, Lin Yuan's efficiency in absorbing external energy also began to increase significantly!

Lin Yuan made a rough estimate. Compared with before, his current rate of energy absorption has increased by nearly three times!

There is no other suitable word to describe this rate of energy extraction other than 'horrible'.

 It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Yuan now is like a huge container.

 Every minute and every second, there is a huge amount of energy that is absorbed into his body!

 (End of this chapter)

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