Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 79: don't touch my booty

Chapter 79 Don't touch my spoils

The battle between Heisenberg and Thanos started completely. This time is far from the previous warm-up, but a real punch to the flesh!

Almost all of them gave up blocking, but directly used the method of changing punches, seeking to use a more powerful attack to make the opponent lie down before themselves to achieve the goal of victory!

Even though there are battlefields in a ten-kilometer radius, even if the ears of everyone participating in the battle are flashing with mourning and roaring.

But no matter how deafening the roar was, it couldn't hide the sound of Heisenberg's fist colliding with Thanos.

The little spider stared at Heisenberg in the distance in shock at this time, and at the same time he asked whether he would listen.

"Who is that, my God, how come I've never seen him?

Is that the Avengers, the new addition?

But I just fell asleep on Titan, how could such a strong person appear?

By the way, Mr. Stark, I still don't quite understand, I woke up from Titan and didn't see you, Dr. Strange said it's been five years, it's time for us to go to war?

These five years are...? ! ! "

Before the words were finished, the little spider had already been hugged tightly by Iron Man, whose face was full of nostalgia and relief.

On the other side, the Scarlet Witch watched from a distance as Heisenberg punched blood from the corner of Thanos' mouth.

She suddenly roared unwillingly, and slapped the air around her with both hands, and the crimson energy immediately sent her to the sky!

She flew all the way across the battlefield, rushing towards Thanos in the tussle regardless.


Along with his roar, Thanos on the opposite side of Heisenberg stopped his movements abruptly, and crimson energy enveloped him.

That energy was still tearing at his armor, so that he was only a slightly broken armor, and it was completely ruined in a blink of an eye!

Seeing this, Heisenberg grabbed Thanos' fingers and smashed him into the distance!

Although Thanos was hit hard, he also escaped from Wanda's offensive.

At the same time, Wanda looked at Heisenberg angrily, and Heisenberg gave him an innocent smile.

"That guy is mine!"

After finishing speaking, he decisively flew to Thanos, carrying him on a rampage.

Thanos' body was pressed through at least fifteen Chitauri worm-shaped creature registration ships by him, causing those big guys to fall to the ground with a howl.

"Who are you, hell!!!"

His life-and-death enemy was snatched away like this, and Wanda was only bitten at all, but it was a pity that Heisenberg was too lazy to answer her question.

Coupled with the possibility of the falling worm-type landing ship possibly killing the Avengers fighters, Wanda had to be distracted and lift up those big guys one by one and throw them out.

Heisenberg and Thanos finally stopped in the center of the Wakanda troops, and at this time Thanos was being stomped on the ground by Heisenberg!

"You're done!"

Heisenberg said fiercely, and at the same time he leaned down, his left hand firmly grasped the hand that Thanos used to resist, while his right hand clenched into a fist, giving Thanos a hard punch!

boom! ! !

The ground trembled violently, and more than 800 Wakanda warriors were swayed to the ground by the vibration of this punch, and the pioneer army who fell to the ground at the same time was even more numerous.

Boom! ! !

It was another dull old fist. The ground nearby dropped by more than fifty centimeters in an instant, and the Wakanda, who had not had time to stand up, simply flew out backwards.

"Avoid that one and Thanos, avoid!!!"

The Black Panther anxiously issued the order, but the order was too late.

Heisenberg punched Thanos' face and chest with punch after punch, and the pioneers and Wakanda people near them were simply sent to the sky by the burst of impact!

They were floating in the air in a mess, and just as they were about to land, a new wave of shocks knocked them up again.

For a time, the nearby battlefield looked like a big country stage for black dancers!

The little peppers flying in the sky barely rescued a few Wakandas, and then she flew straight to Iron Man.

With the help of the suspended auxiliary energy output platform behind her, her laser swept away the enemies Iron Man was dealing with, and she took the opportunity to land on the ground and gave her lover a big hug.

"Honey, who is that person, the guardian of the earth who wanders the universe like Carol?"

"Uh, Pepper, can you stop asking me for info on another man while you're holding me?"

As Iron Man said, he violently broke free from Little Pepper's embrace. He stretched his right hand forward, and together with the floating wings behind him, killed all the enemies rushing from behind Little Pepper.

And Xiao Chili also made the same action with him, the two instantly changed from hugging to backs, solving each other's troubles.

And just when Little Pepper asked questions, someone from the Valkyrie at this time roared in surprise from the sky.

"It's so cool to ride a horse!"

Hearing her roar, she immediately picked up her own long sword, rode her own Pegasus, passed Heisenberg's head in a blink of an eye, and solved a worm-shaped landing ship that was rushing towards him for Heisenberg.

While cutting through the central nervous system of the worm-type landing ship with her long sword, she shouted at Heisenberg who was punching hard from below.

"I saw Tyr's shadow in you, strong man!"

Hearing this sentence, Heisenberg raised his head with interest and glanced in the direction of Pegasus.

