The clown sent the video to the TV station, and the screen played was full of a pale face. Crazy eyes can stop a child from crying at night, the craziest criminal in Gotham City publicly challenges Superman, and the stake is nearly a thousand lives.

A total of five passenger planes were hijacked by the Joker, all of which were domestic flights taking off from Gotham City Airport to other cities. Each plane had a hundred or so people on board, which was a big deal.

The clown corps took control of the pilot, and the plane kept spinning in a half-idle circle.

Both Thomas and Barry saw the news, and Thomas immediately wanted to set off to stop the Joker.

"Leave it to Superman, he will save everyone." Barry expressed his 100% trust in Superman.

"So what does Superman have to do with a green fluorescent meteorite?" Seeing the Joker's actions, Batman immediately knew that the Joker stealing the stone sculpture was related to Superman. Only Barry seems to know anything about Superman so far, so Thomas asks him directly.

"You mean kryptonite?" Barry never expected that the world has changed, but some things have not changed at all. How to deal with Superman's villains and find kryptonite?

"That should be it. What does kryptonite have to do with Superman?"

"It can kill Superman, which is the weakness that Superman fears the most." Barry suddenly became anxious: "I can't wait, I have to regain my strength." "We need lightning."

"Welcome to Gotham City." The most indispensable thing in Gotham City is thunderstorms.

On the other hand, Kent already knew about the challenge that the Joker had challenged him, but he didn't expect that the Joker would be interested in him. But now Kent has nothing to hold in the clown's hands, and he is not afraid that the clown will do something to the people around him.

Then it's okay to meet the clown. Kent took a look at the hijacked plane and found that the clowns were all controlling the pilots with weapons. At the same time, these people who worked for the clown had bombs tied to their bodies. Obviously they were loyal to the clown. Geng Geng didn't even care about his life.

Kent deeply doubts that the security checks at Gotham City Airport are fake? So many people get on the plane with bombs, and no one finds the abnormality?

The Gotham City Police Department has investigated the airport for the first time, and found that the previous security personnel were all fake. The real staff were kidnapped and thrown in the toilet until the police came to rescue. And those fake employees were also arrested by the police, but those people all accepted the clown's crazy teaching and did not cooperate with their work at all, and even kept saying that they were challenging God and would be famous in history.

The commander of the tower was nervously watching the route of the plane, now they were all circling over Gotham City, if one fell, not only would the passengers on the plane die, but Gotham ground would also suffer, the ground The casualties may be more than the passengers.

But this is what the clown asked. The plane can only hover over densely populated urban areas, otherwise she will detonate the plane.

All flights from other cities are diverted to other airports to land, leaving the sky over Gotham City to the Joker.

Why hasn't Superman come yet? The Joker expresses that his patience is limited: "Superman, Superman, Superman, where are you?" The Joker's voice was transmitted to various places in Gotham City through the microphone, and she used this method to confuse Superman's hearing. He took out the binoculars to observe the sky, but found that there were still only five hijacked planes: "It seems that Superman is either not at home, or he did not pay attention to this incident. It seems that I have to let him know that I don't like to joke, this time I am serious. ." The clown muttered to himself.

The girl behind the clown, who also painted makeup and pretended to be a clown, was full of admiration. Her name was Yoyo, and she was the clown's sidekick: "We should let Superman know how good we are, and let me land the first plane." With an exaggerated expression Yoyo couldn't help but look at the scene of the plane falling into the city center, it must be very exciting.

"Yuyou, don't rob me, you should know that what I hate the most is toys being robbed." The clown glared at his attendant and said solemnly, "I should be the one to crash the first plane." She took out the phone and asked to answer The dead man of the Joker Legion gave the order, the dead man is dead but his soul is immortal.

While continuing to watch the plane, he prepared to make a phone call. Just as the first number was pressed, a black dot appeared in the sky. Joker's spirit was shocked, he zoomed in on the focal length of the telescope, and sure enough, he saw Superman under the dark clouds.

At this time, lightning was looming over Gotham City, and the dark clouds were black and white for a while. The plane under the dark clouds seemed to be hit by the falling lightning at any time. However, at this time, Superman appeared, standing proudly in front of the thunder without fear.

"Come on, come on." The Joker wanted to see how Superman saved so many planes at once: "Let me see your performance."

This is not trivial, I saw Kent and Luo Lei in the distance act together. That lightning was attracted by the lightning rod to help the Flash escape, and its target was the electric chair where the Flash was in the dilapidated Wayne Manor.

Kent and Lightning acted together, and they came to the first plane in an instant.

Then the three planes followed the gourd and painted scoops, and Kent moved to The superhuman power was displayed incisively and vividly, and no one could even calculate the speed at which he flew from one plane to another, it was too fast, No matter how far it is, it's just a blink of an eye. Four gangsters have been killed.

On the last plane, Kent left an opening for the police. By the way, the passengers on this plane also wore seat belts, so Kent could safely flip the plane.

The forced 180-degree front and back flip, the passengers tied to the seats managed to support them, while the robbers who were not wearing seat belts fell head down and fainted. Kent straightened the plane again and it was all over, five planes.

When the porcelain white lightning with claws and claws landed on the electric chair, Superman had already retired.

The passengers in the airport were stunned. They didn't know why the robber suddenly smelled burnt in his chest and fell to the ground. But they were saved. Only the people on the last plane saw that Superman was holding down the plane's wings and flipping the plane and knew they were saved by Superman.

The Joker wanted to contact the robbers, but he couldn't get through the phone, but the bomb didn't detonate. Did Superman really solve the problem? Seeing the five planes deviate from their prescribed trajectory and start heading for the airport, the Joker knows that Superman must have become. It seemed that the little kryptonite shards she had distributed to the robbers were useless. Superman is stronger than she thought, "Yuyou, report the situation to me as soon as the plane lands, and go to the airport now." In a bad mood, the Joker originally thought that this plan would at least test out some of Superman's strengths, but he didn't expect Not at all.

Seeing that the clown was angry, Yunyou didn't dare to neglect, and even went downstairs to collect information, and the voice came from downstairs: "I'll go now, Ms. Clown, I'll go right away, waiting for my good news, Ms. Clown... …”

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