Inverse Sword God

Chapter 1478: Goal, Tianyouque!

"All right, let's leave."

Lin Xuan nodded, then the six of them rose into the sky, took Lin Xuan's spirit boat, and flew towards the northwest quickly.

Along the way, the six did not speak, but adjusted quickly.

Because if you really find the sky sparrow next, then it will be a very fierce battle.

Lin Xuan, under the guidance of zero, quickly controlled the Lingzhou and flew towards the Grand Canyon.

Primeval forest, Grand Canyon.

Tianyouque did return here again.

The slaughter of the three sixth-class ancestors made the **** runes in front of him extremely shining and full of mysterious energy.

Therefore, instead of continuing to do so, Tianyouque returned to the Grand Canyon and used the energy in the mysterious runes to refine the chain of stars.

This is a secret method that can consolidate powerful forces, but it requires countless blood, and it is hundreds of thousands of martial artists at every turn.

Therefore, Tianyouque slaughtered the Liupinzongmen.

No way, this last star chain is very scary, and the energy required is the sum of the previous three.

If you refine slowly according to Tianyouque's own strength, it will take a lot of time.

That's why he uses this mysterious rune.

Holding my hand and waving, the mysterious runes flickered with a strange light, and blood-stained lines spread throughout it.

Then, from above the veins, a blood-colored Changhong emanated like a river of blood, and surrounded the Tianyou bird, quickly refining the last star chain.

On the other side, Lin Xuan and his team flew at high speed towards the Grand Canyon.

As soon as they entered this virgin forest, their faces became extremely dignified.

Because this virgin forest has already changed.

The forest outside was still intact, but the deeper they went into the middle, they found that it was no longer a forest, but a ruin.

There are countless dead trees and grasses scattered throughout, without any vitality. And on that earth, there are countless bones walking.

Most are monsters.

Obviously, all the trees, forests, and monsters were all sucked away.

"Damn, these are all done by Tianyouque, and they must not be wrong." The ancestors of the Shen family looked around with an unusually cold look.

"Looks like this should be his nest"

The ancestor of Murong is also very sharp-eyed, the other party is really abominable, and turned such a primitive forest into a dead place.

If you let it go, you do n’t know how many places on the Tianwu continent will suffer

"People are ready, it's close, he's under the canyon ahead."

Lin Xuan got zero reminders and said quickly.


Hearing Lin Xuan's prompts, the Jolly King and others all looked dignified, operating their spiritual power in secret, ready to erupt at any time.

This time, they must kill each other.

The speed of the Lingzhou was very fast, and it quickly became a Changhong. It didn't take long to reach the top of the Grand Canyon.

With a wave of his palm, Lin Xuan put away the spirit boat, but the merry king and others did not speak, because they already felt that there was a strong and evil breath below.

Obviously, it's Tianyouque.

Below the canyon, Tianyouque also stood up, and the huge body carried the boundless black fire.

It glanced like electricity, penetrating directly through the void, and a shadow appeared on the huge skull.

"Damn humans, after all,"

"In this case, you can only kill you all"

Tianyouque grunted coldly, and then her wings vibrated, turning into a black torrent, and quickly rushing upward.

In the sky, Murong's ancestor Shen Sheng said, everyone notice that he has rushed up.

Before his voice fell, he saw a black light, like a meteor, and slammed into the six people instantly.


An earth-shattering sound, the huge black figure hit the six directly, sending out a shocking collision.

The entire void exploded completely, forming a dark black hole, and the torrent of energies swept the world.

This time it was too fierce, and directly knocked back all six kings such as Lin Xuan.

In an instant, Lin Xuan cast the Star Warframe and quickly retreated.

On him, countless swords rushed out, cutting madly forward, annihilating that terrible energy.

Others also used their means to stabilize their body.

Then, six eyes looked forward.

Sure enough, there was a huge figure there.

"Damn beast, it really is you"

"You dare to kill so many Six Pinzong gates, today is your death."

"You are too presumptuous, Tianwu mainland is not a place where you can spread wild"

At this moment, the Jolly King, the ancestors of the Shen family, the ancestors of Murong and others all drank coldly, and their horrific energy was emitted from them.

His eyes were like sharp swordsman, penetrating the void directly, staring at Tianyouque.

Tianyouque smiled disdainfully, her dark eyes turned and swept across the six.

Although facing six kings, he did not have any fear.

It seems that refining three star chains has greatly increased his strength and increased his confidence even more.

Because if you are in front of so many kings, he will definitely turn around and run away.

However, now that he had cracked the three star chains, he was no longer afraid of anyone.

But the next moment, his gaze stayed on a figure, and then the playful smile in the corner of his mouth disappeared, and the whole head was stunned.

"Damn boy, it's you"

Yes, Tianyouque stared at Lin Xuan.

The light flickered in his eyes, with an extremely murderous intention

To be honest, he was very shocked. He did not expect that one of the six figures was extremely familiar.

For Lin Xuan, Tianyouque will never forget it. Because before in the secret territory of the sky, the other party even suppressed him severely.

Although relying on the strength of the old Cangsong Road, this also makes Tianyouque intolerable.

What's even more horrible is that the other party finally planted a beast slave mark in its body and wanted to conquer it.

This makes him intolerable

Therefore, in recent years, he has always had a goal, that is, he must catch Lin Xuan and kill it.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the last star chain to be cracked, and kill the Quartet in search of Lin Xuan.

But I did not expect that now the other party took the initiative to come home.

"Boy ~ ~ I originally wanted to go to you, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to come home"

"In this case, I won't let you go"

"Even if you kneel down and ask for forgiveness, it is impossible. I will let you taste the cruelest punishment in the world."

Tian Youque's voice was sobbing, her eyes glowed with appalling light.

Lin Xuan also snorted, his eyes condensed, like a shocking swordman, straight ahead.

Two eyes collided in the air, making a metal roar, and then the whole void trembled violently, and even many black cracks appeared around it.

If other warriors are here, they will be shocked because their breath is too strong.

Just that glance has transcended all His Holiness.

"What king strength"

Tianyouque was shocked. He stared at Lin Xuan with utter desperation.

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