Interstellar for All: Modify everything to create an interstellar heaven

Chapter 66 Dad come back early, remember to find a mother

[Hetu Luoshu Interstellar Quantum Computing Center (Gold Level)]: A super quantum computing center that can provide remote computing power support. It can provide CPU and GPU computing power support for any technological creation below the gold level, improving the equipment's computing response speed.

Su Mufeng installed the gold-level Heluo Formation on the 32nd level, and the last stone in his heart finally fell.

With the blessing of these computing power, other star owners who want to design and develop equipment will definitely save a lot of things.

Even a magician like Lin Qingyin can speed up the research of magic knowledge through the Hetu Luoshu Formation.

Of course, "Hetu Luoshu" is the most critical positioning and guidance core of the sun-shooting plan. Its super computing power can predict all movement trajectories in the interstellar battlefield.

Therefore, when it is used together with the "Kunlun Mirror" and "Haotian Mirror", it can help the "Space-based Interstellar Missile" of the Interstellar Heaven to lock on the target 100%.

Moreover, important heavenly weapons such as "Bagua Furnace", "Buzhou Mountain", and "Fuxi Qin" can also obtain sufficient computing power support through "Hetu Luoshu", thus reducing the burden on Yuanshi Tianzun.

Subsequently, Su Mufeng opened the permissions of "Hetu Luoshu" and "Kunlun Mirror" for the eight hundred Daxia star masters through the "Fuxi Qin" terminal.

As long as Su Mufeng's interstellar heaven is within 100,000 light years away from them, these services of theirs will not be disconnected.

At the same time, he also specially opened some remote use permissions for the "Haotian Mirror" for Lin Qingyin and Ye Yunqing.

After all this was arranged, the screen in the Blue Star live broadcast room lit up again.

Since everyone had disguised and hidden themselves in advance, the audience did not notice any clues.

At present, the preliminary preparations for the "Daxia Asteroid Group" have been completed.

Next, it is time to wait for the interstellar battlefield, and the novice star field is unblocked.

Now, there is less than 24 hours left before the interstellar battlefield is teleported and the star field is unblocked.

Therefore, Su Mufeng and the eight hundred star masters in Daxia collectively took advantage of this period of time to rest.

——[Let me go, why did I fall asleep again? Where has my Su Shen’s beauty gone? 】

——[The Star Lords of Daxia are collectively hiding in the pyramid to rest, what else are they looking at! 】

——[Brothers, let’s go see what the foreign star masters are up to, and don’t be fooled by them again. 】

——[Is this still necessary? They send subordinates to attack us every time, while they stay on the planet and pretend to be innocent. 】

——[Huh, let’s go! Go and see, if I get the handle this time, the labor and management will kill these scumbags. 】

At this moment, there are major arteries in Blue Star, Lighthouse Country, and WS City.

Countless armored vehicles and armed helicopters were flying everywhere.

A young man who was young and immature, but strong and healthy, sat quietly in the cabin and drove towards the five-star base.

At the same time, inside the five-star base.

Five-star General Mag, together with General Ball, are waiting for these future sons of the Lighthouse Country.

There is no one else in the office now. Both of them have green faces and strange looks.

"Mr. General, the children are almost here. Do you want to arrange a mobilization ceremony now?"

"Don't worry yet, let them taste the last delicacy of their hometown first."

After that, General McGonagall opened the drawer, took out a box of glass jars full of insect eggs, and handed it to Lieutenant General Power.

"Go to the kitchen yourself and add ingredients to the children who have just arrived."

"Are you sure you want to do this? If you are discovered, you may be in danger."

"Go ahead, even if you are discovered, you will only lose a body."

"Okay! God bless our clan."

Therefore, under the command and arrangement of the logistics officer, all the candidates for the God of Choice went to the restaurant to eat together.

After the meal, everyone in the restaurant looked like Mag and Bauer.

Then, the TV signal in the restaurant was switched, and Mag's face appeared directly on the screen.

"Children and compatriots, I'm sorry for allowing you to inhabit these filthy bodies."

"Please join the battlefield and weaken the power of the human star master at all costs."

"Everything is for our clan!"

After hearing Mag's instigation, the newly born alien parasites collectively let out a piercing scream.

After settling the parasites, Mag immediately returned to the office and dialed the phone number of the head of state.

"Sir, the most elite young people in the country have been assembled."

"Thank you for your hard work. These children are our most reliable chosen ones. We must ask them to contact our veteran star master as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, sir!"

After hanging up the phone, the head of state leaned on the sofa in the official residence, closed his eyes and meditated.

"Meg, you have never said the word "don't worry" to me. "

"I hope you can really make no mistakes this time and let me rest assured for once."

As soon as the words fell, the head of state immediately stood up and entered the live broadcast room to convene a Lighthouse Alliance meeting.

In the live broadcast room, representatives from 30 countries came online one after another, waiting for the unified arrangement of this operation.

——[Gentlemen, there are only a dozen hours left before the transmission. 30 boundary-breaking signal transmitters have been delivered to the location you designated. I hope that our 30 countries will collectively participate in the next treasure hunt operation. 】

——[Head of State, we were planning to participate. You can’t stop the great secret treasure of the novice star field even if you want to. 】

——[That’s right! Our plaster country is participating! 】

--【Yes! We from Hangu Country are participating! 】

——[Haha, just participate! Tell the children to gather within 5 days to trap and kill Su Mufeng. 】

At the same time, Daxia Kingdom, G City.

In the underground base, Mr. Yang took Su Xiaoyu and was organizing a group of young people who had just turned 18 to eat glutinous rice balls.

Although these glutinous rice balls have been expired for a long time, everyone held their bowls and ate them extremely sweetly.

Su Xiaoyu smelled the sweet aroma of black sesame filling, looked at the expressions of everyone eating with relish, and unconsciously showed envious eyes.

On the side, several female officers of the Canglong Legion were blowing hot air on the glutinous rice balls.

Seeing Xiao Yu's expression, several people picked one up and put it in Amelia Su's bowl.

"Xiaoyu, eat it, you're greedy."

"Thank you sister Bing'er, hehehe."

"Xiaoyu, I'm going to see your father tonight. What news do you want us to bring him?"

"Well, tell dad to come back quickly to Blue Star, and... and... when you come back, find me a mother!"

Hearing the words "Looking for mother", several female officers present stared with red eyes.

When Mr. Yang saw this scene, he coughed a few times, and then everyone was relieved of their embarrassment.

In today's Daxia, which girl would not be confused when seeing Su Mufeng?

Amelia Su’s cross-border message “Looking for Mom” can even destroy the plastic friendship between these sisters.

"It's not urgent to find Xiaoyu's mother."

"You remember, the first time you enter the interstellar battlefield, activate all the back-ups reserved by our Daxia Kingdom!"

"Because our Investigation Bureau has confirmed that the strength of Chen Bing's barrier this time is far greater than any previous unblocking!"

"Yes! Mr. Yang!"

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