Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7647: crisis! 6 Great Gods join forces!

The blood of the **** king is really terrible, even a trace is enough to make these great true gods move.

They are ready to shoot.

Lin Xuan, hidden in the dark, changed his face when he saw this scene.

He couldn’t participate in the battle ahead,

However, he would not miss the few drops of the blood of God King.

Taking a deep breath, he rushed over quickly.

He turned into a dragon shadow, the speed was almost extreme, and there were countless lightnings under his feet, flying.

At the same time, he summoned out Sendai, which is what he got in the life mountain.

Extremely mysterious.

He stared at one of them, walnut-sized blood! Rushed past quickly.

As he approached, his body shivered.

No way, just a drop of golden blood, but with a tremendous divine power.

Wherever he passed, everything collapsed and there was nothing to resist, even his chaotic body seemed to be unable to resist.

Lin Xuan roared: Six reincarnations.

The six worlds flew out and surrounded him constantly, to resist this slight power.

Sendai in his hand also flew out, and fell down fiercely.


Lin Xuan roared upward.

Above Sendai, there is a mysterious fairy gas, which fell down and enveloped this drop of golden blood!


The two collided, making an earth-shattering sound, as if it were earth-shaking.

This voice is really terrifying, sweeping around in all directions, the few big gods in front of them are all stunned.

what happened?

They just saw that the golden **** blood flew out, and they weren't ready to take the shot yet, did anyone get the shot first?

They looked around,

The next moment, they saw a young man, who was quickly shooting.

Who is this person?

There are a few great gods, slightly stunned.

However, the true **** of dragon-cutting is a big change in his face: Lin invincible, you dare to come out!

Everyone is quick to shoot, he is Lin Wudi.

what? it's him! It's really bold, even dare to grab the baby in front of us.

You really don't know what to do!

Take him, kill two birds with one stone.

Several great gods came together and killed them together.

The real **** of slashing dragon sneered: Lin invincible, boy, you are strong, able to contend to become a true god.

However, you can only block one,

Today, several great gods come together, and you will die without a doubt.

He smiled proudly.

Lin Xuan was shrouded by several great gods, and the crisis was at its extreme.

Boy, obediently obey.

A few great gods became powerful poles. In their eyes, a terrible divine light burst into the world.

Afterwards, they reached out their palms and slapped them forward, breaking the void and suppressing everything.

They are extremely arrogant, they did not take Lin Xuan's eyes at all.

Lin Xuan snorted.

Suddenly, he took Sendai back to his side.

A mysterious breath fell on it, covering his body.

Originally the golden blood of the gods was suppressed by Sendai, and the two competed and could not stand still.

At this moment, the power of Sendai suddenly disappeared, and the divine power above the golden blood suddenly exploded, sweeping the world.


The big hands were instantly pierced by the golden light, and the sound of screaming came.

A few great gods, looking terrified,

It's terrible, they can't resist just a trace of power.

The abominable Lin invincible dare to pit us.

Several great gods come back quickly,

Lin Xuan seized this opportunity.

He again used the power of Sendai to suppress the golden blood,

Finally, this Fangxiantai shrouded the golden blood.

When he saw this scene, Lin Xuan took Sendai and turned around and left.

Damn it, leaving the blood of the **** king.

A few great gods in the rear are crazy,

They attacked frantically and passed quickly.

Lin Xuan's speed is no slower than them.

After a long time, they did not catch up.

Among them, one of the great gods said: We will go back if we have no way to pursue it.

Yeah, he just snatched a drop of gold blood, and then there are many.

We don’t have to, we waste time here.

After listening to the true God, he also gritted his teeth: he spared the kid first.

They turned and left.

On the other side, Lin Xuan stopped and breathed a sigh of relief: too dangerous.

These are the six great true gods. Once they are surrounded, they are really mortal.

He succeeded!

There is a feeling of dreaming,

Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile.

Seeking wealth and insurance, this time the harvest is very big.

Before, he only got a little bit of the blood of the emperor, and after absorbing it, he could feel that the power in the body had increased.

Now, such a drop of golden blood can still enhance his strength.

Maybe, Lin Xuan can make a breakthrough in one fell swoop and become Xiaocheng's true god.

If he became a true god, Lin Xuan would not be afraid of those people.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan found a place and quickly practiced,

He wants to absorb it with all his strength, this blood of the King of God!

The dragon roaring inside the body also began to absorb the power of the blood of the **** king, and the six worlds emerged.

In Lin Xuan's body, the mysterious power of a fairy appeared, and he absorbed like crazy.

If other people see this scene, they will be shocked.

Even if you become a true god, don’t dare to absorb it so crazy,

You know, this is the blood of God King.

The power above is really terrible, they simply cannot bear it.

However, Lin Xuan didn't care, because Lin Xuan had the Dragon Sword Soul.

The origin of the Dragon Sword Soul, and its extraordinary.

Lin Xuan gave the blood of God King to Dalong Jianhun to enhance the strength of Dalong Jianhun. UU reading books

Then, the Dragon Sword Soul gave him a part of strength.

These are the powers of Kendo, and Lin Xuan can be perfectly integrated.

Lin Xuan can use this method to absorb the blood of God King in a very short time.

When practicing, Lin Xuan also thought that if the wine master is here, perhaps the speed of cultivation will be faster.

After all, the master is in control of swallowing the sword, enough to swallow everything.

If the wine master is here, he might be able to swallow it, more golden blood.

Lin Xuan used the Dragon Sword Soul. This indirect method is already extremely fast.

However, it should be no better than devouring the sword.

The immortal Taoism in Lin Xuan's body is improving at an extremely rapid rate.

Da Long said: Boy, this is not your chance.

After all, I am not devouring a sword. This method cannot be used often.

I understand that this time, I will definitely be able to break through.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, an extremely chilling light appeared.

On the other side, six dragons, the true gods, etc., went back.

Chaos Scholars and others flew over and asked: Did you catch the kid?

The True God of Dragon-cutting shook his head: No, let the boy run away.

Damn it, the kid is fast.

The chaotic old man also gritted his teeth: he was robbed of a drop, the blood of the **** king.

It's nothing.

Another great true **** said: Even if he got it, he couldn't absorb it.

Even we can’t absorb it,

This thing can only be put away first, and then slowly absorbed.

For thousands of years, there was no improvement at all. He grabbed it and placed it there for the time being.

Later, we find him, and we can get it back.


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