Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8024: Fight Qinshan! Snatch the spirit orb!

Lin Xuan controlled the fire of heaven, and the power of thunder of heaven slowly merged.

At this moment, most of them have been integrated.

After another period of time, the two forces merged together and turned into a heavenly thunder fire.

This power is more than doubled.

It's done.

Lin Xuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Next, it's time to go to the 4th floor.

Lin Xuan acted, he used the power of heavenly thunder and fire.

Suddenly, an aura of destruction emerged.

The power of thunder and fire formed a pair of wings behind him.

With a light fan, he disappeared instantly and flew into the distance.


His speed was really too fast, and he came in an instant, the end of the third floor.

Entered the 4th floor.

The spectators outside were still looking at the light curtain and talking.

Guess what's inside.

Suddenly, at this time, someone exclaimed.

Look, the figure on the third floor has disappeared.

Where did Lin Xuan go?

I think he should try to hit the 4th floor.

No, he disappeared in an instant.

He can't get into the 4th floor so fast, right?

Will he be eliminated?

It's really possible.

However, Xu Changsheng was also taken aback.

He said: Impossible.

According to Lin Xuan's strength, it is impossible to be eliminated before the fifth layer.

Where is he?

Everyone quickly searched.

Suddenly, at this moment, Xu Changsheng was taken aback.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said: Let me just say, how could he be eliminated?

It turned out to have entered the fourth floor.

After listening to those people around, they were dumbfounded.


In an instant, Lin Xuan entered the 4th floor!

Are you kidding me?

You know, Xia Wuchen, who was the fastest before, took a lot of effort to enter the fourth floor.

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As for the others, let alone.

It can be imagined how difficult it is to enter the fourth floor of Tiandao Tower.

But now, Lin Xuan seemed to have broken this rule and entered in an instant.

This guy is going against the sky,

Could it be that he was on the 3rd floor, what treasure did he get?

Could it be that his strength suddenly increased dramatically?

Damn, what has this kid experienced during this time?

Countless people are puzzled.

On the fourth floor of Tiandao Tower, everyone began to attack the water of Tiandao.

Finally, they also came to the end of the fourth floor, and then the fifth floor.

However, the next situation has changed.

In front, there appeared a series of water curtains, like a waterfall.

Next, they will enter, among these waterfalls.

If they succeed, they will enter the fifth layer.

If they fail, they have no chance and return to the 4th floor.

They will be sent directly.

In other words, they only have one chance.

This is a very unfavorable situation for them.

Before hitting the third and fourth floors, someone tried many times before they succeeded.

But now, once these people fail, there is no second chance.

Everyone was very cautious and did not dare to be careless.

Even Xia Wuchen did not immediately make a move, he was also adjusting his state.

But at this moment, a roaring sound came from the rear.

A powerful force is approaching quickly.

Who's here again?

They turned their heads and looked around.

When they saw that it was Lin Xuan, they were stunned.

Did this kid come here too?

Xia Wuchen's face sank, but soon he gave a cold snort.

The other party came last, and was the last.

Not to be afraid.

Murong Qingcheng and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and Brother Xuan finally came.

But Lin Xuan was like a broken bamboo, and did not stop at all.

He entered in an instant, in the water curtain in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the other people's expressions also changed.

Xia Wuchen stood up and said: Do it.

He also rushed in,

Qin Shan and other veteran powerhouses also entered one after another.

Of course, there are still some people who stayed, and they are still accumulating strength.

Inside the water curtain, there is an extremely terrifying power of water.

Water, this power, is terrible.

It can swallow everything, or it can be transformed into the sharpest water jet, cutting everything off.

Everyone did not dare to be careless.

Qin Shan was very excited because he controlled the Water Lingzhu.

Here, he has a huge advantage.

Sure enough, he was like a fish in water in this place.

He quickly danced in the water curtain.

It seems that he has more than 80% chance to enter the fifth floor.

Thinking of this, his mouth raised a smile.

At this time, he was even more excited.

Because he discovered the figure of Lin Xuan in front.

In Qin Shan's eyes, there was a bit of bitterness, and he finally found this kid.

Now, he has the opportunity to challenge the opponent one-on-one, maybe he can suppress the opponent.

In that way, he was able to **** the spirit orb from the opponent's hand.

It really helped me!

Thinking of this, Qin Shan couldn't help speeding up.

Feeling the strength behind, Lin Xuan in front also turned his head suddenly.

When he saw Qin Shan, he was taken aback.

Qin Shan laughed: kid, you run.

You are running.

Finally let me catch you.

My carefully laid out Five Elements Spirit Orb plan was actually destroyed by you.

Do you know how I spent this time?

Every day, I can't wait to catch you and let you disappear.

Now, God finally gave me this opportunity.

Boy, you will know what despair is.

Lin Xuan skimmed the bead in the opponent's hand and smiled: This should be the water spirit bead, right?

You give it to me and I can spare your life. UU reading

Something looking for death, when death is imminent, dare to be arrogant.

Qin Shan was really angry, and the other party dared to threaten him.

Are you kidding me?

You know, he has the existence of 40 million **** patterns.

This kid in front of him, no matter how strong he is, even if he defeated Xia Wuque, what?

Compared to him, it was still too far behind.

Even that Xia Wuchen would not be able to defeat him.

Let alone this kid.

The idea that the other party dared to hit him with the Water Lingzhu was really foolish.

Thinking of this, he took it out with a palm.

A palm, like a vast ocean, grabbed Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan raised his hand and shot a flame.

The fire of heaven flew forward.

It turned into a flame of sword aura and slashed on the palm of the vast ocean.

The two collided, and the roaring breath swept all directions.

The Big Hand of Water stopped for a while, and then continued to rush forward.

Qin Shan sneered: Boy, it's useless, you are not my opponent at all.

Lin Xuan refused to answer, raising his hand was another thunder, which turned into a thunder dragon.

The hand of water shook again, and the water pattern on it flashed quickly.

Overcoming the strength with softness, blocked this thunderous force.

Humph, useless kid, I said long ago, you are not my opponent at all.

Obediently, just grab it.

Qin Shan was extremely excited.

This kid is nothing more than that.

Thinking of this, he continued to urge Shui's big hand, and he was about to grab Lin Xuan.

But Lin Xuan said: Really? Then you feel this power again.

After speaking, he waved his hand.

The Thunder of Heaven, merged with the Fire of Heaven to form a Thunder God Sword.

A sword slashed forward.

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