Infinite Terror of Others

Sixty-one, not human three

(This book is cruel. So is this volume. Today’s chapter is even more shameless. Don’t read it for the faint of heart or those with heart problems. Don’t read it for those who think you are righteous)

"Ah!!" Yamamoto Mirai felt a biting pain coming from the soles of his feet. She couldn't help but scream. A steady stream of tears fell. The almost crazy scenes continue.


The earliest method was to kill people and then chop them into meat paste, which was called "grain". I remember Zilu and Boyikao, the eldest son of King Wen of Zhou, who were subjected to this punishment.

Later, it developed more sophisticatedly, and the purpose was still to inflict maximum pain on the prisoner. Therefore, the torture was not only performed while alive, but also required how many knives the victim must suffer before death.

It is said that later on, two people were required to perform Ling Chi each time. Starting from the feet, a thousand cuts were required in total, which meant that a thousand pieces of flesh were cut off before the prisoner could die. It is said that if the prisoner dies before being cut a thousand times, the executioner will also be punished. The most famous person who suffered this torture was the eunuch Liu Jin. It is said that it took three days of mutilation before he died...

The worst thing happened was Yuan Chonghuan, a famous general who fought against the Qing Dynasty in the late Ming Dynasty. Because Emperor Chongzhen fell into a conspiracy and mistakenly thought that he was a traitor to the enemy, he was sentenced to death at a very early age. Before execution, he was covered with a fishnet (to make his muscles stand out for the sword) and paraded through the streets. The ignorant people in Beijing rushed forward and bit off his flesh piece by piece... The psychological pain was probably far greater than the physical pain.

After continuous improvement, Lingchi became one of the official punishments in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Is Zou Hang cruel? Maybe it is. But what's the point? It's just that, created by the inventor, developed by the inheritors, and approved by the rulers. Many people still try. Zou Hang is not the first, and certainly not the last.

Cannibal. It is regarded as a custom of primitive society and is looked down upon by civilized people. But there are also cannibals in the shadows of civilization. The difference is that it is hidden and buried. When your hunger reaches the extreme, all civilization, order and morality are nothing but jokes. In waterlogged years, people change their children and eat. Three years of drought have spread. After ten years of siege, all flesh and bones were wiped out.

I would rather die than eat people. Please go to hell. There are living people who feed on you.

This society is like this. Either you eat people or people eat you. Have you eaten anyone today?

A metaphor. Not just stories but reality. At least I agree with Zou Hang's approach. Do you want to die? If you don’t want to, then let others die! Don't want to let infinite terror embrace you? Then let's look at the infinite horror of others.

Keys are important. At least for now. Likewise, if this idea is wrong, the dying person may have died in vain for his academic research. If his idea is correct. Then the deaths of those people are valuable.

The soles of the feet are the most densely populated area of ​​a person’s acupuncture points. It is also the most sensitive place. After Zou Hang executed the knife, the miserable screams like ghosts and wolf howls never stopped. And Zou Hang's hand never stopped. There was shouting all over his forehead. In order to minimize the damage and avoid death too quickly, Zou Hang had to concentrate on not relaxing for a moment. For 175 cuts, the flesh of Yamamoto Mirai's left leg had been divided into 175 pieces and set aside. Zou Hang did not continue the movement of this position and preserved the arteries, circulatory system and tendons of the leg. Even so, those tiny capillaries also leaked a lot of red. Zou Hang's hands became bloody.

Some animals often retain their own scent in their blood. If exposed to the air and discovered by their own kind, revenge may begin. Just when Yamamoto Ryuji just woke up, he saw this scene of hell and was put down at his feet by Yamamoto Kazuo. Zou Hang's hand paused at that moment, and then continued to move.

Don’t think that migrant workers fighting sandbags on construction sites are more tired than Internet writers. This is only one aspect. Or rather physically. Writers may be mentally far superior to migrant workers and may suffer from psychological haggard and mental fatigue.

For more than two hours, it seemed that Zou Hang was relaxed and did not make any big moves. But his hands were trembling slightly. Excessive mental fatigue made Zou Hang's vision blurred, and all his senses were no longer sensitive.

A stroke on his hand caused blood to flow out. Zou Hang sprayed the hemostatic spray again. Fortunately, Zou Hang's skills were impressive. In the past two hours, Yamamoto Mirai had hardly suffered any heavy bleeding, and this time it was only twice.

Yamamoto Mirai fainted again. Zou Hang stood up and brought another basin of water to pour it on. When she woke up, she still wanted to scream heartbreakingly, but her voice was already hoarse. No matter how hard she tried, it didn't work. What's more, her struggle has long been powerless.

The other leg received the same amount of 175 cuts. At this moment, Zou Hang felt like he was about to collapse. I can barely keep my eyes open. As for the body part, it seems that it will be easy for Yamamoto to die in the future if he misses.

Just at this moment. UU Reading Zou Hang suddenly heard in his ears: "Ding, your mental power exceeds your own limit, and you will be rewarded with 40 points of mental power!" Is it an illusion? Zou Hang seemed to suddenly hear the mechanical voice of the Lord God. At this moment, Zou Hang suddenly felt that his fatigue was gone. Although his right hand was still shaking, the muscles were still very sore. But the brain and various sense organs are much clearer.

Mental strength? Zou Hang suddenly remembered this attribute. As captain. He knows the importance of mental power. Mental power is the embodiment of the power of magic and skills. The higher the mental power, the greater the power. Similarly, mental power is a kind of energy consumption. It is also mentally draining in its own right.

Since exchanging vampire blood, his mental strength seems to be vaguely improved after absorbing the blood. But it is also very small. On the one hand, it may be because he did not deliberately increase it. He just drank some to supplement it when needed. It took so long to increase it by only 1 point. This is also because of a special feature of vampire blood. Now his mental strength plus rewards have reached 101 points. As expected, the power of his skills will also be improved.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Zou Hang continued to Lingchi. From bottom to top, Zou Hang has opened Yamamoto Mirai's pelvic cavity. The muscles were cut and her uterus was removed. Then upward, abdominal cavity. A wrinkled intestine was pulled out of the body by Zou Hang. Open the chest by cutting away excess fat and muscle. Broken ribs. The exposed internal organs are clearly visible -

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