Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7729: People who are stronger than Protoss!

Ye Tiange's figure appeared on the rooftop, his face blank.

   is not just him, he also has other strong people beside him, and he is also stunned there.

what's the situation? How did they return to the original point?

   Soon, they understood,

   The treasure in the crystal palace ahead was taken away.

   Everyone was in an uproar: Who is it? There is such a way to go against the sky?

   Is it incredible?

   Ye Tiange's complexion was also ugly.

   He is the one walking in the forefront. He is only three meters from the Crystal Palace.

   Only one step is needed to get in.

  But at this last moment, he failed.


   was mad at him.

Who is   ? Under his eyelids, he could steal the treasure quietly.

   was so angry that he roared up in the sky, and the black vortex behind him wanted to swallow everything.

  The people around me stepped back crazy.

   At this time, among the other ladders, the strong man who swallowed the gods also flew over.

   They said: Tiange, there is a mysterious person who has taken five shots in a row.


   Ye Tiange was stunned. Originally, he thought that only the Crystal Palace in front of him was taken away.

  Where can I get it, other treasures in the Crystal Palace were also taken away.

   Moreover, it was all done by the same person.

Who is   ?

  Under the world, is there such a man against the sky?

   Even if it is the top genius of the Protoss, I’m afraid I can’t do it,

   Unless it is the top strong.

   It turned out that it was not only him who failed, but also the other Protoss people.

   Thinking of this, Ye Tiange's complexion eased a little.

   He said: This person has already angered the public, and those other people must be searching frantically.

   You stare at the point, and notify me as soon as there is news.

   I want to see, where is he sacred?

   Those other people are searching frantically, and some people even went to the last ladder.

   The other party should be there.

  In the last ladder, the number of people is increasing.

   The pressure inside is also more terrifying.

   Everyone has just stepped on the ladder, in addition to feeling a hot breath.

   They also felt a cold killing intention.

   Between heaven and earth, as if there were a pair of **** eyes, they were staring at them.

   makes them tremble,

   Even the soul seems to be extinguished.

  Good power of terror,

   Some weak people immediately retreated.

  Even the true gods are facing the enemy,

  In the last ladder, there were some strong people who were walking and exploring.

   There are people in Taixu Dragon Palace, and Dragon Dance is here.

   In addition to her, there are other walkers of the Dragon race.

   At the forefront is a figure in a black robe with a golden dragon painted on it.

   This woman in black wears a dazzling crown, she is like a queen.

   Around her, there is a lot of **** mist, which is fascinating.

  The golden dragon on her tabard seemed to come alive, and the dragon claws waved to the **** mist.

   tear some mist away,

   The mist is very thick, like a sea of ​​blood.

   Even the mysterious woman with the crown on her head frowned tightly.

   She also felt a huge pressure.

  What is the treasure in this palace? Why is murderous so monstrous?

   No longer, I can't bear it anymore, let's rest for a while.

   The disciples of the dragon clan were pale, and their eyes were tinged with blood.

   That is because, under the influence of this **** mist for a long time.

   They actually sucked out some **** breath.

   This breath of blood is quietly affecting them.

  Once their eyes are completely blood red, then they will be completely crazy.

   Even the dragon dance is pale.

   She urged the blood vessels in her body, while resisting the blood scent around her, while clearing the **** forces from the body.

   Seeing the companions around him seemed a bit overwhelming.

   The mysterious woman wearing a crown also nodded and said: Well, then we will rest for a while.

   After listening, they were relieved and quickly sat down cross-legged.

  Some magic skills, some take out genius and treasure, and swallow.

   At this time, there was a sound in the rear, and the sound of breaking the sky sounded.

   This is a voice formed by someone moving at high speed.

  The strong men of the Dragon clan were stunned, and they all turned around and looked around.

   Where is sacred? The speed is so fast.

   Dragon Dance is also surprised,

   Just now, they felt a gust of wind and blew past them.

   Let their bodies stand unsteady. At that time, they were very shocked.

   thinks there is a master, flying at high speed,

   However, they soon rejected it.

   No one can act so quickly under this pressure.

   did not expect that they now heard the voice of breaking the sky again.

   This time, they must see clearly, what is this power?

   Everyone turned their heads to look around, and the next moment, they froze.

   They found that they had an extremely terrible figure and rushed over quickly.

   Isn't it? Someone is really moving at high speed!

   How did he resist these forces?

   Even the mysterious woman wearing the crown was stunned.

  In her eyes, there was an extremely terrible golden light, flashing, staring at the rear.

   The next moment, she was stunned.

   She found that there was a huge black mist in the void, and she flew over quickly.

   The black mist was condensed and scattered, flying while being in the air, deformed.

   The pressure above the ladder, and the black mist of the killing, was blocked by the black mist.

   This feels like four or two pounds.

   The cloud of black mist instantly came to the crowd, and in the next second, they could surpass the crowd.

   But at this time, the black mist stopped.

  Black mist rolled in the air, and then one eye opened.

   It was a purple eye, very deep.

In the eyes, there was a terrible light flashing, and UU reading formed a purple flame.

   These huge eyes suddenly opened and startled everyone.

   Even though these people from the Dragon tribe come from the barren ancient times, they have never seen such a terrible scene.

   They all stood up, facing the enemy.

   Mysterious woman wearing a crown, even sneered.

Who is your Excellency? Do you want to be an enemy of our Taixu Dragon Clan?

  The golden dragon on her body seemed to come alive, and turned into a dragon shadow, covering her.

  Once the other party has any changes, she will take action as soon as possible.

   Taixu Dragon Race? It turns out that it is no wonder that the bloodline is so powerful.

   In the dark mist, there was a deep laughter, which was extremely uncomfortable.

   seems to be countless metals, colliding.

  I don’t know how much power you have in the ancient ancient dragon blood?

  The black mist rolled again, this time, in addition to the purple eyes, a row of teeth appeared.

   This row of teeth is extremely sharp, as if it were serrated.

   gleamed with cold light.

   Everyone's face changed, this guy, dare to hit their blood, the idea is to die.

  However, before they say anything, their teeth are changing again.

   turned out to be just a row of teeth, but in the end, three rows of teeth were formed, tens of meters long.

  The sharp teeth were opened, and they bite fiercely towards the crowd.

   bears the brunt of the dragon dance.

   I feel that your bloodline is extremely extraordinary, so be my food.

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