Chapter 423

 “It’s not over yet.”

Before the raging thunder light dissipated, Lin Yuan took action again.

Countless dark cursed vines quickly rose from the ground and twined in the direction of the Dark God Lord!

The Lord of Darkness, who had just been baptized by the Four Evil Thunder Shadows, had no time to react before he was firmly restrained by thorns covered with barbs.

 The power of the curse spread from the vines and thorns, causing the Dark Lord's momentum to quickly decline.

At the same time, Lin Yuan finally used his killer move!

 He poured all the power of an entire star in his body into the Xuan Lei Purple Bead!

Nearly a thousand points of star power, after being integrated into the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl, quickly combined with the thunder energy in the thunder bead, turning into a thunder light shining with the glory of the stars, piercing the sky above. middle!

 “Purple Star Thunder Punishment!”

Subsequently, under the tug of Lin Yuan, the thunder of starlight came down like a divine punishment, sweeping towards the direction of the Dark God Lord!

 “Boom, boom, boom—”

The roaring sound like thunder could not stop ringing in the ears, causing everyone's eardrums to hurt.

Under the power of the Purple Star Thunder Punishment, the body of the Dark Lord was forcibly blasted from mid-air to the ground!

The violent rolling thunder blasted a huge black hole on the ground, which looked like a ruins caused by a world-ending natural disaster.


 Among the crowd, someone swallowed hard.

Odin, Zeus, the Egyptian Pharaoh, Gabriel, and even Lin Longshou... everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on Lin Yuan, without exception.

No one could have imagined that the nearly invincible Lord of Darkness would be beaten to the point where he was unable to fight back by Lin Yuan!

Even Roderick stared blankly at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but murmur to himself: "When did such a monster appear in China..."

 He has had a head-on confrontation with the Dark God Lord, so he naturally knows how terrifying the latter's strength is.

It is precisely because of this that he can truly feel how difficult it is to suppress the Lord of Darkness!

 And the Chinese young man in front of him completely subverted his cognition!

For a moment, Roderick couldn't help but secretly rejoice that his decision not to set foot in China all these years was indeed the right one!

 Most of the powerful men from other forces have similar thoughts.

 The place in really too unfathomable.

 The younger generation has Lin Longshou, who is recognized as the strongest man in China. One person can defeat a million troops.

If we go back to the previous generation, and Wei Jingguo was still around, this old man's strength can be regarded as suppressing an entire era.

 But now, everyone has seen a monster even more terrifying than Lin Longshou and Wei Jingguo!

Although only a few people know Lin Yuan's name, after this battle, the strong men all over the world will know his existence.

Under Lin Yuan's successive rounds of attacks, even the Dark God Lord who had activated the third level of Dark Sky Demonic Body was a little unable to withstand it.

However, after a moment of respite, the body of the Dark Lord rose up from the pit again and split into seven parts!

 Seven figures, all have the same aura as the Dark God Lord!

 “The art of clone?”

Lin Yuan was slightly startled, obviously not expecting that the Lord of Darkness actually had such a skill.

Logically speaking, Lin Yuan can use the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to see through the flaws in the Dark Lord's clone and thus identify his true form.

It's a pity that Lin Yuan is not a strong man at the same level as the Dark God Lord after all.

Although he forcibly relied on the fighting states such as the 'Dragon Elephant Prison Suppressing Body' and the 'Ninth Transformation of Gods and Demons' to bring his energy and blood to the same level as the Dark God Lord, the ability of the Mangekyo Sharingan is only as good as Lin Yuan's. The strength of his mental power has nothing to do with his blood level, so naturally it is not enough to see through the moves of the Dark God Lord.

Now, the only thing he is not sure about is whether only one of these seven phantoms is the original deity, or whether there are seven phantoms, all of which have inherited part of the original deity's strength.

Before Lin Yuan could figure it out, these seven phantoms came towards him from seven different directions!

Lin Yuan was heartbroken. Since he couldn't tell the difference with the Sharingan alone, he had to find out the true identity of the Dark God Lord in actual combat!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan directly raised his hand to condense a thunder blade, and slashed at the shadow closest to him!


With a soft sound like a blade piercing flesh, Lin Yuan used the thunder blade in his hand to cut the phantom in front of him into two pieces!

However, before Lin Yuan had time to be happy, the phantom in front of him dispersed into a black mist and spread around.

 “A false identity?”

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed, and he recognized it immediately.

Furthermore, he also analyzed an additional piece of information, that is... the clone of the Dark God Lord does not seem to have much combat effectiveness.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so easily cut into two pieces with his thunder blade.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan calmed down a lot.

 A shadow without strength is no different from an illusion. It can only serve to confuse people.


Thinking of this, Lin Yuan directly summoned Susanoo.

Subsequently, with a thought in his mind, Lin Yuan clenched the thunder blade in his hand and drove the dark purple Susanoo into the opponent's formation with him!

The clones of the Dark God Lord were constantly being split into pieces under the thunder blades of him and Susanoo, scattering into black mist in the sky.

However, it won’t be long before the black mist condenses into shape again and enters the battlefield again!

  But in this process, the Dark Lord will definitely need to consume energy.

As time went by, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frown, because he noticed... something seemed not quite right about the situation in front of him.

The seven clones in front of him have all been killed once by him and Susanoo, and some have even been killed two or three times.

 But...even so, Lin Yuan has never been able to find the true location of the Dark God Lord!

Lin Yuan even began to doubt whether the true form of the Dark God Lord was among these seven phantoms.

If he wasn't there, then why would he bother to do such a thankless thing? However, before Lin Yuan could figure out the reason, the clone in front of him suddenly burst out with extremely powerful dark energy, condensed into an energy ball as dark as an abyss, and headed towards the former's chest. From the direction, a sudden blast came!


