Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7669: Scramble! Suzaku star!

No more, I have to investigate. What happened during my retreat?

With a depressed look on his face, Dragon Dance left.

Lin Xuan also left, returned to his palace and continued to practice.

The speed of Dragon Dance is very fast, she learned what happened during this time.

She was shocked: it was really a shocking thing.

First, a mysterious Tongtian River appeared.

The eight **** kings all shot, and the results returned without success.

Finally, the mysterious Xuanyuan shot and swept everything.

Although the Protoss failed, they all got some blood from the Peerless King.

They also have the Taixu Dragon Palace,

This shocked Dragon Dance.

The blood of Tianlong has made her ascend quickly.

If you can get a trace of the blood of the Divine King, her strength will definitely be greatly improved.

Of course, she just thought about it.

The blood of the **** king is probably extremely precious, and there are very few people who can get it.

In addition to the Dragon King, even those elders may not necessarily get it.

It's a dragon's footsteps, there is a chance to get some.

Thinking of this, she was extremely envious.

The status of Long Tatian is really too high, and all good things can be obtained.

She sighed: This crazy god, despite his extraordinary talents, is advancing by leaps and bounds.

However, if you want to defeat Longtatian, it's not easy to say,

Not to mention within a hundred years.

First of all, in terms of cultivation resources, it is much worse.

This crazy god, I want to get the blood of the dragon, I am afraid there is no chance at all.

I don't know, what will happen to the mad **** in the future?

Dragon Dance is very worried.

She did not know that Lin Xuan had already received the blood of divine blood, and more than one drop.

It is precisely because of the blood of the Divine King that Lin Lin's strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

If you know it, I'm afraid it will be scary.

Not just Dragon Dance, I am afraid that the entire Dragon Race will be stunned.

Long Tatian will be jealous.

Next, Dragon Dance learned the second thing.

That is Long Yaotian, really got cramped.

Moreover, it was in the face of the elders.

This crazy **** is really crazy,

Dragon Dance didn't even know what to say.

However, the next thing made her even more shocked: the mad **** would lose the magical power!

It was actually favored by the Five Elements Emperor Dragon family.

This guy, really lucky, is actually looking for such a big backer.

The five-element emperor blood dragon family also has a high status in the Taixu Dragon Palace.

The strength is also very strong.

It is really enviable to find such a backer.

She found that she was completely mad by God.

Next, there is another thing that shocked Dragon Dance.

Scratch Galaxy Competition!

Suzaku Star, an ancient and mysterious world, now has a vacant guardian.

In the Dragon Palace, countless people of the Dragon clan are fighting.

So far, there have been no results.

When Dragon Dance heard the news, he got excited,

Maybe she has a chance.

Thinking of this, he moved quickly.

The competition for this quota is indeed very fierce.

But all those dragons with strength want it.

Because once you get it, the benefits are really too much.

Among them, the most advantageous one is naturally the one who has a long history.

Of course, Longtatian will not guard Suzaku.

However, there are many people in his vein, and there are also many dragons attached to his vein.

Among these people, there are countless strong men and many geniuses.

One of them has a special identity. He is called Longfei, and he is the great grandson of Long Tianyun.

It’s Long Tatian’s nephew,

Although young, he is unparalleled in talent and is a top genius.

There are countless artifacts in hand.

This time, Longfei wanted this Suzaku star.

Grandpa, you must help me get it.

Long Tianyun laughed: You can rest assured, who dares to fight with us?

Suzaku star, it must be yours!

Thank you Grandpa.

Long Fei was very happy.

He felt the winning ticket was in hand.

Suzaku's quota is like his fetch, it is already his.

He has begun to summon a group of people to Suzaku.

He is going to build his own palace.

The competition for Suzaku stars is indeed very fierce.

This time, it wasn't just Long Tianyun who robbed him. Those other people also shot.

For example, Jun Wentian shot,

He wants to grab this quota for Lin Xuan.

In addition, there are people who shot,

For example, Thunder Dragon God.

This is also an extremely terrible powerhouse.

He possessed the innate **** thunder and once fought against the forest war.

Although it failed, it showed extremely terrible power.

He also wants to **** this quota.

On the other side, Dragon Dance also found a backer.

She became a true god, her strength increased, and she was appreciated by the pterosaurs, an old man.

This ancestor also helped her to grab the quota.

The Taixu Dragon Palace looks very quiet.

However, in the depths of the Dragon Palace, among the ancient palaces, these powerful men competed for their eyes to be red.

In the end, this quota was obtained by Jun Wentian.

The dust settled!

Countless people were shocked,

Long Tianyun's face was so ugly that he was extremely murderous.

He was almost mad.

It came out before, Jun Wentian’s ancestor, Mo Mo, is still alive,

They have made them nervous.

Now Jun Wentian and others have taken a strong shot and snatched Suzaku's quota.

What do you want to do?

Is it possible to save power and save the ancestors?

Damn it, these people must never be successful!

Pterosaurs, Thunder Dragon God, and other people who compete for places are also shocked.

Now that things have settled, they can only congratulate After all, everyone belongs to the Taixu Dragon Palace.

Competition is ok, but there must be a degree,

Above this level, it is not allowed.

Long Tianyun snorted coldly, waved his big sleeves, and left with anger.

Jun Wentian is very happy, the quota has been obtained,

Next, Lin Xuan was notified.

Lin Xuan was shocked when he got the news.

Did you get the quota so quickly?

It seems that the five-element emperor blood dragon family is stronger than expected.

Next, it is the envelope.

Lin Xuan is the defender of Suzaku.

Known as: Suzaku Xingjun!

This is a grand event for Taixu Dragon Palace.

At this moment, Wanlong rushed, shocked the whole world.

The name of the mad **** swept the dragons once again.

Not only the Dragon Clan, but this time, it spread to the heavens and the world.

When Dragon Dance got the news, he was also stunned.

Was the quota obtained by the mad god? So shocking.

This crazy **** really wants to fly into the sky.

Those other people are also envious.

The name of Mad God is really thunderous.

Not long after the opponent came in, he became No. 1 in the Second Dragon Gate.

Then, enter the Three Dragon Gates strongly,

Then, pumped Long Yaotian's dragon tendons.

It didn't take long for it to become Suzaku Xingjun again.

This status becomes too unusual.

I am afraid that the general Dacheng true god, dare not easily provoke the other party!

The other party guards the ancient Suzaku star, if you develop your own strength.

It won't take long to be a behemoth!

I am afraid that in the future, the Taixu Dragon Palace will rise a new force.


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