Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7648: breakthrough! Xiaocheng true god!

Hearing this, everyone laughed,

They still take away first, the other few, the blood of God King flying out!

The chaotic old man, sending a sound towards the front.

The two elders, Lin Wudi, have already appeared. I am afraid that the news here will also be known to God Realm.

We have to speed up, in case the strong man of God Realm comes, it will not be good.

The two pinnacle gods of the battle ahead also frowned slightly when they heard the news.

Soon they laughed, and Chuanyin said that news had been sent back to the family, allowing them to stare at the trail of fighting God of War.

Although God Realm is very strong, but there is no God King at its peak, if you want to shoot, it is just fighting God of War.

If the God of Fighting takes action, there will definitely be someone on our side to contain him.

So no need to worry.

These things will be in trouble if they are learned by other ancient gods.

They shot forcefully,

The two joined forces and came up with Chaos Tripod.

This Fang Ding, with a chaotic atmosphere, glowed with horror.

The air of chaos is enough to open the earth when it falls.

The two of them worked hard to absorb the blood of gold.

The golden blood of the gods is quickly condensed and turned into a golden figure.

The other party stood between the heavens and the earth, looking down on the people, like a peerless **** king, resurrected.

A big gold hand fell all over the place.

This palm caught the chaotic tripod and made a tremendous sound when photographed on it.

The figures of the two peaks were all flicked out and vomited blood.

Their face was shocked: Damn, these golden **** blood, it is impossible, are you still conscious?

It was terrible that they were able to reunite to form a figure.

He must be disbanded, otherwise, the other party may exhibit his magical powers.

The two roared and shot with all their strength, they all started desperately.

With the help of this chaotic tripod, they killed the past.

This chaotic tripod, and its extraordinary, turned out to be as good as the figure of gold.

In the process, they also shattered the golden figure once.

Some golden **** blood flew out and flew in all directions.

The big gods around me, when they saw this scene, their eyes were red.

They said: they can get a little bit by joining forces to suppress it.

After these things are obtained, they can enhance their blood and strengthen their divine power.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity,

These people go crazy.

However, in a short time, they are difficult to obtain.

After all, the blood of the **** king is too horrible, and they need their full efforts to suppress it.

On the other side, Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile.

The fairy Dao in his body reached 5 million Dao, and finally became Xiaocheng's true god.

He was so excited,

In a very short period of time, he was able to break through and become Xiaocheng's true god.

This is worth it. Ten thousand years of hard work, this drop of gold blood is really extraordinary.

Thank you, Dalong.

Lin Xuan was very happy.

The real **** of dragon slashing, I don’t know if you can stop my punch now?

In Lin Xuan's eyes, an extremely cold light burst into bloom, and he cast his eyes in reincarnation and looked into the distance.

He found that the war ahead was even more terrifying,

That breath gave him a fatal crisis.

The true God at the peak is really strong enough.

Dacheng's true god, under normal circumstances, Lin Xuan is not in the eyes.

Lin Xuan began to search and cut the figure of the true God of the dragon. Soon, he found it.

He found that the true God of Dragon Slashing was chasing after, a trace of golden blood.

Lin Xuan shook his figure and disappeared.

In front, the true **** of dragon slashing, cast his own dragon slashing sword, and turned into a sword field.

He was suppressing a trace of golden blood.

He is extremely excited, if he can get it, then he can improve his strength.

But at this time, the sky and earth broke apart, with a ray of light, and fell.

Take away directly, that golden blood.

The true **** of dragon slashing is crazy: who is it? Looking for death? Dare to grab my stuff.

Get me out.

He growled wildly.

You are really a waste, a trace of blood, you haven't won it after playing for a long time.

The mocking voice sounded, and the true God of Dragon Slashing was mad, and he looked towards the front.

The next moment, he was stunned: Lin invincible, you even dare to come out.

He is murderous: This time, I will not spare you.


Waving the dragon sword and killing the front.

If you can destroy the opponent, you can not only complete the task, but also get the baby on the opponent.

On the other side, there is a drop of walnut-sized golden blood.

Facing this peerless sword, Lin Xuan raised a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He did not show his sword, but reached out his palm and grabbed it in front.

The palm of his hand, with a chaotic atmosphere, seemed to be transformed into a world.

The volley fell.

The true **** of dragon slaying is ignorant: is this guy too arrogant?

He admitted that he had lost to Lin Xuan before, but that was just a defeat.

He was defeated when the two sides were shocked.

Moreover, he was defeated by the full blow of the Dragon Sword.

In other words, if Lin Xuan does not use the Dragon Sword, he is not his opponent at all.

Now, Lin Xuan actually wanted to fight against his dragon sword with his bare hands,

Are you kidding me?

The other party is already arrogant, is it so?

You will pay the price.

Slashing the true **** of the dragon, roaring again and again.

Deservedly, UU read

The sky cracked, slashing the dragon sword, and slashing fiercely on the other's palm.


The dragon-cutting **** smiled,

Soon the smile on his face disappeared, and his eyes were almost staring out.

What did he see?

Lin Xuan even grabbed his dragon sword with his bare hands.

Is this impossible?

The true God of Dragon Slashing is crazy: the other party can't stop it.

With his peerless sword, he was able to split the other body,

Why did it fail now?


Lin Xuan laughed in the sky, and his physique really changed dramatically.

If it was before, Lin Xuan couldn't stop this sword.

His arm will be cut off, and he can only contend with his opponent's dragon-cutting sword by using his peerless sword sword.

Today, only by virtue of physical strength, Lin Xuan can block the opponent's dragon sword.

The improvement of Xiuwei brought him more power.

When Lin Xuan looked down, there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

He said in a cold voice: Today, you are no longer my opponent.

After that, his other palm was photographed and turned into the claws of the dragon, and landed.

The power of the Dragon Dao Wushen Jue broke out again,

This blow will shroud the true **** of the dragon.

I don't believe it, get me off.

The true God of Dragon Slaying roared again and again, and his sword raged into the sky, turning into a monstrous fire, sweeping out.

However, under this palm, it kept breaking.

The real **** of dragon slashing was beaten and flew out, his body split open, and white bones appeared.

Divine blood spilled everywhere.

He was completely stupid,

Did the other party hit him seriously with a slap?


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