 Since Lin Yuan had been speculating on the Dark Lord's intentions, his attention was not entirely focused on the battle in front of him.

Under the opponent's sneak attack, Lin Yuan was caught off guard and was directly hit in the chest by this dark magic ball that was condensed to the extreme!

Under the huge impact, Lin Yuan's figure flew hundreds of meters away, his internal organs seemed to be overturned, and a mouthful of sweet blood could not help but pour out of his throat.

However, even though his body was severely injured, Lin Yuan's mind remained calm.

His blow was not in vain.

 At the very least, he found the true identity of the Lord of Darkness!

 “Susanoh, kill him!”

Under Lin Yuan's instructions, Susanoo took a step forward without hesitation, and his body seemed to teleport, flashing in front of the clone shadow that injured Lin Yuan!

Then, Susanoo directly raised the samurai sword shining with lightning in his hand, drew a sharp arc in the air, and slashed towards the head of the clone in front of him!


The blade blessed by lightning was so fast that it cut off the opponent's head in almost an instant!

However, what puzzled Lin Yuan was that after the head was cut off, the remains of the clone in front of him once again spread into black mist under his eyes.

How can it be? !

Lin Yuan’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Logically speaking, the one who can burst out such energy is definitely the Dark God Lord himself!

 But why…

Before Lin Yuan could recover, another majestic force came from his back!

At some point, another clone came around behind him and punched him in the back!

The force of this punch was so strong that it seemed to break Lin Yuan's spine!

“It’s not a good habit to be distracted and think about problems while fighting.”

The voice of the Lord of Darkness sounded faintly behind Lin Yuan: "By the way, I forgot to tell you, these seven phantoms are all my clones, and they are all my true self!"

After hearing what the Lord of Darkness said, Lin Yuan frowned, as if he had caught some vague clue.

  Clone…original body…

However, just when he felt like he was about to grasp the truth of the matter, the Lord of Darkness spoke again: "I know, you can roughly guess it even without me telling you."

"With only a small amount of energy consumed, the power of my body can freely switch between these seven clones."

"So... until the last moment, you have no way of knowing whether the person who appears in front of you is my clone or my true self!"

"Even if you miss the mark, I can immediately transfer my power to another clone, making your attack completely ineffective."

“So, even if you know the secret of my clone, you still can’t do anything to me!”

 The tone of the Lord of Darkness was full of pride.

 He is a proud person, so he doesn't mind revealing the secrets of his moves to Lin Yuan.

Because the Lord of Darkness just wanted to see Lin Yuan’s face showing a look of helpless despair!

 The next second, the Dark Lord once again controlled his clone and launched an almost crazy offensive against Lin Yuan!

The offensive of the Dark God Lord is mixed in with the feint attacks of the clones!

 For a moment, the Dark Lord once again took back the initiative and suppressed Lin Yuan firmly.

No matter how many clones Lin Yuan killed, he still couldn't hurt the Lord of Darkness at all.

 Because those clones will quickly re-consolidate into entities after being destroyed, the speed is so fast that it can even be ignored!

The number of clones surrounding Lin Yuan has always been seven!

Even if Lin Yuan and Susanoo join forces, they can't guard against all the clones.

The most terrible thing is that although the clone does not pose any threat, as long as Lin Yuan reveals a flaw, the Dark Lord will instantly transfer his power to the clone shadow closest to his flaw and attack without hesitation. Xiang Linyuan’s flaw!

 “No, we can’t go on like this…”

 Lin Yuan's face darkened. Under the attack of the Dark God Lord, his body had already suffered several wounds that were deep enough to show the bones. Even the self-healing ability of the resurrected body began to fail to keep up.

 If this continues, he will definitely be consumed alive by the Dark God Lord until he dies, and... the time left for the Dragon Elephant Suppressing Prison Body will not be much left.

This means that Lin Yuan must find a way!

Just when Lin Yuan just had this idea in his heart, the Lord of Darkness once again controlled the clone shadow and launched a new round of offensive!

Five clones came from five different directions, attacking Lin Yuan!

The most terrible thing is that Lin Yuan has no idea which clone shadow the Dark God Lord will transfer his power to.

Therefore, Lin Yuan must intercept all the clones and leave no opportunity for the Dark God Lord!

 “Four evil thunder shadows!”

 “Curse the thorn!”

 “Divine power!”


 In an instant, Lin Yuan used all the means he could, just to kill all the clones at once!

The purple thunder shadow, the dark cursed thorns, the twisted divine power space, the extinguishing black flames of Amaterasu... four different phenomena were intertwined together, as if an insurmountable barrier had been erected in front of Lin Yuan Barrier!

 But even so, the Dark Lord still seized the only flaw in Lin Yuan's violent offensive!


With a muffled sound, a figure rushed out from the black flames of Amaterasu and volleyed towards Lin Yuan!

And on the body of this figure, there are countless clusters of extinguished Amaterasu fire, which obviously just crossed from the flame wall!

 “You are still careless.”

The voice of the Dark God Lord sneered from the mouth of the clone.

 Obviously, he has completely transferred his own power to this clone!

It is true that Amaterasu's black flames are enough to burn everything in the world, but Lin Yuan's current mental strength has obviously not reached the corresponding level.

Even if the Lord of Darkness holds on to the power of Amaterasu, the black flames will not be able to burn him to death in just a short while!

 And this... is the flaw in Lin Yuan's offensive!

In the blink of an eye, the clone shadow that inherited the power of the Dark God rushed towards Lin Yuan!

 (End of this chapter)

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