Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 908: Hospital

Some things happen to people, they do n’t pay much attention to them, but they are affected by subtlety. Sometimes they sum up and feel that there is nothing wrong.

For example, information transformation.

In the original world, the information industry began to develop rapidly following the rise of computers and the Internet in the 1990s, and profoundly changed people's lives. Kane, as an in-person, naturally failed to escape.

This influence also manifested when he later became a reincarnation: he attached great importance to intelligence, and even intelligence-related technology acquisition and power distribution had priority over others.

His creations, like starships, will also reflect this emphasis, such as the Hill, whose intelligence collection and analysis capabilities are particularly powerful.

The S.H.I.E.L.D., the Beacon State official, and even the mystic mage in New York to prevent virus infection disasters have all enjoyed the benefits of superior intelligence and information.

The rescue team appointed by the President himself is one of them.

When the Hydra rescue team of the Hydra was pitted by the zombies in Flushing High School for false survivors, Jack and his party were killed in the Queens General Hospital northwest of the intersection of Central Avenue and 164 Street.

Modern human society relies heavily on energy. Like this hospital, there is no electricity. Even at 10 a.m., it gives people the feeling of breaking into the magic cave.

Jack and his party packed up neatly, at the same time the vehicle turned, and then hung in neutral to stand by, ready to run at any time.

Jack and others activated the special function on the helmet sight glass, and then began to burst into a battle formation.

Robert and photographer Charlie are also among them, both of whom are a little nervous, but overall it is fairly calm.

The two are also equipped with the same equipment as Jack.

This equipment is a cutting-edge product of military technology and is still in the final stage of experimental testing. The front line needs some gimmick products that can inspire people and give people more confidence in official capabilities. They are directly installed in small areas.

From this perspective, Jack is a product tester. As of the current position, the operation of these devices is still normal. It can be connected to the Hill's information system to a certain extent, so it can provide real-time red dot tracking and let Jack and his party know the nearby In the area, there are zombies in which rooms.

The other is the pointing function. Hill ’s wisdom brain assists the analysis and helps them specify the route of travel.

The explanation given by Zhinao is that there is a flying monster in this hospital, which makes the situation here reach a strange balance. This is the root cause of survivors.

And Jack and his party should bypass this level of murderous creature with the level of death claw, otherwise there will be a high probability of death.

In fact, a group of people could hear the penetrating singing voice of Fei Yao vaguely.

Yes, singing, not crying, not all flying monsters are kneeling and crying like George's daughter, but without exception, there will be some movement.

In particular, they are attracting the attention of others in this way. It is better to say that they are a way of ‘for fun’. They are immersed in their own small world. Once they are disturbed, they will go crazy.

The movement made by the flying monster is a hum, like the kind of coaxing a baby to sleep. It sounds like a song, but it is not a system, but just a melody.

However, the extraordinarily ethereal and weird interpretation of the flying demon is reminiscent of ghost calls, although basically no one knows what the ghost calls are.

"Watch your feet, watch your surroundings, keep quiet ..." Jack reminded again as he moved.

After the nuclear explosion, this hospital fell into chaos for a time, and later staged an escape scene, so it was not clean and tidy, and there was no shortage of debris in the aisle.

The progress of Jack and his party is exceptionally steady, including clearing the debris encountered along the way, which is to avoid accidents and make a pavement for safe evacuation.

If they can, they would rather not shoot at all.

However, Wisdom Hill gave a warning that the zombies in this hospital are undergoing a new phase of change, which is caused by the inability to obtain sufficient supplements.

As we all know, the human brain is the most powerful energy-consuming organ of the human body, and the strongest heat dissipation effect of the brain is proved by the side.

The metabolic capacity of zombies is several times stronger than that of ordinary people, and they can not get enough nutritional supplements. The result is that the most energy-consuming organs die first.

Brain cells will die in large numbers, and a chain reaction will occur. In its external appearance, zombies will not rush to pain due to the massive death of brain cells, but there will be confusion and consciousness, just like extreme drowsiness, dizziness, and no longer coherent thoughts until fragments.

What will happen to the zombie after the fragment is still unclear, but after the analysis of the Hill ’s wisdom brain, the relevant speculation is biased towards beastification due to ‘sorrowfulness’.

Indoors, the space is small and the humanoid beasts are still very threatening. What's more important is that when the movement is too big to disturb the flying demon, then it is a tragedy.

"Captain, there are obstacles."

Jack also saw it, thought for 2 seconds, and ordered: "Move away, try to be careful."

Obstacles are random stacking of tables, chairs, and benches. Theoretically, for wise zombies, the hindrance is not much, but if the gun is kept behind, the meaning is completely different. I believe that no zombies will easily die.

No one is guarding behind the obstacle.

"We are not far from the rescue target, here should be the means of self-protection they set ..." Robert did not forget to grab the opportunity to broadcast. In fact, the camera never stopped. It is said to be a live broadcast, but in fact it still does some editing, so more material is needed.

‘Grunt ... bang! ’A very hidden glass jar was rolled and shattered as the special fighters moved the table and chairs. Against a quiet environment, the sound seemed loud.

At that moment, Jack and others stopped all movements in unison, holding their breaths and listening to observation.

Feiyang's humming sound also broke off with the sound.

After three or four seconds of silence, the flying demon's song rang again.

Jack and others took a long breath.

As a result, Hill notified: "A strong smell of human blood was detected nearby ..."

It ’s the bottle. The bottle is filled with human blood. The bottle is not only used for alarm, but also for pitting people!

Sure enough, the **** smell quickly caused problems. In the field of vision, the nearby red dots were turning purple, which means that the temperature of the zombies increased, and they were violent.

