Text Chapter 78 Yibambe

The "corpse" had been in a coma before, and he was completely in a coma.

He just woke up from the attack of an enemy, and saw another real enemy of his life and death!

I saw Thor, who was covered in blood, widen his eyes, and then directly punched Thanos in the head!

"To actually let me see you, this is really... poof!!"

Before Sol finished speaking, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his bushy beard was completely dyed red.

And he didn't care about his injury, just punched Thanos, who was constantly blocking, punch after punch.

And he kept roaring.

"It's really good, let me kill you a second time!

Thanos! ! ! "

"Another one who keeps aggressive towards me, but my enemy is not you!"

I saw Thanos blocked Sol's fist, and then he directly grabbed Sol's head with his big hand!

Saul was seriously injured, and at this time he couldn't resist the attack of Thanos at all.

I saw Thanos holding Sol with ease, and his right hand continued to add strength to Sol's skull.

In just a short while, Thor's eyeballs were rapidly congested, and blood was pouring out of his nose and mouth.

But Heisenberg is still there!

"Haha, if you can't beat me, did you find a weaker guy to bully?"

I saw Heisenberg joking, rushing to the front and directly picking up Thanos' huge body.

Then he suddenly threw Thanos out of the ruins of the Avengers, letting him smash backwards to his own legion!

Thanos put Sol under him in the air, and when he was about to land, he threw Sol directly on the ground, while he stepped on Sol and landed safely.

In an instant, Sol spat out a mouthful of blood again, and then fell to the ground weakly, almost losing any strength!



Captain America and Iron Man saw this scene, and their heartache was indescribable, but they really had nothing to do!

The offensive of Black Dwarf and Ebony Throat is endless, especially Ebony Throat, this guy is even more difficult to deal with than Strange!

At the same time, the two main combat powers on their side.

The Hulk didn't know when he would be able to climb up from the ground, and after being injured earlier, Thor was injured again almost fatally!

Barton, Natasha, Ant-Man, they are all protecting the seriously injured Rhodes and Rockets.

Facing an endless stream of Beast Soldiers and Chitarui Army, they are barely alive, let alone any breakthrough help they can bring!

"We need reinforcements!"

Iron Man roared, and Captain America nodded quickly.

"Yeah, we need more staff!"

As he spoke, he tried to tighten the shield in his left hand.

"But even if there is no additional staff, I can still play like this for a day!"

boom! ! !

It's sizzling! ! !

Thor's hammer swung quickly, and more beast soldiers died under his hands!

The shield in his left hand kept blocking, and the attack of the black dwarf was blocked by him again and again!

The left arm is getting more and more sore and numb, but all the pain can't be a reason to give up resistance!

What's more, now they barely have a not-so-kind hope!

After Heisenberg threw Thanos away, the whole person floated up, streaked across the sky, and hovered over Thanos' position.

I saw Thanos pick up Thor, the **** of thunder, who was covered in blood, and glanced contemptuously.


He said, throwing Thor directly into his army at the same time.

Countless animalized soldiers rushed over immediately, surrounded Sol in a blink of an eye, and gnawed wildly.

Sol's divine body can resist for a while, but it can't resist forever.

He tried hard to push away the enemies that lay on him, but what he got was just more and more helpless and desolate!

Thanos stood in front of his army, gasping for breath.

"You're a real powerhouse, Heisenberg!"

He said so, as he stretched out his right hand to the side.

His twin bladed blades floated into his hands immediately.

In the distance, Ebony Throat gave Thanos a salute.

And Thanos held the warblade and simply waved it twice, then looked at Heisenberg with fierce eyes.

"But I'm the only winner because I'm not alone!!!"

The voice fell, and in the distant portal behind him, countless giant Qitarui worm-type landing battleships rushed out, and there were thousands of them in a short period of time!

There are also violent behemoths that the Berserker Legion has nurtured for many years, all of them are like violent giants, struggling to show their minions to Heisenberg!

There are also the most loyal subordinates of Thanos, those pioneer guards with four arms and a style like beasts, also called pioneers!

Of course, the most loyal supporter of Thanos in the universe is the Saqqara who controls all the battleships and spaceships for him, and also controls all the mechanical creations for him!

In just ten seconds, more than a dozen troops with more than hundreds of thousands of figures poured out of the portal, and this is just the vanguard of Thanos!

Is Thanos the emperor of the universe just because of his own strength?

No, not really, Thanos really lost to too many people in his life.

On his personal stage, he rarely has an impressive record!

Beaten by Odin, beaten by the Celestials, beaten by the ancients, beaten by the observers!

But no matter the king's personal exploits, as long as he has enough people around him, his honor will never decline!

But his proud army...

In the eyes of Heisenberg in the sky, it is just a tool to improve the style and pomp!

