Chapter 406 Massacre!

However, the speed at which the jet-black blade struck was so fast that Roderick was unable to dodge completely and could only barely avoid the vital point!


With a soft sound, the dark blade cut off the bat wing on Roderick's right side.

 Under the severe pain, Roderick was forced to return to his human form.

His right arm was cut off at the root, and blood spurted out from the cut. Fortunately, Roderick, as a vampire, has a very strong self-healing ability. Within a short time, new flesh and blood grew out of the cut. A new arm grew.

However, such a rapid self-healing method is not without cost. Growing this arm consumed a lot of Roderick's energy, and his already pale face added a bit of morbidity.

 “Don’t give him every chance to defeat him, everyone joins forces to suppress him as much as possible!”

After Roderick was repulsed, Odin was the first to react. He raised Gungunir in his hand and shouted loudly to everyone!

At the same time, there was another shining holy white light, heading towards the Dark God Lord. It was obviously the twelve red archbishops who once again poured their own power into the Holy Spirit Cannon!

"Defeat each one? I said you...are you looking down on me too much?"

The Dark God laughed crazily, and the dark energy suddenly condensed on his right palm, forming a dark claw!

 The next second, the beast's claws suddenly shot out, easily shattering the white light in front of him!

However, this doesn’t end there.

After shattering the white light, the black claws tore apart in the air in the direction of the red archbishop with their original trajectory!

The claw marks condensed into substance, setting off waves of strong wind!

One of the twelve red archbishops was directly thrown away by this claw, and three extremely deep claw marks were left on his chest. His flesh and blood were blurred, and his life or death was uncertain!

"You can come together so that I can kill him more quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the Dark Lord turned into a black stream of light and rushed towards the direction of the Cardinal!

Although the Holy Spirit Cannon poses a limited threat to him, the Dark Lord still wants to destroy it before the official war begins, so as not to disturb his interest in fighting!

 “Stop him!”

Seeing the Lord of Darkness take action, Odin also became eager, urging the eight-legged Pegasus under him, trying to stop him in front of the Lord of Darkness!

 And the Nordic gods behind him also chose to keep up with him!

However, at this moment, a huge figure like a sea devil stopped in front of them!

"I'm really sorry. If I let you hinder my master from fighting, that would be my dereliction of duty as a subordinate."

A cold voice slowly sounded, and the owner of this voice was none other than Angelo!

He was injured by Lin Longshou and Gabriel before, but he quickly recovered from his injuries after the Dark Lord gave him blood essence!

You must know that with Angelou's strength, he has enough capital to challenge Lin Longshou and Gabriel at the same time!

Now, he stopped in front of Odin and others, and his intention was already quite obvious.

If you want to hinder the Lord of Darkness, you must first pass him!

"Lord God King, let us handle this guy..."

Two similar figures stepped out from behind Odin one after another. These twin brothers correspond to the God of Light and God of Darkness in Norse mythology, Baldr and Holder!

After the two men stood up from behind Odin, the divine power of light and darkness immediately surged out of their bodies, soaring into the sky like swimming dragons, with a terrifying momentum!

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." After the two of them volunteered, Odin didn't hesitate at all and immediately took the remaining gods and rushed towards the direction of the Dark Lord!

 “Want to leave?!”

Angelou's face darkened, and he obviously wanted to stop him again.

  However, Badr and Holder stopped in front of him and said calmly: "Your opponent is us."

“You’re just two useless people and you want to get rid of me? Aren’t you looking down on me a little too much?”

Angelou's face was gloomy, and the purple light on the purple tentacles around him surged, dancing wildly again, carrying extremely majestic energy fluctuations!

However, there was no fear at all on the faces of Bader and Holder.

"Whether I look down on you or not, you can tell me whether I look down on you or not. You will know after you try it."

Badr, the God of Light, stepped forward, took out a bright golden long bow from behind, and pointed it directly at Angel's head!


Dark energy is attached to the body of the Dark God Lord, making him seem to be transformed into a peerless beast from the Nine Nether Hells!

 His black claws formed from his palms were already covered with scarlet blood!

These bloodstains all come from the cardinals he killed!

 Twelve cardinals, but now he has killed only five of them!

 In less than a hundred breaths of time, seven cardinals had died at the hands of the Dark Lord.

 Such a killing rate can really only be described with the word "astonishing".

However, even so, no one stepped back even half an inch.

 The remaining five red archbishops are still defending the Holy Spirit Cannon to the death!

On their faces, which were wrinkled and dry like the bark of a dead tree, there was the most determined expression!

 Hidden within their skinny and aging bodies is a character and spirit that shines like gold!

Although the powerful men from the Pharaoh Society, the Pantheon, and the Alliance of Gods are doing their best to surround and suppress the Dark God Lord.

 However, the effect their attacks can have on the latter is indeed limited.

Even no matter how they besieged them, they could not stop the Dark Lord from continuing to kill.

Under the siege of a group of top powerhouses, the Dark God Lord seemed to be in his own back garden, strolling leisurely and contentedly, as if there was no pressure at all.

And the only thing they can do is to watch helplessly as the Dark God Lord slaughters one after another... unscrupulously!


After the cardinals were slaughtered by him, the Lord of Darkness looked indifferently and grabbed the Holy Spirit Cannon. With a fierce force, he completely destroyed it into pieces.

 Then, his indifferent eyes glanced around coldly again: "Whose turn is it next?"

 (End of this chapter)

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