Infinite Terror of Others

Sixty-two, not human four

(This book is cruel. So is this volume. Today’s chapter is even more shameless. Don’t read it for the faint of heart or those with heart problems. Don’t read it for those who think you are righteous)

All bleeding was again stopped with hemostatic spray.

Three hours later. Mirai Yamamoto is almost no longer a human being. It was completely unrecognizable and could only be identified by those inherent human organ characteristics. The skull is opened and the brain is squirming. The muscles on the face were also picked clean. The ears were also cut off. The heart is still beating, but only one lung, kidney and other organs and tissues are left.

But Yamamoto Mirai is still not dead. If she still has the strength, she can still chat with others.

So an induction cooker and a large soup pot appeared in this room. Minced meat and a few offal were thrown in. Soon the aroma of meat emitted.

Zou Hang squatted aside and said tiredly: "Why don't you hand it over?" Everyone had vomited and collapsed on the ground. No one is talking, no one can think calmly. Except Zou Hang. Everyone is immersed in infinite terror.

Zou Hang mentioned ‘Mirai Yamamoto’ if this could still be called a person. Fragmented and mixed with various body fluids. Pancreatic juice, grease, saliva, blood, and other juices that flowed out from the damaged cell walls filled the remaining spine, internal organs, muscles, and bones. At this time, apart from the spine, 'Yamamoto Mirai' is just a collection of soft internal organs. All kinds of filth in the intestines have long been scattered all over the place. In the end, even the skull was carefully peeled off by Zou Hang. But it did not damage the brain and various soft tissues inside.

No one spoke. Zou Hang picked up the pile of 'rotten meat' and threw it into the pot.


The punishment of cooking may live up to its name, which is the origin of the allusion of "asking the king to enter the urn". It was the Tang Dynasty, when Wu Zetian was the emperor. There was a cruel official in the court who called Junchen. He advocated severe punishment and often tortured prisoners who refused to confess. The method is to find a large urn, stuff the person into it, and then heat it with firewood under the urn. The temperature was getting higher and higher, and the tortured people became more and more unbearable. If they refused to confess, they were often burned to death in an urn... Later, when Wu Zetian heard about this, he called for Lai Junchen and asked him about the prisoner. What should I do if I refuse to confess? Lai Junchen proudly told him this method, and Wu Zetian said lightly: "I will invite you to enter the urn" and burned Lai Junchen to death...

"No!" 'Mirai Yamamoto' can still moan, and the vocal cords in her throat are still intact, but now she can only make a slight hum. Naturally, the moan was very small, but 'Yamamoto Mirai' who fell into the boiling water still struggled a little, and naturally only a few organs jumped. The word 'no' came from Kazuo Yamamoto's mouth. He has collapsed. The only reason he is still alive is his belief. Yamamoto Kazuo can be said to be cruel and ruthless on the outside. Although he is far less than Zou Hang, on the inside he still loves his children very much, although in his heart, he will always have a higher status as his son. But he was able to give Yamamoto Mirai a lot of love when all races disdained women. Although there is some intention of taking advantage, the hearts of parents in the world are sincere.

Maybe Yamamoto is unwilling to give her most precious thing to Zou Hang in the future. Although Zou Hang didn't even bother to get it. But if she could know her fate, maybe she could give up everything. But until now, if Yamamoto Kazuo knew that Yamamoto would be like this in the future, I'm afraid he still wouldn't be able to let go of that guard thing. Of course Zou Hang also knew.

Maybe Zou Hang is not a professional executioner. In other words, Ling Chi is no longer Ling Chi.

But Zou Hang definitely surpassed the professional executioner, or this was already the ultimate version that Ling Chi could achieve. For 44 dollars, if Zou Hang had time, he could definitely divide this extremely nerve-wracking work into several days to complete. The most famous person who made Yamamoto more famous than the person who suffered this punishment in the future was the eunuch Liu Jin.

Zou Hang didn't feel any fear at all. Because it was he who brought infinite terror to others.

The death of Mirai Yamamoto. This result is not important. What matters is the process, the horrific process that she and Zou Hang completed together. This process has firmly entered the memory of everyone present. Unless you die. I'm afraid no one can forget it.

It seems that the purpose has been achieved.

"If it were Mr. Yamamoto Ryuji, your son, he might be able to increase the experience of castration." Zou Hang's words seemed to come from the mouth of a devil in the abyss. Breaking everyone's petrification.

