Inverse Sword God

Chapter 1477: 6 Kings join forces!

There were only two short sentences, and then the purple jade charms burned clean. .w.

This is a note used to pass messages between warriors.

But it is precious, only a few kings have it.

Hearing this voice, Lin Xuan and others were all stunned. They did not expect that the mysterious murderer turned out to be the sky sparrow.

The owner of Lan Yuege even screamed, "What? The Ziyun Religion was also destroyed!"

She was really shocked, because the Ziyun religion and their Lan Yue Pavilion were comparable in strength, and belonged to the Liupinzongmen.

But now it has been destroyed!

If it weren't for Lin Xuan, they would be kings, and the owners of this Blue Moon Pavilion would have thought the news was a joke.

But now, she doesn't think so.

She knew that this was absolutely true, and there would be a terrible disaster on the Tianwu continent.

Because in a short period of time, three Six Pinzong gates were destroyed, and this situation is likely to continue.

And Lin Xuan also had a dignified look: "Damn, it turned out to be Youyou!"

"Fuck, I almost forgot this guy!" Dark Red Shenlong was also unhappy.

"Last year he made trouble and let him escape. I didn't expect him to come back again this time."

"This time, be sure to catch him!"

Murong's ancestor was also staring.

It is true that Tianyouque is too cruel. If left unchecked, there will be an extremely terrible disaster on the Tianwu continent.

As kings, they do not allow such things to happen.

Next, they can only wait patiently.

Because no one knows who the target of the next attack is.

However, according to the opponent's flight path and their guesses, it was either Fengleitangjiu or Lanyue Pavilion.

Therefore, Lin Xuan and the others did not move, and the three ancestors of the Shen family flew to Fengleitang in a hurry.

However, this time the situation was unexpected again.

Because after the extinction of the Ziyun Sect, Tianyouque did not reappear, Lan Yuege and Feng Lei Tang were both safe and not under attack.

Even Lin Xuan waited for several days without any change, which made them extremely confused.

To prevent a worse situation, they couldn't wait any longer, so they were ready to leave.

When she left, Lin Xuan instructed the owner of Lan Yuege to ask her disciples to evacuate quickly.

Because no matter what kind of defensive array is arranged, you can't stop Tian Youque, it is better to evacuate here and leave with your disciples.

As long as the disciples under the door are alive, there is hope.

The master of Lan Yuege also nodded in agreement, which was the only feasible solution for her at present.

Therefore, she hurried to act, while Lin Xuan and others left quickly.

This time, they did not return to the Ares Temple. Lin Xuan and others had already negotiated when they set off. They would meet in a city at the junction of the northwest and the central region.

Tiger City.

The three Lin Xuan and the merry king meet.

The six kings gathered together with a solemn expression.

Later, the Jolly King and others elaborated on what they knew.

Because the previous transmission was just a simple reminder, more detailed information was not stated.

Lin Xuan and others listened carefully. After they listened, they looked more dignified.

Because from this information, the strength of Tianyouque seems to have become stronger than before, and you can destroy Liupinzongmen by raising your hand.

This method has surpassed any of them, and perhaps only by joining forces can they serve each other.

"Damn, did he break the star chains?" Lin Xuan's face was cold.

"What star chain?"

The merry king, ancestor Murong and others wondered, they didn't know what happened before Tianyouque.

As a result, Lin Xuan briefly explained what happened in Tianyou's secret territory.

When everyone learned that there were four star chains on Tianyouque before, which sealed his strength, so when they were defeated, they were all shocked.

They didn't expect that there was such a secret!

"You mean, Youque didn't show all its strength the other day?" The ancestor of the Shen family took a breath.

"I'm afraid that's the case. The star chain on Youyou's body was terrifying that day and could suppress the cultivation in it."

"I am afraid that his strength has increased greatly because he broke the star chain."

"But looking at it, it seems that it is not completely cracked, otherwise he would not be able to absorb it."

"I think of it when you said that. On the picture that Ziyunjiao saw, there seemed to be an iron chain on Youyou that day."

The merry king recalled it, and it was also spoken by Shen Sheng.

"One more!"

Lin Xuan and others looked dignified, and did not expect that this was not the full strength of Tianyouque.

"If you let him lift all the seals and restore all strength, it will definitely be a disaster for the entire Tianwu continent!"

"Damn, that guy is so cunning! It doesn't confront us at all!"

"It only hits Liupinzongmen!"

"However, there are so many Liupinzongmen on the entire Tianwu continent. How do we know which one?"

"The Tianwu continent is too big. He hid in any mountain range. We couldn't find him at all."

A few kings shook their heads and sighed, they now have nothing to do.

Lin Xuan was contemplative, then said, "I seem to have a solution, but it may not be successful. Let me try it."

"Oh, what can you do?" Murong asked quickly.

"I used to plant a seal of beast slaves in the body of the sparrow that day when I was in a secret place."

"I don't know if this time has passed, is that mark still there?"

"Let me see."

Afterwards, Lin Xuan closed her eyes and asked quickly: "Zero, was the last animal slave mark still present?"

"Can you find the position of Tianyouque?"

"The animal slave seal you laid out has long been worn away, but according to the display of the animal slave seal, I found that there is a place where Tianyouque often stops."

"I can tell you this place."

Zero cold voices sounded.

"Where? Come on!"

Lin Xuan was excited. He found that it was most likely Tianyou's nest in Tianwu mainland.

"One sub-Shenjing ~ ~ did not say the location, but opened up the conditions.

"I rely, you are robbing while the fire is on!" Lin Xuan gritted his teeth, but there was no way he could nod his consent.

"Okay, here you are."

"In a grand canyon northwest, specific location, I can show you the way."

Zero got a piece of Shenjing, so slowly said.

Lin Xuan opened his eyes and Shen said, "I sense the place where he often stays, but I don't know if he will go there this time?"

"The place where I often stay is the old nest! I should return there every time." Murong nodded slightly.

"Whether or not, you have to take a look!" Shen's ancestor also said hurriedly.

"Well, let's get started." Stay tuned for the latest chapter of this book

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