"Then I must be stronger than him!"

He responded to the Valkyrie.

But at this moment, Thanos, who was lying on the ground, quickly seized the opportunity, directly pulled up Heisenberg's ankle, and grabbed Heisenberg tightly.

Then he stood up, twisted his waist and turned his hips, and suddenly threw Heisenberg into the distance!

After smashing three worm-shaped landing ships in a row, Heisenberg finally disappeared into the body of another big worm.

This scene made the Valkyrie who had just shouted at him pouted in embarrassment.

The warmhearted little spider immediately pulled a thread of spider silk on the worm-shaped landing ship that engulfed Heisenberg.

"Hey, do you need help, I think you seem to be ruthless when someone comes?!!"


Heisenberg smiled and flew down the tunnel he rammed out of, stopping beside Spider-Man.

At the same time, he quickly rubbed two little spiders' dog heads.

"Hey, you still have alien blood on your hands!"

The sticky feeling on his hair made Little Spider struggle with dissatisfaction, but how could He Haisenhao compete with his strength?

So, after rubbing for seven or eight seconds, Heisenberg released his hand in satisfaction.

At the same time he said something to the little spider.

"I got hit hard? Just by him? He's not qualified to hurt me?"

"Wow, this is so cool, can I write it down, and when this battle is over, when I return to New York, I will use this sentence to deal with the reporters who are interviewing?"

The little spider left quickly while teasing. Since Heisenberg is fine, it means that people in other places need his help even more!

But the little spider hadn't gone far before he heard Heisenberg shouting to him from behind.

"Boy, this is New York!"


The little spider was stunned for a moment. He was still gliding, so he couldn't help looking around desperately.

Until this time, the little spider finally saw the outline of the vicinity. The land in front of him that had long been in ruins was not the city where he had always lived.

"My New York..."

He was stunned for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, a violent giant gorilla fell to the ground.

Little Pepper saw Peter's tragic condition from a distance, and hurriedly planned to fly over to rescue him.

But she just flew out less than 200 meters when she saw an incomparably bright red light, which suddenly melted the gorilla holding the little spider into a pool of blood.

While the little spider got up quickly, he shouted at the source of the red light with a shocked face.

"Hot sight, man of steel, hell, you're a superman, a superman!!!"

I saw him dancing and kicking the two vanguard guards, and then smashing the two stones flying towards him with one punch.

At the same time he was still there shouting excitedly.

"I actually saw Superman, God, our world is not an ordinary world, the Superman in the comics has come to save us, hahaha!!!"

Many people heard the little spider's words clearly, and this time they instantly remembered the comics they had read.

In the Marvel world, Superman comics are like the origin world. Even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, when you hear the name Superman, you know who he is and what he does.

Even the older generation knows the word Superman.

That's Superman's true power.

As a result, countless people looked at Heisenberg, who was releasing his hot eyes and sweeping the battlefield at this time.


Pepper, who was the first to pay attention there, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"No wonder Tony doesn't tell me who he is, because we women all love Superman, haha!"

"Really, Superman?

Then why didn't you show up sooner!

Why not after he died! "

Unlike Pepper's euphoria like seeing an idol, Wanda is more painful now.

In the past, she was powerless to save her lover, and no one in the previous earth could do better than her.

But now, someone with that ability has clearly appeared on the battlefield!

Then why didn't he show up in the first place, why? ! !

With such anger, Crimson rushed towards Heisenberg. She skipped past Heisenberg and slid all the way to Thanos who was rushing towards Heisenberg!

I saw Thanos raised the battle and slashed towards Crimson and Heisenberg together, and Crimson simply blocked Thanos' attack with Chaos Energy.

In front of her mysterious energy, Thanos' warblade instantly let out a howl that was close to cracking.


At this moment, Heisenberg rushed to Thanos and snatched the blade that Thanos used to resist the crimson energy.

"That's my trophy, don't ruin it!"

He hurriedly threw the battle blade into the distance when he saw him roaring loudly.

This time he exerted such force that the blade flew at least hundreds of kilometers, and Thanos would definitely not be able to get it for a while.

At this point, Heisenberg finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, in the movie, it was the Scarlet Witch who broke the blade of Thanos, and now, he has completely saved his spoils from Wanda!

Then after securing the spoils, what Heisenberg had to do was to secure his enemies.

Crimson is the most likely existence on earth to kill Thanos alone. If she is not careful, she can really take the head of Thanos.

Don't you see Thanos is completely unable to resist in the crimson energy at this time, and even he is so painful that he applies for off-site assistance!

I saw him trying to raise his head and shouting.

"Temple No. 2, firepower coverage!"

As soon as the words fell, the old ebony-throated face who was smashing the US team on the ground in the distance was stunned.

"Sir, our troops are still there!"

"I said fire coverage, execute!!!"

In the blink of an eye, Thanos' new flagship Sanctuary No. 2 in the sky, instantly aimed more than 3,000 muzzles at the battlefield below.

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