And, this tool will attract even more new tools that can stage great scenes for him!

Just like the countless portals with golden light that suddenly appeared behind him!

At the moment when Thanos' army officially attacked, on top of the collapsed ruins of the Avengers Building, the countless rotating and expanding golden portals shone almost every inch of the shadow that was obscured by Temple II!

The Supreme Mage Strange, headed by him, walked out of the portal, and behind him, countless mages led the countless Avengers Corps to officially gather!

Little Pepper rushed into the battlefield first in indigo armor!

The Valkyrie rode on a Pegasus and rushed into the beast tide with the remaining army of Asgard!

The ancient monks lit up the magic blades in their hands one by one.

The Wakanda Night Legion raised their vibranium spears!

Even Quill brought the space pirate army inherited from Godfather Yongdu!

Even the figure that makes Thanos extremely heart-wrenching is his favorite daughter Gamora!

The green figure was standing in front of Quill and gave Quill's **** a ferocious knee-bump!

Wasp's tiny figure flew into the crowd and gave Ant-Man Scott a high-five with a smile.

At the same time, he picked up Rhodes and the little raccoon and sent them directly to a safe place.

The little spider rushed out from behind Doctor Strange, and his steel spider armor was particularly dazzling, which instantly made Tony Stark's eyes red!

All Avengers are mostly happy and yearning.

Only that red figure, she floated to the ground in grief, and shouted an extremely resentful voice at Thanos.

"You took my love, my everything, my whole life!

Now, I'm coming for revenge! ! ! "

The surging impact of the red chaotic energy hit Thanos' position, and in the blink of an eye, more than hundreds of vanguard guards were torn into dust.

And the black panther shouted out the most classic voice at the right time!

"Yibambe! (Hold on)!"

“Yibambe!!! (Hold on)!!!”

"Yibambe! (Must win)!"

“Yibambe!!! (must win)!!!”

Thousands of people shouted that ancient Xhosa language, making almost every Avenger's blood boil! ! !

Heisenberg, who was suspended in the sky, silently admired everything in front of him. Only when he was in this battlefield in person could he truly appreciate the excitement of today.

He finally set his sights on Captain America who held the golden shield aloft.

And Captain America also lived up to his mission. After all the troops were assembled, he shouted for the first time.

"Avengers, Assemble!!!"

The roar was instantly deafening, and in the blink of an eye, two armies collided frantically.

The Avengers used the Scarlet Witch, Valkyrie, Pepper and Strange as arrows, and stabbed the Thanos coalition fiercely.

Life and death are endless, and no one is truly safe on this battlefield.

But so what?

Heaven to the left, warriors to the right!

Looking at the gradually surging crowd of people on the earth, Thanos suddenly felt something.

He looked at Heisenberg deeply, and then let out a sigh of relief.

"You are not like them!"

He heard him suddenly whisper, and Heisenberg, who was hovering majestic in the sky in the distance, nodded lightly at him.

"This is not my world, Thanos!"

He said, rushing out at the same time, charging in the air with a punch and smashing the double-strand war blade raised high by Thanos!

boom! ! !

While the incomparably surging force was difficultly resisted by Thanos, it quickly split into two waves and spread behind Thanos.

And the scattered strength did not disappear completely, but madly wrapped in all the dust, destroying everything that the strength could reach into a little dust~www.NovelMTL.com~ brush! ! !

The airflow swept across the entire battlefield, and with just such a mere punch, a giant rift valley with a width of more than three kilometers and a width of 800 meters appeared behind Thanos!

And this punch also made the troops of Fulian and Thanos, who had just entered the battle, completely stunned there!

Under such a blow, Thanos' army wiped out at least tens of thousands of creatures.

Just one punch!

At this time, the Avengers army, dazzled by the excitement brought by hatred and revenge, finally noticed the figure in front of them that was tit-for-tat with Thanos.

No, it's not just tit-for-tat, he's pressing Thanos at all!

The little spider's mouth is always the fastest.

He made two light jumps, and when he landed next to Iron Man, he couldn't help but roar.

"Mr. Stark, go see God!!!"

The black panther not far away heard this, and deeply remembered Heisenberg's shadow in shock.

I saw him cross his arms and shout at his soldiers.

"I don't know who that is, I don't know if he's God, but I know, we'll win!"

"Definitely win ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The torrent composed of flesh, in a blink of an eye, lost one layer due to the battle.

The blood of humans and aliens has long since been thoroughly mixed into the soil under our feet, turning into an indistinct color!

The ground is getting more and more wet, it is not the groundwater that is surging rapidly, but the blood and fire flowing out of countless lives.

Heisenberg, on the other hand, hovered above the death, and showed a bright smile to Thanos.

"Not my people, but they're not bad, right?"

"Come on then!"

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