Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 424: There is nothing in this world that cannot be cut! 【4000 words! 】

Chapter 424: There is nothing in this world that cannot be cut! 【4000 words! 】

Powerful men at the level of the Dark God Lord are all opportunists.

As long as he seizes the opportunity, he must put the enemy to death!

At this moment, the Dark Lord, whose body is burning with black flames, is as terrifying as a demon crawling out of hell!

 “The Darkest Demonic Spear!”

The Lord of Darkness raised his hand, and dark energy instantly gathered in his palm, condensing into a spear as black as ink!

The spear penetrated in the direction of Lin Yuan, and the tip of the spear cut a dark and sharp trajectory in the air!

 Lin Yuan gritted his teeth, and the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl immediately burst out with dazzling purple thunder light, forming a thick thunder wall around him!

However, this purple wall of thunder alone cannot stop the Dark Lord's offensive.

Just when the tip of the Darkest Demonic Spear collided with the thunder wall, countless cracks immediately appeared on the purple thunder wall, and then it shattered like a mirror!

I have to say that the timing of the Dark Lord's capture was excellent. At this moment, Susanoo was far away from Lin Yuan's position, and there was no way he could rush back to help the latter defend against this shot!


The thunder wall shattered, and the figure of the Dark God Lord emerged from the shattered thunder. Holding the Darkest Sky Demon Spear, he suddenly pierced Lin Yuan's abdomen!

With the sound of the spear piercing flesh and blood, Lin Yuan's abdomen was completely penetrated by the spear in an instant!

The dark energy gushing out from the spear point crazily destroyed Lin Yuan's internal organs. Blood spurted out from the wound all the time, even dyeing the spear in the hand of the Dark God Lord red.

"you lose."

The Lord of Darkness sneered and raised the corners of his mouth, looking at Lin Yuan in front of him quite proudly.

It has to be said that the process of conquering this planet was not as smooth as he imagined.

 Because...the warriors on this planet, both in terms of strength and resilience, far exceeded his imagination.

 Fortunately, he was the one who had the last laugh.

 “Don’t speak too early.”

Lin Yuan stretched out his hands, tightly grasped the spear in his hand, and looked at the Dark God Lord in front of him with a half-smile.

The latter's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he smelled danger from Lin Yuan's words.

However, in such a short period of time, the Dark God Lord could not imagine what other means Lin Yuan had that could threaten him.

Furthermore, the Lord of Darkness also did not notice that a dark shadow appeared behind him at an unknown moment!

  The murderous aura exuded by the black shadow was instantly locked on the body of the Dark Lord!

As a terrifying evil spirit spread, the black shadow condensed a purple thunder blade with his backhand, and stabbed it into the back of the Dark God Lord without hesitation!

"How can it be…"

 The Dark God Lord's eyes widened in shock, his eyes filled with disbelief.

 But the sharp pain coming from the back of his heart was so real.

 “I forgot to tell you, you are not the only one who has a clone.”

Lin Yuan grinned, revealing a ferocious smile.

 From beginning to end, this was a situation he set up on his own initiative.

This flaw was basically exposed by Lin Yuan to the Dark God Lord. He knew that the opponent would attack from the weakest point of his offensive, so he had been prepared in advance.

He took the initiative to take the shot from the Lord of Darkness, naturally to divert the latter's attention.

Only in this way can he take advantage of the opponent's moment of distraction and deliver a fatal blow!

The premise of all this is based on... The Lord of Darkness does not know that Lin Yuan has a trump card that can determine the outcome, which is the 'Twin Shadows'!

The power of twin shadows allows Lin Yuan to create a shadow clone with 70% of his strength!

If the twin shadows are summoned in a head-on confrontation, they may not be able to threaten the Lord of Darkness, but when the shadow clones sneak attack from behind, they can have a miraculous effect!

Lin Yuan relied on the information asymmetry between the two parties to make every move, and even used his body as bait to set up this killing situation!

However, Lin Yuan also knew that this blow alone was not enough to completely kill the Dark Lord.

