Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7486: Heavenly Emperor Snow Dragon! (two)

He discovered that it was not a monster but a woman who fought against the three troll wolves.

The woman in Tsing Yi,

This woman has a dragon horn on her forehead and a dragon's breath on her body, which is obviously a dragon.

However, the cultivation of the other party made him very surprised, which turned out to be a demigod.

A demi-god, dare to challenge the three true gods, and it seems that he has not fallen yet,

This is too unusual.

This man either hides his strength and is a master like him,

Either there must be some kind of baby.

Lin Xuan was very curious and flew towards the front,

When he came to the neighborhood, he silently watched the game, he found that there was a baby on the other side.

This woman is very powerful, she can leapfrog,

Has the power comparable to the true God.

However, this can only block a true devil wolf,

As for the other two true gods, the demon wolf was blocked by a weapon.

It was a white ring. The constant rotation in the air releases a boundless chill.

There are snowflakes flying between heaven and earth,

It was this weapon that blocked the attacks of two other true gods,

It seems that it is almost unsustainable,

At the next moment, the woman in Tsing Yi stepped back quickly.

The three true gods and wolves quickly pursued,

They have fangs in their hands, and every time they fall, it is possible for this woman to die out,

However, the woman's body is extremely ethereal, and she constantly releases the ice in the ring to slow the speed of the magic wolf.

If you look like this, you should be able to run away without accident.

Lin Xuan watched silently. After he was ready to wait for the woman to leave, he shot out the three troll wolves.

In the past few days, Lin Xuan ’s greatest feeling is that during the ancient times, the true **** seemed really ordinary, everywhere.

No wonder the worlds can't resist it.

However, this also gave him a chance,

The more True God-level monsters that Lin Xuan beheaded, the faster he will practice and improve.

Lin Xuan has too many cards, according to the previous state, if you want to improve quickly, the chance is very small.

But in this barren area, his chances have become great.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred ahead.

An ancient tree next to them, those vines suddenly flew out, like chains, and immediately enveloped the woman in Tsing Yi,

Tsing Yi woman tries her best to resist, waving her arms

Boundless ice enveloped these vines and completely frozen them.

However, it is not useful.

In the ice, these vines can still move quickly.

Soon, half of the body of the Tsing Yi woman was enveloped, and she was about to be engulfed completely

The woman in Tsing Yi made a miserable voice,

Quickly save me, we are people of the same race.

As a disciple of the Dragon Palace, you can't save yourself from death.

Lin Xuan was slightly surprised, the other party actually discovered his existence!

It's incredible!

Now that he has discovered it, he is ready to rescue him.

Lin Xuan put away Qixing Longyuan, flicked his fingers, and a ball of flame flew out.

Turned into the Nine Yang Divine Dragon, overwhelmingly killed down, and instantly hit the vines,

Several vines were shaken and flew out, but they did not break, and the light above them shone like a god's iron.

saved. The Tsing Yi woman sighed with relief and turned to look around.

The next moment, she saw a handsome, very marvelous man come out.

Thank you, Brother. Her grateful face,

Lin Xuan looked around and said, "How can we kill them together?"

The woman in Tsing Yi froze a little,

Ke Linxuan has already started

Lin Xuan took the lead to kill the mysterious vine.

With his hands out, he caught the vine,

The vine was angry, just like the sky snake, began to counterattack, and immediately enveloped Lin Xuan, wanting to strangle Lin Xuan

Lin Xuan roared to the sky and shattered everything. How powerful is his physique, how can an ordinary true **** resist it?

Shred the vines directly.

When I saw this scene, the Tsing Yi woman was stunned, so strong.

It seems that there is no problem even with hands,

She continued to blow the ring, this time the ice on the non-stop dancing, turned into an ice dragon, hovering over nine days, the faucet spit out endless snow.

Thick frost appeared on a demon wolf, the speed became slower and slower, and finally turned into an ice sculpture.

The other two magic wolves, pushing the wolf teeth, want to save their companions.

Lin Xuan has rushed over.

The powerful fist is simple and unpretentious, but with the power of chaos, it directly blasts the mace.

The fist hit the demon wolf and instantly penetrated the opponent's body.

So strong! The woman in Tsing Yi was very surprised. These three troll wolves are the first true gods, and the shinto patterns in their bodies are only about 100,000.

It is very weak in the real body.

But in any case, it is also the true god. After becoming a true god, his physique is very powerful. It is not a magic weapon and cannot hurt the other party.

Lin Xuan, with a pair of fists, easily penetrated the true God's body.

This physique is too strong.

I don't know which dragon is.

The woman in Tsing Yi suppressed the surprise in her heart and put her hands into it,

In the end, he beheaded a troll wolf,

Lin Xuan killed the remaining two ends,

Lin Xuan put away their inner dan without hesitation,

Three inner gods of the true god.

After being absorbed, the fairy Tao in his body can be increased again.

Thank you, Brother. The woman in Tsing Yi fell down and saluted,

My name is Feng Qingxue, and I do n’t know what Senior Brother calls it.

Feng Qingxue is very curious, she doesn't seem to have heard of such a powerful disciple, right?

Seeing what the other party looks like, it should be just a disciple of Yilongmen,

When did such a genius appear in the Dragon Palace?

Lin Xuan laughed, "Don't call me brother, I can't afford it. I just just joined a disciple in the Dragon Palace."

Just joined the Dragon Palace? Amorous feelings are very surprised. Are you the dragon people outside?

You are the warrior of this era!

She was so shocked,

The warriors of this era, in their eyes, are like small ants.

too weak,

One of their ordinary disciples, UU reads and can sweep a starry sky.

There are no strong men in this era, and there is nothing to look forward to.

But unexpectedly, Lin Xuan was so powerful,

"Are you the strongest genius of this era?"

"I don't know if it is the strongest, but I am better than the average true god."

Both sides know each other,

Lin Xuan used the title of mad **** and said that he came from the Balong tribe,

As for the other party, he also learned.

This woman was named Feng Qingxue, and he was a **** of cultivation. He was also a disciple of Yilongmen,

The bloodline of the other party is extremely extraordinary.

The other party is Cangtian Emperor Xuelong.


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