Chapter 437 Kunlun Ruins!

After drinking the snow water, Lin Yuan raised his head again and explored the top of this mountain peak where he would go next.

He has already traveled through most of the Kunlun Mountains, but apart from a vague sense of pull in his heart, Lin Yuan still found nothing.

 “Hmm? What is this...”

At the moment when Lin Yuan raised his head and looked into the distance, he suddenly froze on the spot.

 Because, among the endless snow-capped mountains in front of us, an emerald green mountain peak actually appeared!

Among the snow-capped mountains covered with white snow, this green mountain peak looks so outstanding, as if it is an independent and peerless beauty.

Looking at the green mountain peak, Lin Yuan quickly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, wanting to see it more clearly.

However, there is a thick layer of white mist surrounding this green mountain peak, just like a veil on the face of a beautiful woman, making it impossible to see clearly.

Moreover, while staring at the mountain peak, the pulling feeling in Lin Yuan's heart became stronger and stronger.

Lin Yuan made a judgment immediately.

There is definitely something wrong with the green mountain peak in front of us!

Regardless of why there is such a unique green mountain among the endless snow-capped mountains.

Just the layer of white mist surrounding the mountain is weird enough.

You must know how ordinary fog can block the Sharingan's perspective.

“Finally we have some clues…”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, suppressed the indescribable excitement in his heart, and then took direct steps towards the direction of the green mountain peak.

At this moment, he has determined in his heart that this green mountain peak must be closely related to the place where myths are passed down!


Although the green mountain peak seemed to be right in front of us, in fact, Lin Yuan was still separated by several mountains.

Every time he got closer to this green mountain peak, the outline of the latter became clearer and clearer in Lin Yuan's eyes.

However, due to the layer of white mist, Lin Yuan was never able to see the full picture of this green mountain peak. The latter was so illusory that it was like a mirage in the legend.

After climbing over several mountains, Lin Yuan finally arrived at the foot of this green mountain peak.

 The scene before him made him feel extremely shocked.

Obviously, one side is still a desolate land with only low shrubs, but on the other side, it becomes a lush land of green grass, full of vitality.

 It is as if there is an invisible border that separates these two places.

Lin Yuan almost did not hesitate and walked directly to the green grassy and vibrant land in front of him.

Just when Lin Yuan crossed the border, he felt extremely keenly that the space around him seemed to be shaking slightly, as if a stone was thrown into the middle of a calm lake, causing waves and ripples.

When Lin Yuan came to his senses and turned around to look back, he was surprised to find that he could no longer see the way behind him.

 The scene behind him had been completely shrouded in white mist before he knew it, as if there were a pair of invisible hands in the dark, deliberately pushing him forward.

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and walked forward calmly.

 After walking for an unknown amount of time, a simple stone tablet appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

This stone tablet is hidden among the trees and looks to be quite old.

If Lin Yuan's insight had not been sharp enough, it would have been impossible to discover the existence of this stone tablet.

 He stepped forward and gently pushed aside the shrubs and dead branches on the stone tablet. On the stone tablet, there are only three ancient rhyme characters engraved.

Although Lin Yuan did not know what kind of writing these were, the moment he saw them, there was a throbbing in the depths of his soul for no reason, which helped him identify the three characters on the stone tablet in front of him. Character.

 Letter: "Kunlun Ruins."


 The vast depths of the universe.

 On a dark red desolate planet.

A woman with a slim figure and a face as beautiful as an immortal is sitting cross-legged, as if she is practicing spiritual practice.

 Beside her, there was a tall and handsome man.

He didn't seem to be practicing, but was leaning lazily on a dark red boulder, with his legs slightly bent, and holding a book made of strange material in his hand, which he silently flipped through.

 As for the most special thing about this man, it is probably his eyes.

Although he looks less than thirty years old, his eyes have a kind of indifference that has seen the vicissitudes of life.

 It is even easy for people to have the illusion that he has lived for thousands of years.

At this moment, the woman who was as beautiful as an immortal let out a soft hum, and even her body trembled slightly.

This unusual movement naturally failed to escape the handsome man's perception.

He frowned slightly, closed the book in his hand, walked slowly to the side of the beautiful woman, and asked softly with great concern: "What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with your practice?"

“You are now at the critical moment when you are about to make a breakthrough, and you must proceed step by step. Remember not to be too eager for quick success, do you understand?”

However, the beautiful woman in front of him calmly shook her head and denied: "Brother, don't worry too much about me, it's not a matter of practice."

 “Isn’t it a matter of spiritual practice?”

The handsome man was slightly startled and asked, "Then what's wrong with you?"

The beautiful woman pondered for a moment and then explained: "I just feel that the restriction I set in Kunlun Ruins has been touched."

 “Really? This is really a rare thing.”

The handsome man was obviously interested. He smiled and said, "In the past thousand years, there have been only a few people who have had the opportunity to enter the Kunlun Ruins, right?"

The beautiful woman nodded and said, "There are only five people. Counting this time, there are six people."

The handsome man joked: "But none of these people seem to have been able to get your inheritance, right?"

 “Are the conditions you have set a bit harsh?”

"Is there anything harsh about this? The so-called inheritance itself is obtained by those who are destined. In addition to chance, talent and strength are of course also indispensable."

The beautiful woman snorted softly: "How can we give our inheritance to others so casually? If it can't stand the test, then what else is there to say? It can only mean that you are not qualified to receive my inheritance. This is called Ning Ran Don’t be short.”

“If anyone is qualified to obtain my inheritance, then the existence of Kunlun Ruins will be meaningless.”

 (End of this chapter)

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