Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7390: Take me 1 sword! (two)

Lin Xuan exerted his sword without a shadow. Gradually, everyone noticed something.

They found that there were some fine flying wires shaking in the void.

Immediately after disappearing,

From other places, fly out again and kill Lin Xuan.

However, without any attack, he was able to come to a place one meter away from Lin Xuan.


When Zhou Tianshi saw this scene, a smile was raised in the corner of his mouth: This little guy is really shocking.

The array of mages on the opposite side are crazy: in the legend, the famous Fei Xian array, has been cracked in this way?

They are all difficult to accept.

Ye Chen even collapsed: how can this be? Was he defeated?

And it was a complete failure.

He has always been lofty and does not take everything into account.

Unexpectedly this time, he was defeated by a younger, weaker person than him.

It made him unbearable.

He growled extremely unwillingly: let's do it.

A ring in his hand suddenly split into two halves, and a faint shadow flew out instantly.

This dagger is in your hand.

This shadow is called hidden kill, it is also a formation, and it is a terrible kill formation.

However, this is the last resort, because this formation can only be cast once, and it is used to save lives.

He didn't want to do anything unless he had to.

In this situation, apart from hermit killing, he is unlikely to hurt the other party.

Once the hermit is killed, the other party will surely die.

The faint shadow rushed to Lin Xuan in a moment and waved his hand to hit Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's body shook and fell to the ground. The blood on her body turned into a sea of ​​blood.

When she saw this scene, Ye Chen was surprised and laughed: hahahaha, I won! I won!

Those around them were stunned, because the pictures they saw were completely different from Ye Chen.

In Ye Chen's view, Lin Xuan was killed by hermit, but in the eyes of everyone, Ye Chen was completely crazy.

In this way, Lin Xuan strode in front of Ye Chen, and a sword penetrated Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen's body trembled, and the blood of God kept falling. However, his face became crazy.

He laughed and shouted that I won, and I won.

what's the situation? Is Master Ye Chen crazy?

It seems that he has never failed.

This time, it hurt him too much.

No, it's illusion.

When Xiao Ruoshui's face changed, he hit a ringing finger, ten thousand thunders landed, and the trembling souls shook.

Ye Chen was also there, and the smile on his face disappeared.

The picture in front of him has also changed,

In his original opinion, Lin Xuan fell into the sea of ​​blood and fell.

However, at this time, the image in front is broken like a mirror.

Then, the clouds disappeared.

A pain came,

He made a miserable voice,

He looked down and saw that he was pierced by an arrow.

How could it look like this. Didn't he win? Isn't the other party dead? Why is he still injured?

No, it's illusion, and I was in it.

how can that be?

As a powerful Erpin master, how did he allow himself to perform illusions?

Isn't he already guarding his soul?

Lin Xuan looked close at him, the face that was about to collapse, a smile rising from the corner of his mouth.

His right eye bloomed with a terrible light, which was the light of six reincarnation.

He said lightly: You are defeated.

After that, the sword in Lin Xuan's hand burst into a brilliant light.

A sword splits the opponent in half.

Ye Chen screamed as the blood rain screamed and fell.

what's the situation?

Those around me are crazy,

Although here, it has fallen and can be reborn.

However, this hit them too much.

That is the grandson of the Great Master.

Strength is absolutely top-level here, it is only weaker than two Sanpin Tianshi.

However, the opponent is now defeated,

Wouldn't it be to say that if you are singled out, there are only two heavenly masters who can suppress each other.

This is just a young man. The lineup of the opponent is too strong.

With the change of the face of the Holy God, he roared: do his best.

He couldn't help it anymore,

The other side was given two chances, and as a result, they were completely defeated.

He can't wait any longer,

With a roar, he took the initiative.

A big palm, with a sacred light, shot at Lin Xuan.

At the same time, those array mages around him also shot, and the overwhelming array of mages, like a sea of ​​smoke, quickly killed.

Murong fell, Ye Wudao, if they were struck by lightning, these formations were too strong, they kept backing.

At this time, the true gods of the Seven Stars, the true gods of the Indus tree, the true gods of the Lotus, etc., joined forces to attack.

A terrible fire broke out across them.

The power that belongs to the true God is revealed, blocking the surrounding attacks.

Zhou Tianshi also rose to the sky, he said: Let's go all out.

Lin Xuan, summon them.

Lin Xuan nodded, without any hesitation, crushed a token in his hand.

At the same time, a huge vortex appeared above his head, and many figures flew out of it.

These are fragments of weapons,

Lin Xuan had already contacted Xuantian Cho Lingjian and others before and needed their help.

Xuantian Chop Lingjian and others were already ready.

As long as Lin Xuan crushed this jade pendant, they could appear immediately,

Now, when they come out, they are full of light.

I feel so many strong.

Xuantian slashes the spirit sword and growls,

He stared at Xiao Ruoshui, then said: Take me a sword.

He felt that this was a superpower and needed him to be able to resist it.

The array of mages on the opposite side were also slightly surprised: the other party even summoned some weapons, and these weapons were 10 points stronger.

These people really have helpers.

But what about that?

This time, they shot with all their strength, and the opponent was absolutely difficult to resist.


These angels roared wildly, and various formations fell down.

Zhou Tianshi killed Qing Xuan,

Xiao Ruoshui and Xuan Tian cut the sword and fight.

As for the other two masters of heaven, there are several true gods who resist,

In addition, there were also Kirin Swords, Ten Thousand Enchanting, and Xing Tian Ding.

They are also very powerful ~ ~ not weaker than the true god,

This battle is really unknown.

The war is terrible, all kinds of horrors, the vastness,

Destructive power, like the ocean.

A little carelessness will disappear here.

Lin Xuan shook his figure, avoiding the big palm like a mountain, and his expression became extremely dignified.

He has to face a Supreme One, but it is much stronger than Ye Chen before.

Requires his full shot.

The Holy God is also murderous. He stretched out his fingers and drew a mysterious trajectory toward the void.

Above his fingertips, there were terrible avenue runes, flashing, and he was wiping out words.

As the word was formed, a terrible message of destruction erupted between heaven and earth, sweeping for four weeks.

In the void, a mysterious rune appeared from the sky.

Wherever I go, everything is gone, nothing can resist.

Inverse Sword God

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