Interstellar for All: Modify everything to create an interstellar heaven

Chapter 65 Modification of the Heluo Formation, Interstellar Supercomputing Center

Ye Yunqing still couldn't believe that all the equipment was distributed to other star masters.

"You said you created the interstellar wireless server yourself!"

"Are you a monster? You are a monster!"

"Haha, if you put on the communication watch, won't everything be clear?"

Seeing Su Mufeng's serious face, Ye Yunqing looked suspicious, but still quickly put the terminal on his left wrist.

Soon, the gene binding program was started, and the watch on Ye Yunqing's hand was like liquid, blending into the skin, forming a tattoo-style pattern.

At the same time, a suspended light curtain slowly projected in front of her.

What is displayed is the corner of the novice star field, the position of Ye Yunqing's main star.

Seeing this, Su Mufeng directly sent a message to Ye Yunqing through his own authority ID.

--【hello! 】

——[Is it really you? Su Mufeng? 】

--【Of course it is me! This is just a private message between you and me. 】

Then, another planet lit up near Ye Yunqing's main star, and it was Lin Qingyin who came online.

So, Su Mufeng directly pulled the three of them into the group and started chatting.

——[Su Mufeng @Everyone: Welcome both of you, we will never use 1v1 in the future, I prefer 1v2. 】

——[Lin Qingyin @Su Mufeng: Oh my god, you guy, you actually set up an interstellar communication network? 】

——[Su Mufeng @Everyone: Not only is it a communication network, this terminal also has all information interaction functions. You can watch movies, listen to music, and play games. It’s up to you. 】

——[Su Mufeng @Everyone: Of course, it can also help you navigate and locate other companions, so that you don’t get lost during interstellar transmission. 】

——[Ye Yunqing @Su Mufeng: Is your interstellar portal real? 】

Seeing Ye Yunqing's excited face, Lin Qingyin took the lead in walking into the newly established portal and arrived at Ye Yunqing's planet.

As a star master, he can sense every plant and tree on his planet with his thoughts, let alone a living person.

——[Ye Yunqing: Oh my god, Qingyin, I can actually see you in the novice star field! 】

——[Lin Qingyin: Su Mufeng, are you the illegitimate son of Blue Star’s Will? The interstellar communication network was only built by the first batch of star masters in the eighth month! 】

——[Su Mufeng: It’s a long story. The situation is urgent now. The Star Masters of Great Xia need this, so don’t delve into it. 】

After hearing Su Mufeng's explanation, the two women looked at each other and said nothing.

The two of them were absolutely assured of Su Mufeng's ability and patriotism.

Soon, there were more and more light spots around the communication terminal, and the Daxia Star Masters were activating the "Fuxi Qin" network one after another.

100 people……

200 people…

800 people…

After everyone completes network activation.

Su Mufeng immediately revealed his identity and gave a speech to all the Star Lords of Great Xia.

When the Star Masters of Great Xia saw the map of the outer world of the Star Territory marked by Su Mufeng, they all had great fighting spirit. Even if there were thousands of difficulties and dangers, they would still fight bravely.

Seeing this, Su Mufeng nodded with satisfaction, and then introduced the tactical concepts of "Interstellar Portal" and "Great Xia Star Master's Eight Hundred Planets Group".

When the star owners heard Su Mufeng's introduction, the "Fuxi Qin" network was completely silent.

About three minutes later, a series of messages flashed frequently inside everyone's terminal.

——[Su Shen! You are so awesome! Apart from the two leaders of the Canglong Legion, you are my most admired idol! 】

——[Su Shen, your configuration is absolutely amazing! With the communication network and interstellar portal, let’s form an army directly! 】

——[That’s right, that’s right, after leaving the novice star field, you have to join the legion anyway. You are so awesome, you might as well build one yourself! 】

--【agree! Our Daxia can accommodate two legions! 】

Seeing that the Daxia Star Lords were getting more and more outrageous, Lin Qingyin and Ye Yunqing hurriedly stopped the crowd from making noises.

——[Ye Yunqing @Everyone: The most important thing at the moment is to break through the novice star field and establish a new legion. We must first give feedback to Blue Star! Otherwise, as a member of the Canglong Legion, do you want to rebel? 】

After hearing Ye Yunqing's reminder, the Daxia Star Masters became more honest and did not dare to mention the establishment of a legion again.

Subsequently, under the guidance of Su Mufeng, everyone installed and debugged the Star Gate and hid it.

On the other side, Ye Yunqing and Lin Qingyin asked for permission from Su Mufeng.

The two of them can even monitor the surface images and information of all planets.

When they saw the development of each compatriot, they were both amazed.

"Sister Yun Qing, do you think Su Mufeng will be willing to join the Canglong Legion?"

"I'm afraid it's difficult. He is really kind to the people he cares about, but he is also really cruel to the people he is hostile to. I'm afraid the internal atmosphere of the Canglong Legion is really not suitable for him."

"Hey, there are already two SSS-level bosses who can't deal with each other. If he gets involved again, it will be even more chaotic."

"Maybe what everyone just said is right. In terms of ability and charisma, he is indeed suitable to be a leader."

Because they were too shocked just now, they did not think carefully about the significance of Su Mufeng's actions.

Now that they think about it carefully, both women feel that Su Mufeng is a natural leader of the army.

There is no one like him who can unite 800 compatriots in just a few days.

at the same time.

Su Mufeng turned off the communication, then came to the moon again, activated the "Kunlun Mirror" and "Haotian Realm" to monitor the outside of the barrier.

Now, in the direction of the treasure place, the ones most likely to intercept the "Eight Hundred Planets Group of Great Xia" are the fleets of the Plaster Kingdom and the Cold Valley Kingdom.

Calculating the distance between the two parties, once the other party knows the information about the "treasure place", it is even possible to reach the designated area first.

"The big troops haven't arrived yet, so you two waves of Kalami can't cause trouble in advance."

"It seems that the progress of the sun-shooting plan will be accelerated again."

After that, Su Mufeng contacted Yuanshi Tianzun again.

"How is the design of the interstellar universe computing power center that combines CPU and GPU proposed last time?"

"Father God, everything is going well so far. The designed silver-level equipment only covers an area of ​​5 square kilometers."

"so small?"

"The smaller this equipment is, the more efficient it will be."

After hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's explanation, Su Mufeng nodded and gave instructions.

"Send the drawings directly to the "Large Engineering Complex" and produce them immediately. "

"By the way, let the "Large Engineering Complex" upgrade it directly to gold. "

"When the time comes, let me know directly how much energy is needed."

"Excuse me, Father God, what should this piece of equipment be called?"

"Let's call it "Hetu Luoshu". I hope the super computing power it provides can take away your daily burden. "

"As you command!"

The efficiency of Yuanshi Tianzun can reach the speed of light.

Su Mufeng's arrangement was quickly implemented.

In less than two hours, an upgrade prompt came from the "Large Engineering Complex".

[It has been detected that the current level of "Hetu Luoshu Array·Interstellar Computing Center" is silver level, and it can consume 2 million energy values ​​to upgrade to gold level. Do you want to upgrade? 】

【upgrade! 】

Haha, if you can upgrade the factory, why do it yourself?

Even if you do it yourself, it will still be gold to platinum!

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