Although he was seriously injured, as long as the Lord of Darkness is allowed to recover, he can transfer his power to another clone again and continue to use his weird clone method to engage in a tug-of-war with Lin Yuan.

 So... no matter what, Lin Yuan cannot give the Dark God Lord this chance!

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan took out the Seven Lights Divine Scepter from the system space without hesitation!

 The next second, the stars in his body were lit up one after another!

The majestic power of the stars, like a tide, poured into the Seven Lights Divine Scepter, completely activating the staff!

 “Burn my blood, offer my spirit, sacrifice my soul!”

Lin Yuan groaned, and without hesitation poured his blood, spirit, and soul power into the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter!

In an instant, the phantoms of dragons and elephants, and the phantoms of gods and demons all emerged from behind Lin Yuan and merged into the Qiyao Divine Scepter one after another.

The power of the seal suddenly surged out from the Qiyao Divine Scepter like a great river, sealing away in the direction of the Dark God Lord!

 “Impossible...This is impossible!”

 After feeling the power of the ban, the face of the Dark Lord changed drastically.

 Because he was shocked to find that his power could not be transferred to another clone.

In other words, his true self was sealed to this clone shadow by the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter, and could no longer be transferred.

Furthermore, the Dark God Lord can also feel that his own power has begun to be gradually blocked.

The staff in this guy's hand is obviously not an ordinary thing!

 Fortunately, the Lord of Darkness can feel that Lin Yuan has used all his power to forcibly block himself.

In other words, after banning himself, Lin Yuan no longer had any extra strength to kill him again.

 “You are asking for your own death.”

The eyes of the Lord of Darkness were staring at Lin Yuan in front of him, his eyes were blood red.

 Lin Yuan smiled casually: "Who told you that I was seeking death? I was helping you, helping you dig a good grave!"

 “Grave? Hahahahaha...what a big joke.”

The Lord of Darkness laughed loudly and said sarcastically: "Look at your current state, how weak you are already. Just because you are now, do you want to kill me?"

I have to say that what the Lord of Darkness said is absolutely correct.

After sacrificing his own energy, blood, spiritual power and soul power, the aura on Lin Yuan's body has now weakened to the extreme, without any of the domineering momentum before.

“I don’t need to take action to kill you.”

Lin Yuan smiled, then suddenly turned his head and shouted loudly: "Principal Wang, it's up to you!"

With Lin Yuan's loud shout, everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Zhanlin for a moment!

 “Are you looking at me?”

Not to mention other people, even Wang Zhanlin himself was stunned after hearing Lin Yuan's voice.

He obviously did not expect that Lin Yuan could still be of use to him.

However, after a moment of trance, Wang Zhanlin quickly came to his senses.

What Lin Yuan needs is that one slash, that one slash...the one he has been raising for seven years!

Lin Yuan is indeed right, he has indeed dug the grave for the Lord of Darkness.

 He has made all preparations, just to let Wang Zhanlin use this knife to completely end the life of the Dark Lord! "Lin Yuan, you kid, don't mess with me... I don't know if I can kill this guy with this sword..."

Wang Zhanlin, who had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, looked like he was about to cry without tears.

 After all, the pressure Lin Yuan put on him... was too much.

For the first time, Wang Zhanlin felt that the fate of mankind was tightly tied to himself, and even completely tied to the sword he was about to cut.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhanlin took a deep breath with complicated emotions, then stretched out his right hand and tightly grasped the handle of the God-Slaying Sword.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's voice rang out again: "Old Wang, if you can't kill this guy, don't say you are my principal when you go out in the future. I can't afford to disgrace this guy!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Wang Zhanlin felt the veins on his forehead beating wildly.

What time has it been? This guy is still using the provoking method!

However, Lin Yuan's teasing also dispelled some of the tension in Wang Zhanlin's heart.

He raised his head, laughed and said, "Young man Lin, just wait for me. All the strong men in the world will witness with their own eyes what I will do next!"

 “If this sword is successful, I will be the savior of all mankind!”

 Listening to Wang Zhanlin's wild laughter, Lin Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

 Those who use swords should have such an arrogant attitude!

