Chapter 407 The Death of Ares!

Hearing the words of the Lord of Darkness, everyone present felt as if their hearts had fallen into an ice cellar.

 Fear is always caused by the unknown.

 In front of them, the Dark Lord... is such an 'unknown' existence.

 Because they have no idea what they have to do to defeat him.

 They have no idea **** him!

The Dark God Lord in front of him is like the invincible Demon King of the Abyss, destroying everything in front of him unscrupulously!

"Damn it... I will never let you continue to wreak havoc like this for the sake of the glory and dignity of the God of War!"

Just when everyone was silent, a burly figure, like a sharp sword, suddenly rushed out of the crowd, holding a broad sword, and attacked the Dark Lord alone!

 After he took action, someone quickly recognized his identity, Ares, Ares, the God of War in the Greek pantheon!

In myths and legends, Ares is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus. He is handsome, violent and aggressive. He is a symbol of strength and power. He is also the murderous **** of war who dominates war!

Within the pantheon of gods, Ares, the God of War, is also considered one of the strongest men. In a violent state, his strength can even rival that of Zeus!

 But facing Ares who rushed towards him like a reckless man, a sneer suddenly appeared on the face of the Dark God Lord.

Just as Ares was about to approach, there was a heartbreaking sound of metal friction, and dozens of chains made of black mist suddenly wrapped around his figure!

The speed of the black mist chain is too fast, just like a poisonous snake preying on prey, it swims out of the grass extremely quickly!

Before Ares could react, Ares' figure was imprisoned in the air by countless chains!

 “Say goodbye to this world.”

 In Ares's ears, the cold voice of the Lord of Darkness sounded faintly.

 The next second, a sword light condensed from dark energy suddenly slashed down!

With just one sword strike, the Dark Lord cut Ares's body into two pieces!

 The **** of war fell.

 Blood splattered all over the sky!

Since the distance between the two was not too far, there were even a few drops of blood splashed on the face of the Dark God Lord.

The latter stretched out his hand expressionlessly, gently wiped the blood on his face, and sighed softly: "What a pitiful person who doesn't know his own abilities."

After hearing these words from the Lord of Darkness, Zeus instantly fell into rage!

You must know that he regards everyone in the pantheon as his relatives.

Ares... has always shown a bold and carefree look, but Zeus knew that this rough guy also had his delicate side, and he also knew how to take care of other people's emotions.

 What impressed Zeus the most was the warlike side of Ares.

This guy has always had the kind of character that refuses to bow. It would be even more uncomfortable to make him admit defeat than to kill him.

It is precisely because of this that Zeus gets a headache every time he sees Ares and wants to go around the road to avoid this guy.

 Because every time Ares saw him, he would drag him to the duel field to show off the outcome, boasting that he would definitely beat him this time.

According to the rules of the pantheon, as long as you can defeat Zeus, you have the right to take over the throne of the God King.

 But Zeus knew deep down in his heart that Ares did not covet the position of King of Gods at all. He simply wanted to decide the outcome with himself.


Such a good person died in front of him like this.

Even after death, one still has to endure the ridicule of the enemy.

"I'm going to kill you...kill you!" Zeus's eyes were red, and the thunder around him surged like a wild dragon.

 He rushed towards the Dark Lord like crazy, trying to **** Ares's body from the latter's hands!

However, the Dark Lord seemed to be deliberately irritating him. Before Zeus could rush to him, those dark chains turned into blades and strangled Ares's remains into pieces of flesh and blood!

 “It’s so sad…”

The Lord of Darkness laughed provocatively: "I hope you can understand that in this world, all misfortunes are caused by the lack of ability of the person involved."

“Weak people, even their own emotions, are worthless existences.”

“Just like now, if you had the strength to kill me, would you still just stand in front of me, looking at me helplessly and angrily?”

“Okay, stop looking at me with your disgusting eyes, all of you will die today, it’s just a matter of time!”


New York City, Brooklyn Bridge.

Lin Yuan's figure is like a god, standing on the bridge.

 This bridge is littered with corpses.

These people are all members of the Dark Council who died at the hands of Lin Yuan.

 During this period of time, he has been hunting, frantically slaughtering prey that can bring him a killing point!

Now, more than sixty kings of heaven have died in his hands!

  In other words, Lin Yuan now has three thousand killing points in his hands!

 “It’s time to go back.”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and said silently in his heart.

Although he could get more kill points by continuing to hunt, he was really worried that Lin Longshou and Gabriel wouldn't be able to hold on.

 Furthermore, three thousand killing points can be redeemed in the killing point mall to obtain a strong enough combat status.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Xiaoyou's crisp dragon roar soon came from afar and resounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

The latter looked up and found a black shadow flying towards his direction at the edge of the sky. Xiaoyou's dragon wings could still be vaguely seen.

Xiaoyou's speed was not slow. In just a few breaths, she flew to Lin Yuan's side and started flying happily.

“Why, do you want to go with me too?”

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiaoyou's head with a smile.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Xiaoyou once again made a crisp dragon roar, expressing her wishes to Lin Yuan.

"Okay, then you can come with me. Anyway, even if you encounter any danger, I will be able to take you back into the pet space as soon as possible."

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment, and finally acquiesced to let Xiaoyou follow him.

Subsequently, his figure soared into the air, like a sharp arrow leaving the string, and flew towards the location of Central Park at high speed!

 (End of this chapter)

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