"I hand it over. But please let me replace my son Ryuji. I beg you!" In fact, Yamamoto Ryuji also had an older brother named Yamamoto Ryuichi, but he died a long time ago. Therefore, it can be said that Yamamoto Ryuji has become one of the most important things for Yamamoto Kazuo, and it is to preserve the seeds of the continuation of Yamamoto's lineage. Death may really be inevitable. The boy in front of me is ‘not a human being’!

"I promise you. But his life must be exchanged for the 'key'! Please hand over the key now!" Zou Hang nodded.

Yamamoto Kazuo sighed dejectedly at this moment. Maybe this 50-year-old man was still full of energy a few hours ago, but a few hours later this person seems to have been living alone for centuries...

too tired! It seemed like I hadn't been this tired for a long time. The so-called key. In fact, it is a pass for Taro Yamamoto. Like a magnetic card. There is also the password for the magnetic card. The magnetic card may be real, but Zou Hang is suspicious of the password. When he and Kazuo Yamamoto returned to their previous private club from a villa alone, Zou Hang symbolically cut off a few pieces of flesh from Yamamoto Ryuji's body. Kazuo Yamamoto said another password.

In fact, Ling Chi was too tired. Zou Hang never thought of letting go of anyone here, or even more wanted to test the authenticity of the password. Zou Hang beat Yamamoto Ryuuji alive until he was paralyzed, but let him stay with Yamamoto Mirai when he was clear-headed. Got cooked. Kazuo Yamamoto's rage only requires one bullet.

Moreover, all the blood of several people was sucked dry. Maybe it's really the reason for almost doubling the mental power. Once the blood-sucking skill was activated, the blood of several people rarely flowed out from the wounds, but directly broke through the flesh from the body surface and collected into Zou Hang's mouth. And it only lasted no more than ten seconds.

"Let's go!" when it's all over. When Zou Hang approaches An Ran. An Ran trembled violently, as if frightened by something terrifying. When all the team members came to their senses, they hadn't moved in almost a few hours. Just sluggish.

"Why?" Bai Yu didn't know when he had an extra knife in his hand, which was the knife Zou Hang used for execution. Pointing at Zou Hang, he exuded a burst of murderous intent.

"You want to kill them too!" Zou Hang answered the question inappropriately.

"This is my business! I just want to know why you would do such a vicious thing just for the 'key'!" Bai Yu is a killer, or it can be said that a killer can relieve people more, but only for a moment. But now Bai Yu wants to know what Zou Hang wants to do. Because Bai Yu was afraid. Because the process from birth to death may be very short for a killer, just so many years. There may be many things that scare Bai Yu, but the one that made him feel infinite terror for the first time was this mysterious young man in front of him.

Death is easy. But if you really want to die in Zou Hang's hands and die under that kind of torture... I can't imagine it.

"If one of us has to die. Do you want me to die or you to die?" Zou Hang had already turned his face to Bai Yu. Although Bai Yu was murderous at this moment, there was fear in his eyes.

Although I don’t know what Zou Hang means. But he also knew that Zou Hang did have the strength to kill him, so he replied coldly: "Death!"

Zou Hang smiled and nodded. Bai Yu was shocked. Just listen to him say: "Not bad! You are quite honest. You don't know why I did this, or you have deep prejudices against me. If you kill me, of course. 'Key' If I guessed it right If so, it can be regarded as one of the key clues to solve the problem of completing the mission and returning to the main god's space in this terrifying world. UU Kanshu So if we don't reach it, we will die here. So if you want us to go back. "Zou Hang He glanced at everyone with his intimidating eyes and said: If you want to live, you'd better get used to my ways. Otherwise, if you become my obstacle, I will not hesitate to make you feel infinite terror! "

Suddenly, Bai Yu's eyes flashed. Zou Hang had already used his flash skill to come behind him: "Bai Yu! Because of your actions just now, our cooperation has come to an end. What I can tell you is that this mission is very difficult, or like what I just did Compared with everything you are about to face, cruelty can be said to be mercy. Or I can give you a choice. Leave your life to me for safekeeping!"

If a lie can be told reasonably and perfectly, then the lie is actually a fact recognized by most people! Instead of saying nonsense that is actually the truth. What's more, what Zou Hang said now was a lie mixed with facts. What we will face in a few days is indeed an even more crazy event. And if Bai Yu refuses. He will also die in Zou Hang's hands.

Bai Yu was really confused. He also had a premonition of something. Perhaps he has long believed that this world is scary, not to mention that Zou Hang's strength can indeed kill him directly.

"Maybe you are right! Okay! I agree. I also hope you are worthy of giving my life to you!" Bai Yu threw the knife aside -

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