Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7485: Sweep, troll! (One)

Looking at the hundreds of red foxes rushing in, Lin Xuan's eyes appeared a bit cold.

He took out Qixing Longyuan, his figure swayed, and rushed towards the front.

In the forest, the sword's qi flickered and the vastness was incomparable. With each sword, a blaze of fire disappeared and a red fox fell.

These red fire foxes are very powerful and extraordinary in blood, and are wild monsters.

However, Lin Xuan is even more terrifying.

Soon after, Lin Xuan killed hundreds of red foxes and took their deserted ancient Nedan.

Lin Xuan put it away carefully,

Hundreds of red foxes were received in the storage ring.

Lin Xuan continued to set off,

The next target is the troll wolf.

The ordinary troll wolf is about 50 meters tall and is a half-step true god.

Once at the level of the true god, the height is as high as hundreds of meters, and the power on the body is terrible.

In one breath, ordinary disciples can be killed!

In a valley, Lin Xuan met three troll wolves, up to 50 meters high, who were three deities.

There was a monstrous magical energy around him, like a cloud of mist, covering them.

Those eyes were extremely red.

In the valley, there is also a monster, that is a big snake, several hundred meters long,

Has been beheaded by three troll wolves.

At this moment, they were about to swallow the serpent, but unexpectedly, there was an uninvited guest in the valley.

Turned around and found that it was a human,

Little ant?

A troll wolf exhaled a breath of magic,

When the magic energy first came out, it was just a small whirlwind.

But in the air, it keeps getting bigger, and it instantly descends from the sky like a tornado.

Like a black pagoda, Lin Xuan enveloped him.

After Lin Xuan was shrouded, the magical energy in the hurricane was transformed into a magic knife, which could be easily split, and the demigod body.

However, when he hit Lin Xuan, he made a tremendous voice.

Lin Xuan cast a chaotic body and directly shattered all these wind blades,

The next moment, he slashed out with a sword.

The swordsmanship of the heavens.

The heavy sword gas split the hurricane and cut the troll wolf in half.

A sword spike,

The remaining two companions, also facing the enemy, made a roar of wolves.

This sound can enhance their blood, and at the same time, they can also summon companions.

As their voice sounded, Lin Xuan discovered that the demon qi on these two troll wolves rolled violently.

It seems to be boiling.

Those magic qi suddenly spread in all directions, covering the whole valley.

In the magic energy, with the power of destruction, once hit, the consequences are unimaginable.

Lin Xuan's sword spirit turned into a fire dragon with open teeth and claws,

Wherever he passed, all the demonic energy disappeared.

The two dragon claws of the fire dragon grabbed the huge body of the troll wolf and waved hard.

The two behemoths were directly torn into blood mist.

In an instant, the three troll wolves fell down, and Lin Xuan took away their deserted ancient Nedan.

Even with the big snake, he was received in the storage.

Just after doing all this, the void around him shook.

The whole valley was also rickety, and a crack appeared on it, and it shattered instantly.

Lin Xuan found that dozens of behemoths appeared again around the valley.

They are all troll wolves, and their eyes are red and murderous.

This is the companion summoned by the previous wolf roar.

Feeling the falling breath of their companions, these troll wolves went crazy, and began to run in a big step.

Stepped out, the mountains and rivers shattered.

In the distance, there is a terrible roar, which is a figure as high as 100 meters.

The magical energy around him kept turning into one mysterious rune after another, that is the rune of the magic road, and the rune of the ancient.

These runes surround the body and form a battle armor.

This is a troll wolf of the true **** level and a leader.

He not only condensed the armor, but also had this weapon in his hand, which was also the weapon he condensed.

It was a black wolf tooth, with thorns on it, enough to break the world easily.

The fangs waved like a mountain and fell.

This is the power of the true god. This blow is even more terrifying than the previous god.

It is conceivable how terrifying the bloodline of these troll wolves is.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, waved his hand, and the **** world emerged, covering the whole world.

Cover all these troll wolves,

These troll wolves were a little dazed.

How do you feel that the new breath is more terrible than the magical breath of them?

who are you?

The troll shouted coldly.

I am a disciple of the Taixu Dragon Palace.

It turned out to be a disciple of Dragon Palace!

The troll wolf sneered: Boy, I haven't eaten dragon meat in a long time. I often eat your disciples in the Dragon Palace.

Be my food.

He also did not tell lies, the Taixu Dragon Palace, in addition to the powerful disciples of the true gods, there are some servants, these are also dragons.

But these people, only the cultivation level of land gods, are really not opponents in front of this troll wolf.

Who becomes food, not necessarily?

Lin Xuan sneered, he snapped his fingers.

The world of **** is tumbling violently, and the world is condensed to form, one sword after another.

With a wave of his hand, the heavenly sword of **** fell overwhelmingly.

The bodies of those troll wolves were penetrated immediately.

One after another, the behemoth fell to the ground and let out a growl, but they couldn't compete.


The troll wolf leader roared, and the fangs in his hand waved fiercely, hitting these **** swords.

He even sent some **** swords to Zhenfei.

However, immediately afterwards, more regional swords rushed over.

The leader of the troll wolf, roaring in the sky, extended the armor to the extreme,

However, it can't resist.

Its body is penetrated.

You are not in the Dragon Palace, who are you?

He roared wildly.

I am a mad god, go to hell.

Lin Xuan snorted and completely killed the troll leader.

There are dozens of wild ancient Nedans.

Lin Xuan discovered that this leader's barren ancient Nedan was much stronger than the demigod's.

The demigod is only the size of a nail, and this leader's Neidan, UU reading, is actually the size of a walnut, which contains more power.

What a surprise.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Xuan put away the **** world and continued to head towards the forest.

In the next few days, he has harvested, and together, there are already as many as 200 deserted ancient dantans.

He planned to explore for another day, and then went back, first absorbing these inner dans in his hand, and then came out to look for prey.

Half a day later, Lin Xuan discovered that there was a fighting sound ahead, and it was very intense.

There are even three true god-level breaths. Looking at that figure, it should be three true god-level demon wolves.

I don't know who is playing against him? Is it another monster?

Lin Xuan cast his reincarnation eyes and looked into the distance.

He froze slightly.

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