Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7391: Battle, Holy God! (three)

The battle of Fei Sendai broke out completely and was very shocking.

However, it is not the same as those strong men who died in the camp.

They can kill each other in an instant.

They found that these people seemed to block the formation, which was incredible!

Although the other party has several true gods, the number of heavenly masters on their side is also large.

There are several second masters, not to mention other top-level array masters.

Using the power of heaven and earth here, as well as the power of the Tianyan array, it is not easy to kill these people.

But soon they found it wrong,

The opponent did not fall, but resisted.

Damn it was the cause of those weapons.

The red-haired old man frowned tightly: the origin of these weapons seems unusual.

That's right.

In the distance, there is a powerful Heavenly Master, this is a woman.

The palms of her two palms have two eyes, one black and one white.

At this moment, the runes kept flashing above both eyes.

The mysterious woman said: The broken knife looks like a unicorn knife.

With super strong combat power, it can break the world with one stroke.

The eyes of her palm stared at the other world.

She quickly said: As for Fang Ding, it seems that it is a virtual sky tripod, which can be integrated into the void, and the virtual and the real can be transformed.

As for the flag-like things, they are all enchanting monsters, capable of transmuting countless monster souls.

There is also a large seal, which is the seal of emperor, with the mighty power of heaven and earth.

These four artifacts are not weaker than true gods, and even stronger than ordinary true gods.

They have mysterious power.

As for the weapon that fought against Xiao Ruoshui's predecessor, if I guessed it well, it should be the legendary Xuantian Chop Sword.

The words of this woman stunned everyone who went to the camp.

Every weapon is very powerful and famous.

Just to make them wonder, aren't all these weapons in Tianyuan?

Especially the Xuantian Sword of Soul, it is said that it has disappeared for many thousands of years, but I did not expect it to appear again.

It is incredible that these weapons have joined forces with these people from the outside world.

Let ’s do our best, and be sure to suppress them. If you ca n’t do it, send them to Fei Sendai.

However, this is the last resort.

You can't do it without a last resort.

The mysterious woman frowned.

The red-haired old man said: Don't be so pessimistic, we may not lose.

Do n’t forget, we have Supreme Master, and two Masters of the Third Rank.

I don't believe that the other party can stand up to it.

Also, these people may be able to compete in a short time, but over time, these people will undoubtedly die.

Lin Xuan did feel the crisis,

The opponent raised their hands and formed an ancient rune.

With destructive power, when he fell from the sky, his body shook slightly.

This power was so terrible that Lin Xuan didn't dare to have the slightest intention.

Sword into Tai Chi,

Formed a Tai Chi map, rushed forward quickly.

The Taiji chart rushed directly into the clouds and kept spinning,

The power of Yin and Yang turned into a huge vortex.

Taiji Liangyi confronted that devastating force with Rou Kegong.

The collision between the two is a silent collision. The whole world shakes violently.

Numerous large cracks swept the Quartet.

Originally around them, there were still some people fighting.

However, they were immediately blown out by this force and vomited blood.

No one will dare to approach these two people anymore.

I saw that Taiji picture, tumbling violently, as if turned into a sea of ​​abyss, trying to engulf the power of destruction.

However, this force of destruction was too horrible, and this Taiji picture was played, shaking violently.

Some forces flew out and immediately destroyed the world.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, his brows frowned tightly, and the sword in his hand was exhibited again.

Sun and moon on the same day.

The figure of Taiji blooms with hundreds of millions of rays, flying out of countless swords, turning into the moon and the sun, rotating between heaven and earth.

Lin Xuan thoroughly used the two tactics of swordsmanship,

Two black and white figures flew out again.

They crossed over, this ancient rune, killed into the sky, they wanted to kill the Holy Innocent God.

The holy innocence of God frowned slightly: I did not expect that he could not kill each other in a second.

As Supreme Being, this made him intolerable.

Especially when he saw the other party, he dared to take the initiative to kill him, and he was extremely angry.

A flick of the finger, and two more characters, rushed over, hitting two black and white figures.

The two figures shook violently, and then turned into clouds of smoke, dissipating in the void.

Was it broken?

Lin Xuan frowned tightly, this is not an ordinary attack, this is a yin and yang sky, powerful.

Unexpectedly, it would be easily broken by the other party!

Sure enough, he is a peerless powerhouse, much stronger than Ren Tianyue.

Little ant, you are better than I thought. I am very interested in your sword skills.

I do n’t know if you can resist it next? Because I'm going to do my best.

Holy innocence, a cold smile raised at the corner of his mouth ~ ~ The next moment, he sang a cold drink.

I also ask you to divide the battlefield, I am afraid of accidentally hurting you.

When I heard these words, the mages of the array mages heading to the camp were numb.

It seems that the Supreme Master is going to do his best.

Fortunately, they had prepared before, and they had arranged the matrix method for a long time, which could separate the spaces and condense to form one space after another.

These people, fighting in different spaces, can avoid accidental injuries.

After all, there are too many strong men in this battle, and there are many light gods and heavenly masters.

Not to mention this, there are Supreme Master and Sanpin Heavenly Master.

With a little carelessness, it is even possible that everyone will die.

They played an array that was arranged in advance, and they were immediately cut apart and turned into spaces one after another.

Everyone was scattered, and Lin Xuan's figure also entered a space and disappeared.

What a magical means.

Lin Xuan frowned tightly when she saw this scene.

The other array mages in 4 weeks have disappeared.

He also couldn't see Murong Qingcheng and others.

There is only one figure in this space, and that is the Holy God.

Alright, boy, nothing can affect me, and I have no worries.

Do n’t expect anyone to save you, now, come up with your strongest swordsmanship.

Because you have the possibility, you will be kicked by me.

With a wave of the holy innocent God, a weapon, a golden weapon appeared in his hand.

This weapon is called Holy Pen.

This is his weapon, used to splatter all kinds of ancient heavenly runes, the power is even more terrible.

The holy innocent God was very powerful when he swayed with his bare hands.

Now, coupled with this artifact, the power is extremely powerful.

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