Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7730: Who can compete with me

Get out of here.

  The face of Dragon Dance has changed greatly, and raising your hand is a palm.

   The huge dragon claw, with terrible light, shot towards the front.

   Dragon Scale is a shining breath,

  Dragon Dance has evolved its bloodline because it has swallowed the dragon's blood.

   didn't expect it to be stared by the other party now.

   The mysterious woman wearing a crown is also angry: you are looking for death.

   in front of her, even daring to do something with her companion, this is not to put her in her eyes at all.

   His hand waved, and the Golden Dragon Phantom on his body rushed out instantly.

   The war broke out.

   In front of this ladder, there is this pedestrian, and their speed is faster than that of Dragon Dance, etc.

   is closer to Crystal Palace.

   The breath of these people is very terrible, they are also the dragon people.

   They surrounded a battle with a car in the middle.

   This tank is very old, engraved with many mysterious runes.

  In the chariot, this is a handsome young man standing, just like a young god.

  This is Long Fei and his party.

  Longfei, with a variety of cards and artifacts in his hand, is extremely fast.

   Seeing that he is about to enter the Crystal Palace,

  Longfei's mouth raised a smile: Who can compete with me?

   At this time, there was a gust of wind from behind, blowing quickly.

   seems to be able to destroy everything in the world.

   Those strong men around the dragon clan also wobbled.

  Like the leaves in the wind, it will be blown away at any time.

   Even the tank was shaking slightly.

  The ancient runes on the chariot flashed quickly, forming a ray of light, and enveloped the dragon fly.

  Long Fei's complexion changed, and even someone dared to attack him, find him dead.

   He waved his hand, a black sword gas, towards the rear, and severely cut it.

   This sword spirit seems to be transformed into a nine-nine black dragon, with long teeth and dancing claws, enough to split the world.

   This is not ordinary sword spirit. This is the sword spirit formed by the Nine Spectral Demon Dragon Sword.

J? Can't stop this sword.

  In the violent wind, it was naturally Lin Xuan's figure.

  Before Lin Xuan relaxed, he got all the treasures in the first 5 crystal palaces.

   is exactly five of the six worlds,

   Today, it will be the last of the 6 worlds.

   Shura Road.

   Just came in, Lin Xuan felt that a breath of blood was extremely terrible.

   Lin Xuan exerted the power of Shura as if to become the **** of Shura.

   Then, at a very fast speed, rushed toward the front.

   Soon, he surpassed many people, seeing him able to enter the Crystal Palace.

   This time, it should be the same as before, he will soon be able to get the things in the Crystal Palace.

   Then leave.

   But at this time, suddenly came in front of him, an extremely terrifying sword gas.

  Originally Lin Xuan didn't care, and the general sword spirit could not threaten him at all.

Even    couldn't break his defense.

   His physique is not comparable to that of a real god. The power of chaos is really powerful.

   But when this sword spirit was about to fall on him, his face changed.

  He felt the deadly threat above this sword spirit.

   This should be a peerless artifact, the sword energy cut out.

  Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's complexion changed, and he displayed his tactics to retreat at an extremely fast speed.

  He avoided the sword.

   He stopped and looked forward.

   The next moment, he was a little stunned, he actually met an acquaintance.

  No wonder before, this sword spirit was so familiar, it turned out to be the Nine Specter Dragon Sword.

   The person in front turned out to be Long Fei.

   Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile, this guy, but his men were defeated.

   Last time, he was in the hands of the other party and got countless talents.

Achieve a lot.

  I don't know this time, what can he get on the other party?

   Lin Xuan is looking forward to it.

   Longfei and others in front turned around and looked at Lin Xuan.

   They froze for a moment, and they discovered that this was a man with a strange face.

   The other party is very young,

   They never knew each other.

   was not on the other person, and felt a whimsical atmosphere.

   The other party is not a person from the ancient gods,

   The speed of the other party is so fast.

   was able to fly fast on such a terrible ladder.

  Not even they can do it.

   Even if the dragon flies, it owns an ancient tank and is faster than others.

   But it is impossible, compared with the speed of this young man in front of him.

   What kind of baby must be on this person?

   The strong men of the Dragon clan have red eyes, but Long Fei's face is a bit cold.

  He found that the other party's eyes were as if the hunter saw his prey.

   This made him very angry,

   Did the other party treat him as prey?

  What a joke!

  What is his identity?

   He is high above him, and the hole card in his hand surpasses everything.

  Who dares to use him as prey?

   really annoying eyes! I'll catch you later, I will dig your eyes.

An old man beside    also asked coldly: Who are you? Why attack us?

  Who ordered you to come?

   sneak attack on you?

   Lin Xuan froze for a while, then smiled: You think too much, you are not qualified at all, it is worth my sneak attack.

  I just hurried, and it happened that you blocked my way.

   Now let go, don't disturb me to keep on going.

   Lin Xuan is ready to get the things in the Crystal Palace first.

   In this way, his six worlds will become stronger, and then deal with this dragon fly.

   The arrogant boy.

   The elders of the Dragon tribe were angry. Didn’t they put them in their eyes?

   Find something dead.

   A young dragon genius ahead, sneered, spurted a flash of lightning.

   This lightning draws a huge arc in the It looks like a blue thunder dragon that instantly hit Lin Xuan.


   The roaring sound sounded, the void in front, completely broken.

   countless cracks, like spider webs, spread in all directions.

   This genius of the Thunder Dragon tribe smiled: Dare to challenge us with something that is not vulnerable.

   However, the smile on his face soon disappeared, and the other people also froze.

   They found that after the huge thunder disappeared, Lin Xuan still stood there.

   There was no damage on the other person's body, no cracks at all,

how can that be?

   They were shocked,

   Especially the genius of the Thunder Dragon clan was even stupid there.

   The thunder just now is so terrible, with super destruction power.

   enough to penetrate the true **** easily,

  However, it fell on the opponent without causing any injuries.

   What a powerful defense this is.

   Lin Xuan sighed, and his eyes gradually became cold.

   Originally I wanted to enter the Crystal Palace first, but you dared to provoke me even if you didn't know how to live.

   Lin Xuan stepped out in one step, waving his hand, a huge handprint.

   appeared out of thin air, thunder dragon clan genius, instantly flipped it to the ground.

   However, your strength is too weak to withstand a blow at all.

   Don't waste my time, come on.

   Lin Xuan looked forward, his expression was indifferent, and he didn't seem to put these people in his eyes at all.



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