Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7668: Mad God, who gives you courage?

Long Wu felt that Lin Xuan had swelled during this time.

She shook her head and said: You just forget it, you don't want to be so tall.

Do not think that you can relax by entering the Three Dragon Gates.

You still have to practice on the ground. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me.

I am ready to shoot Long Yaotian, that guy, who has always been against me before.

Now, after my breakthrough, I have to calculate this account for him!

In the eyes of Longwu, a gleam of light appeared.

Long Yaotian?

Lin Xuan smiled after hearing this: You don’t need to look for him anymore.

I just took out his dragon tendon.

Long Wu stunned: What did you say? Draw the other party's dragon tendon, what a joke?

Why is this guy more ridiculous?

Although Long Yaotian did not break through, but the original strength is very strong.

Even if faced with the general Dacheng true god, Long Yaotian leapfrog battle, there is no problem at all.

Where does the madness come from? Say something like this.

She was a little angry.

However, the dragon horse next to it said: Master, what Master Lin said is true.

The followers around him nodded desperately.

What's the situation?

The dragon dances are ignorant.

Do these people believe what the crazy **** said?

Are you kidding, are these people illusions?

Do you even lie to me?

Long Wu snorted coldly, a terrible breath filled out.

Molongzi and others were crushed to the ground by this breath.

They explained: Forgiveness, we did not lie to you.

This matter is known to the entire Dragon Palace.

Before Lin Gongzi and Long Yaotian, duel on the Shenlong battlefield.

That battle was frightening, and in the end, many elders of the summit came out.

The dragon dance is more and more shocked!

It seems that it is not fake.

She is stupid.

How long did she go to retreat?

How did you feel that the world has changed dramatically after coming out?

How do you feel that this world has become extremely strange?

She began to look at Lin Xuan again and found that Lin Xuan had become Xiaocheng's true god.

Very fast practice speed.

However, even Xiaocheng could not defeat Long Yaotian.

Not to mention the other party's dragon tendons.

Long Wu felt very dreamy, just like listening to myths and legends.

In fact, not only her, but the people in the whole Dragon Palace are still shocked.

If it was not what they saw, they would not believe it.

Lin Xuan smiled: Don't believe it? You should be able to believe it if you discuss it.

My current strength is not bad.

Okay, let's discuss it.

You can rest assured that I will control the power and will not hurt you.

Long Wu took a deep breath.

She also has to feel for herself, how strong is Lin Xuan's current strength?

Did this guy get another hole card?

Dragon Dance stepped out in one step, and an extremely terrifying power emerged from his body.

As soon as this force appeared, it swept in all directions.

Molongzi, Longma and others were all lifted off by this force.

When they stepped back, their faces turned pale.

It was terrible, like a peerless dragon, resurrected.

As if it could destroy everything between heaven and earth.

Is this the power of the Great God?

With a look, you can kill them in seconds.

Even Lin Xuan was very surprised.

Although Dragon Dance has just become a true god, this breath is stronger than expected.

He has seen more than one true god, even he can defeat the true god.

Like the true God who cut the dragon before, didn't he lose in his hands?

In Lin Xuan's view, Dragon Dance is definitely not his opponent.

The breath of Dragon Dance now shocked him.

It seems that the gap between the same level is really very big.

There is more than one who can leapfrog,

He is more than a talent.

This dragon dance is undoubtedly the top arrogance.

She has just become a true god, and I am afraid that her strength far exceeds that of her class.

Somewhat interesting, let me try your strength, how strong is it?

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, cast a dragon fist, and blasted towards the front.

With a bang, his fist seemed to turn into a giant dragon and roared upward.

The dragon claws waved, tearing the world and killing the dragon dance.

The dragon dance rises into the air, turns into a flying dragon, and dives down.


The two confronted each other, and the world was falling apart, as if the world were to be destroyed.

The two dragons roared through the world,

The flying dragon was even beaten out.

Dragon Dance stepped back a few steps, blood tumbling.

How can this be?

She was really shocked,

She couldn't suppress each other!

She is a big realm higher than the other side, why could he not be the other side?

You know, the talent of Dragon Dance is top-notch.

Why is this guy so powerful?

Has he practiced Dragon Dao Wushen tactics to such a terrible state?

Long Wu now understands why Lin Xuan dares to challenge Long Tatian.

This guy itself is a demon against the sky.

Somewhat interesting, I just became a true god, and I don't know my strength. How strong is it?

You can just become my opponent, let me show some real power.

Dragon Dance rose into the air, and a pair of wings appeared behind her.

Those are the wings of a pair of flying dragons, and the dragon scales flickered with a terrible light.

Supernatural power: Flying dragon in the sky!

Between breathing and breathing, the Heaven and Earth Avenue on Dragon Dance exploded in an He displayed the flying dragon in Heaven's tactics, and those wings suddenly gleamed with light, and the sword was soaring.

A dragon scale turned into a sword spirit.

Countless sword qi fell, the flying dragon roared all over the sky.

This scene is really shocking.

Lin Xuan laughed loudly, opened his hands to the sky like a peerless **** of war.

His two palms seemed to turn into the claws of the dragon, and they grabbed forward.

Wherever they passed, those flying dragon phantoms kept breaking.

The earth-shattering duel, the two gods are colliding.

After a blow, Lin Xuan withdrew his palm, his body was unharmed, and his face was extremely calm.

The dragon dance on the opposite side is retreating nonstop, blood tumbling and pale.

Was she suppressed again in the duel?

What a terrible power!

Dragon Dance was shocked.

This time, there was no luck, no fluke, it was real power suppression.

She knew that Lin Xuan's strength was above her.

Although it is difficult to accept, although I do not know what happened during this time?

However, this is a fact.

How can you become so strong?

Long Wu asked in surprise.

To be honest, she was too shocked.

She has just made a breakthrough and became a true god. She is ready to sweep everything and become famous in the Sanlongmen.

Now, he was defeated by Lin Xuan.

You know, the time for Lin Xuan to enter Sanlongmen is the shortest.

You don't have to be discouraged.

Lin Xuan said: Not that you are too weak, but I am a little strong.

With your current strength, it is estimated that it is also very simple to defeat Long Yaotian.

Long Wu's speechless face,

Although I know, the other party is kindly explaining.

How do you feel that this makes people vomit blood?


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