Although the company of his mother makes Barry feel happy, he feels like he has returned to his childhood. But the news of the world kept reminding Barry that this was not the place he was supposed to be, and that the world was very different from the one he knew.

It can be known from continuous news reports that human beings in Europe were almost involved in the third world war, and the people who caused such a huge riot were none other than two acquaintances of Barry: Sea King Arthur and Wonder Woman Diana. When he first heard the whole news, Barry couldn't believe his ears. They are the backbone members of the Justice League. How did they become the main culprit of the world chaos here?

Seeing his former companions kill each other, he, the "conscience of the Justice League", felt bad. So he must find the reason as soon as possible and figure out the nature of this world. It would be better to find Superman, but Superman is not the Superman Barry is familiar with. Superman is not a reporter for the Daily Planet, nor is he the guardian of the Metropolis. Then go to Gotham City next door to find Batman, and Barry has to figure out what the **** is going on?

Why was the city center cratered, and why didn't Superman stop Aquaman and Diana from going to war? Barry has too many questions that I wish someone could answer.

However, all he saw was a ruin. Wayne's luxurious manor was in ruins. Barry walked into the ruins uneasy. He could only see dust and cobwebs. It seemed that this place had been abandoned for a long time.

Fortunately, the entrance to the Batcave was still there. Although the mechanism was broken, the hidden door was also loose. Barry pried open the secret door of the Batcave.

"God, I hope Batman is still here." Going down the dark mossy stone steps, a musty dampness rushed towards his face, causing Barry to frown, and his anxiety became more and more serious. Because the bat cave in his memory is not like this. The bat cave should be a dream base full of modern high-tech products. On weekdays, Alfred cleans it spotlessly, parked bat cars, bat motorcycles, bat fighters, bat speedboats, etc. Even The Flash would envy the priceless, cutting-edge means of transportation.

And now in front of Bari are scattered waste newspapers and empty wine bottles like traps. When I walked to the place where Batman placed the Bat computer, there were only a few pitiful furnishings under the lights.

An operating table, bedside table, desk, and some lighting. On the desk is a family portrait of the Wayne family of three, as well as a pistol protected by a glass cover.

"Batman, what happened to you again?" Seeing the picture that completely contradicted his memory, Barry's anxiety at this time has reached the critical point, and the joy of reuniting with his mother has also been replaced by crisis.

However, one thing can be proved, that is, Thomas, like his son, does not welcome guests, especially uninvited visitors to the Batcave. So he found Barry and attacked from behind, giving Barry a hard blow to the spine.

Thomas, who was originally a doctor, showed his skills in dealing with medical troubles and hit Barry hard.

Throwing himself on the ground, Barry hurriedly rolled into a ball, ignoring the pain and said, "Batman, it's me."

However, Thomas didn't know Barry: "Who are you and why are you here." He picked Barry up and punched him again, and Barry's face was swollen.

"Bruce, it's me Barry Allen." Barry endured Batman's stormy beating, but still hoped to make Batman remember himself: "I'm The Flash, the fastest man in the world."

Hearing his son's name, Thomas was furious. He thought that Barry was deliberately trying to disturb his mind, so he grabbed Barry's finger and broke it hard: "You have ten chances to answer my question, who are you and why do you know? here?"

"Bruce, it's really me, don't you know me?" Barry found that Batman was really about to break his fingers, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead. In fact, he has found that this Batman is not the same as the Batman he knows. The black armor of Batman in front of him is more flamboyant and has some rising horns, while the line of the armor of the Batman he knows is sleeker and more hidden.

"Bruce is dead!" Barry's fingers were interrupted as the voice was interrupted.

With a click, Barry's right index finger had been broken off and bent back, causing Barry's face to turn pale in pain. But when he heard that Batman was dead, Barry also knew that the Batman in front of him really didn't know him, and then he reasoned out everything: "No! Are you Thomas Wayne? Bruce's father? Was it Bruce who was shot?" This kind of weird thing made Barry's face bewildered. He really didn't know how to evaluate this unscientific change. Everything is different, his mother is alive, Arthur and Diana have become war criminals and mortal enemies, Batman's identity is also different, he has no speed power, this world is definitely not the world he knows, absolutely not.

Batman observed Barry's expression and found that this young handsome blond guy seemed to have encountered the biggest setback in his life, and his eyes were full of fear. If his son were alive, he would be about the same age as him, and he seemed to really know his son and thought his son was Batman.

Thomas let go of Barry, "Calm down, tell me everything." This may be about his dead son, Thomas is very careful: "Take a deep breath, Barry Allen."

Barry's left hand reached into his pocket and wiped the sweat with a handkerchief, but he found the uniform ring he had been looking for: "My memory is not confused, I really have this ring." However, after starting it, it was not the Flash's red uniform, but a red uniform. Reverse Lightning's yellow uniform: "Impossible?!"

"Is there any deviation from your memory?" Batman has made a series of bold He feels that Flash's memory is real, and that there really is a son of his own who survived in the world Earth, so he wants to restore that world.

"This is Reverse Lightning's uniform, not mine." "I think I know what's wrong with this world."

Batman also knew: "It seems that he must hate you very much, so he deliberately left the uniform to let you know that everything is his doing, he wants to destroy the world you are familiar with, and there is nothing you can do about it."

What can Barry say, Reverse Lightning's obsession and hatred for himself is rare in the world, and he can only bear: "I have to correct the crimes committed by Reverse Lightning." At this time, Barry still didn't know that this was not the fault of Reverse Lightning, but It was his own, and it was his saving his mother that caused a series of changes.

Very good, Thomas decided to help The Flash, because he didn't like the world where his son died. If he could let his son live, he was willing to die instead of his son: "What are you going to do?"

First of all, of course, to restore the speed force, and then go to find his comrades and beat Reverse Lightning together, and beat him to the ground looking for teeth: "I need some chemicals, I think you should be able to find them."

Although Thomas doesn't take the high-tech route, he still has money, and mastering the smuggling channels can naturally find the required chemicals for The Flash.

Everything is ready but lightning.

But before Barry was ready to sit in the electric chair, Gotham City TV broadcast an important news. The Joker appeared and hijacked several flights. She asked the TV station to tell Superman: "Show your power, Superman! Or these people will fall, hahahahahaha —"

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