The Dark God Lord on the side couldn't help but frowned. He didn't even look at Wang Zhanlin, but still looked at Lin Yuan: "You just put your hope on him?"

To be honest, even if Lin Yuan's plan is to let the half-disabled Wei Jingguo die with him, the Dark God Lord still feels that his life may be threatened.

 But in front of him, an existence of Wang Zhanlin's level was not taken seriously by him at all.

Lin Yuan did not directly answer the Dark God Lord's question, but simply said lightly: "Never underestimate how much potential a person has."


The Lord of Darkness snorted coldly and stopped arguing with Lin Yuan. Instead, he continued to mobilize his own strength and began to try to break away from the confinement around him.

 Obviously, he didn't take the sword that Wang Zhanlin was about to take to heart at all.

Finally, Wang Zhanlin drew his sword. From his scabbard, he pulled out the sword that he had kept for seven years!

 He has been cultivating the sword for seven years, so he has also accumulated the power of the sword for seven years!

While drawing the sword, a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling couldn't help but fill Wang Zhanlin's heart.

How long has it been since you drew your sword?

 Yes, I have been raising the sword for seven years, so naturally I haven’t drawn it out for seven years.

But Wang Zhanlin still remembered that before he began to make up his mind to keep the sword, he had to pull out the sword from the sheath almost every day.

 When sparring with close friends, draw your sword.

 When fighting with the enemy, you must draw your sword.

 When practicing daily, you should also draw your sword.

At that time, the sword in his hand was like a part of his body, like an arm.

 I really didn’t expect that I hadn’t pulled out this divine sword for so many years.

The moment the blade was unsheathed, a biting cold light suddenly surged out from the edge. This... cold light had been hidden for seven years!

Looking at the cold light exploding in front of his eyes, Wang Zhanlin's thoughts couldn't help but be pulled back to decades ago.


 At that time, he was still a child, practicing behind his master every day.

Wang Zhanlin still remembers that at that time, his biggest desire was to own a sharp long steel knife.

 Because he had always used a wooden sword for practice, which had not even been sharpened. From a distance, it looked like a stick, with a heavy and dull feel.

At that time, the master would not let him touch a real sword at all, let alone own a real sword.

Wang Zhanlin still remembered that his master said that the sword is the main weapon in battle and a murder weapon. Remember not to use it for fun.

At that time, he was too young to understand the profound meaning of his master's words.

However, even so, it still cannot stop Wang Zhanlin's love for knives.

 He is the master's favorite disciple because he has one-in-a-thousand talents in sword martial arts.

 Cultivation has always required talent.

 Talent determines a person’s upper limit.

Moreover, Wang Zhanlin is not only extremely talented, but also very diligent.

His love for knives is like an innate gene, deeply imprinted in his bones.

Sometimes, when the sun rises in the morning, Wang Zhanlin is already practicing swordsmanship in the yard.

 When the sun goes down, there is still his figure practicing swordsmanship in the yard.

 Day after day, year after year.

Wang Zhanlin still remembers that he had been practicing the simplest sword-drawing pose for a whole year.

 Draw the sword a thousand times a day.

 In one year, that’s a total of 365,000 times!

Since then, the action of drawing the sword has been deeply imprinted in Wang Zhanlin's bone marrow, and he will never forget it no matter what.

At that time, the master asked him what the purpose of practicing swordsmanship was.

Young Wang Zhanlin thought for a while, then raised his head and replied firmly: "I want there to be nothing in this world that cannot be cut with the knife in my hand."

“I want nothing in this world that I can’t cut with the sword in my hand!”

The master was silent for a long time and left him a fourteen-word comment.

 The son of a tiger and leopard, although it has not yet been written down, has the spirit of eating cattle.


When Wang Zhanlin pulled out the God-Slaying Sword, the sharp blade light surged from the blade, making everyone around him feel trembling!

 Before this, no one among them could feel such a powerful momentum from a sword.

This divine sword in Wang Zhanlin's hand really seems like...there is nothing in the world that cannot be cut!

 (End of this chapter)

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