Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8023: Sword God figure! Fusion of 2 big runes!

After Xia Wuchen came, the goddess, goddess, and several top peak true gods.

As for others, the speed is slower.

These people who came in first gave an exclamation, and then they saw Lin Xuan again.

They tried to surpass Lin Xuan.

However, they stopped after not taking a few steps.

The fire of heaven here is so powerful that they can hardly bear it.

Although, they have a strong hole card.

However, it consumes a lot of power to display your hole cards.

They had to stop and regain their strength.

Just walking around like this, they still failed to surpass Lin Xuan.

Forget it, don't worry about Lin Xuan's affairs for now, they should regain their strength first.

These people's palms are printed.

Either try to absorb the power here, or take out a genius treasure and recover quickly.

Just as they recovered, some people entered the second floor.

Before long, Xia Wuchen stood up first, and walked forward again.

In his hands, there is a peerless sword!

Above the divine sword, countless sword qi flew, forming a world of kendo, covering Xia Wuchen.

Xia Wuchen strode over, and soon he passed Lin Xuan.

A smile was raised at the corner of his mouth: he finally surpassed you.

Lin Xuan did not pay attention to the other party at all, but practiced with all his strength.

A mysterious metal light burst out from his body, and his martial arts body slowly rose.

Defense and strength have become stronger than before.

Not only that, Lin Xuan used the Vulcan Rune again.

Before 10 years of fighting in the God Realm, Lin Xuan's Thunder Rune became extremely terrifying.

Now is the time to increase the power of the Vulcan Rune.

A flame rune appeared beside him.

Slowly rotate, absorbing the power of the fire of heaven.

While Lin Xuan was cultivating here, those other people set out again.

They are going to the end of the second floor, ready to enter the third floor.

Few people are willing to practice here.

After all, at the pinnacle level, if you practice any more, you will only increase the Taoism of the gods.

Their main goal now is to break through and become a prince.

Once you break through and become a prince, you will completely surpass the peak true god.

Even, in their opinion, Lin Xuan's practice now is stupid.

No matter how strong you are in cultivation, what will happen?

Even if you are invincible in the Peak God of War, what about?

No matter how strong you are, you are not the opponent of the prince.

They all felt that Lin Xuan had gone the wrong way.

However, they didn't know that what Lin Xuan cultivated was the power of immortals.

Moreover, every hole card in the hand is very powerful.

Leapfrogging is not a problem at all.

As long as Lin Xuan continued to practice, even if he didn't break through, he would be able to contend against the prince at that time.

This is something that no one else can do.

It is even unimaginable.

Murong Qingcheng and the others also came to the second floor.

They continue to set off.

When he passed Lin Xuan, Murong Qingcheng stopped and asked.

After learning about Lin Xuan's thoughts, she went on the road again.

The spectators outside the Tiandao Tower didn't know.

They found that Lin Xuan seemed to have stopped again, which made them stunned.

This kid doesn't want to repeat the same trick, right?

I will not wait until I become the last one, and then burst out instantly.

As the number one, enter the third floor, right?

This guy is really pushy.

I think this time, he can't succeed.

In Tiandao Tower, the difficulty is greatly improved every time it is upgraded.

What he can do on the first floor may not be possible on the second floor.

Sure enough, this time, Lin Xuan was not the first to enter the third floor.

But Xia Wuchen.

Except for Xia Wuchen.

Huang Wuchen, Xie Xiaoyu, Xia Wuque and others also entered the third layer one after another.

After these people entered, Lin Xuan still did not act.

When these people hit the fourth floor, Lin Xuan began to leave and entered the third floor.

Everyone shook their heads and sighed when they saw this scene.

It seemed that Lin Xuan could no longer create miracles.

The people of the Ten Thousand Swords Temple sneered: I thought he was so capable.

Unexpectedly, it is just so.

He couldn't compare with Wuchen Brother and others at all.

When Lin Xuan was on the second floor, the Martial God Body improved again.

He felt fast, approaching the sixth layer of the Martial God Body.

In addition, the power of Vulcan Rune is also greatly improved.

After absorbing the fire of heaven, the fire rune became even more terrifying.

The third layer is the world of thunder, the thunder of heaven.

Lin Xuan continued to temper his physique while taking out the Thor Rune.

Absorb the power of heaven and earth mines.

At the same time, he began to try to fuse Vulcan, in line with Thor Rune.

The fire of heaven and the thunder of heaven are terrible.

If it can be integrated, the power is more than doubled?

Once successful, it will become his killer.

However, this is not simple.

It is difficult for the two overbearing forces to merge together.

Lin Xuan also started to try, with magic fire in his left hand and immortal energy in his right hand.

He can integrate the power of the gods, and he can also integrate the power of thunder and fire.

Next, he kept trying.

At the beginning, it was difficult to blend together.

However, after Lin Xuan merged into the power of the gods.

The power of Tianlei and Tianhuo unexpectedly has the possibility of fusion.

Lin Xuan smiled.

This process lasted a long time.

Lin Xuan could feel that Xia Wuchen and others were about to hit the fourth floor.

He did not stop those people, nor did he pay too much attention to it.

Once his thunder rune, and the fire rune merge successfully.

He will have one more powerful hole card.

At that time, those people may not be his opponents.

Even Lin Xuan had the opportunity to single out Qin Shan.


The fourth floor of Tiandao Building. UU reading www. uuká

This layer is a scene like the vast ocean, this is the water of heaven.

The 4th floor was originally extremely quiet.

Suddenly, a figure emerged, it was Xia Wuchen.

At this moment, in addition to the peerless divine sword, there was one more thing on Xia Wuchen.

It was a picture scroll with a figure and a sword **** on it.

This picture scroll is called the Sword God Picture.

This is an incredible treasure.

Because the figure on this scroll is like the King of Ten Thousand Swords when he was young.

Relying on the sword **** map, Xia Wuchen entered the fourth floor as the number one.

After entering, he felt the pressure of the water of heaven around him, and he also took a breath.

He felt the picture scroll in his hand shaking slightly.

The pressure of the water in this heaven is even more terrifying.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Wuchen regained some strength first, and then proceeded to set off.

Now he is number one, and only the last two floors are left.

He has the best chance to get a view of the heavens.

As for Lin Xuan, he hasn't seen each other since the second floor.

It's not worth mentioning.

On the contrary, the other gods and true gods like Qin Shan still threatened him.

Of course, it is just a threat.

As long as Xia Wuchen treats it carefully, there should be no problem.

After him, those other people also entered one after another.

The goddess and goddess, and the top powerhouses of the old brands, came to the fourth floor.

They are also very excited, and they are very close to the target.

On the third floor, Lin Xuan still stayed there.

The divine fire in the left hand and the divine thunder in the right hand have merged for most.

An earth-shattering force diffused out.

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