The sound of "banging" smashing the door sounded, it was the operation of the zombies who lost their wisdom. They have no wisdom to open the door, but they have several times the strength of ordinary people. The door could not withstand a few hits.

The sound of the flying monster disappeared again. If you listen carefully, you will hear that there is a more vocal 'ho-ho' sound, which means that the flying monster has been disturbed, but there is no clear goal, so there is no place to fire At this time, it is in a cruising state, and any target along the way may be angered by it.

"Speed ​​up." Jack said as he started.

The movement was fast, although there was a noise, but it was covered by the door smashing, which was not obvious.

The zombie still appeared, fast like a cheetah preying, but Robert's perception is more likely to be described by evil spirits, because from the perspective of perceptual cognition, the grim expression of his eyes with red light brings to people Visual impact is still above speed.

Bang, Bang!

Textbook-level Mozambique shooting, hit the body with two shots, stiff shot, one shot directly killed.

After the zombie died, the body still staggered two steps before it fell. Less than 2 meters from the nearest rescue team member.

2-3 times the normal body size, and enters a violent state, when it launches an attack, the reaction time is very short, especially in the streets, indoors, even if the trained soldiers, and have enough mental equipment, from the discovery It takes 1-2 seconds to respond, and once it fails to subdue the other party, it will be troublesome.

This is only one, more than three, ordinary people even kneel even with a gun.

After a few seconds, several zombies appeared at the same time.

Photographer Charlie's strong ability to grasp the camera is reflected at this time. He sharply captured a more 'ghost' zombie. After seeing the staff structure here, the guy obviously hesitated and did not continue to rush, but Shrink.

It was a zombie with a head of wisdom, and a strong sense of crisis suppressed its bloodthirsty desire. It knew that if it rushed up, it would probably hang.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The gunshots were intensive, and the special fighters who rescued the squad were standing or kneeling halfway. With the tacit cooperation, they built a tight fire net. In a breathing time, they killed 4 zombies.

In this operation, they were specially equipped with full-power ammunition of the Dam warhead, and the caliber of the weapon was 7.62, instead of 5.59, which was commonly used in the past. Therefore, the power is very good. The disadvantage is that even if the latest silencer is used, the movement is still a bit big. .

‘Beep beep! ’S alarm sounded, and information from Hill indicated that a special funeral was approaching quickly.

Special mournings generally come with camouflage talents, and the Hill cannot distinguish their specific categories. It is only by analogy that they are different. They are neither human nor ordinary zombies. Then it is special mourning, as shown in the images of the special forces. In, they are golden dots.

Before this special funeral appeared, the soldiers were ready to deal with it, but the actual situation was more difficult than expected. The first one to rush out was not the special funeral, but the previous one still had wisdom, and he chose when he saw that the situation was wrong. The zombie who slipped away.

This zombie was thrown out rather than thrown out, its response was obviously faster than ordinary people, and it could twist its body like a cat in the air, trying to land in a favorable posture, instead of falling hard. .

It is a pity that the soldiers waited in strict order and were a little nervous. As soon as it appeared, it was caught in the air, and it was already a dead body when it landed.

The special funeral is to take advantage of the wisdom of the zombie to attract firepower. A spout, the firepower of the soldiers continued to extend after killing the wisdom zombie, and greeted it mercilessly.

But the defensive power of the mourning was amazing. He was shot hard and completed his breath attack.

It spit out a venom, just like the king cobra venom, and the amount is not much, but the venom will quickly vaporize into a poisonous mist in the air, with a strong corrosive, poisonous mist covering the rescue team The area where it is located causes continuous damage.

Special fighters are very professional, and this situation has remained calm enough to quickly shoot the spitters who tried to retreat.

The special survivor is very strong, so I really want to let it go away, and he will be a good guy in a few dozen minutes. Their recipes are wider, and zombies can also be imported.

Kill the spitters, rush out of the poisonous fog area, you can still hear the rustling corroded noise from the equipment, take out the bottled spray, and clean up each other urgently.

This is the benefit of being well prepared.

The spray can also be sprayed into the poisonous fog area, which helps to settle the poisonous fog.

But after all, it was a delay.

The delicate balance has been broken, and more zombies are concentrated here.

Jack said in a deep voice: "We are going to fight a positional battle and lower the load."

Robert felt that Jack at this moment was very charming, and the confusion in his heart suddenly subsided because of this sentence.

Yes, a team of special warfare elites are here. Unless there is a zombie riot, what are you afraid of? It is no problem to clear most of this hospital.

With Jack's order, tables, chairs, benches and the like were quickly used, and simple bunker fortifications were done in a few breaths.

The zombies appeared, still the headless brainless zombies.

These zombies were originally survivors. They were forced to hide by the flying monsters and other zombies. They dared not show up, hoping to obtain official rescue.

However, it turns out that this is a bad choice. They were infected by the air, and then missed the most important first wave of development because of the lack of hunting targets.

If other mutants are approaching the abyss, they are falling into the abyss. The consumption of the mutation is too large, it must be replenished as soon as possible, but if it is not done, it will be brain-dead and become a brainless zombie.

They don't have any tactics, they won't wait for the same kind of gathering to launch an impact, even if they are alone, they dare to rush.

In this way, in the face of the rescue squad, nature is no different from death.

But here are wise zombies.

The manifestation of wisdom is not only to let brainless zombies die, but also to use tools, for example, they even know how to throw homemade burning flasks.

This kind of alcohol is used as fuel, medical gauze is used as a fuse, and the burning bottle mixed with washing powder is difficult to extinguish. It can also release toxic gases, resulting in smoke and flames, which seriously affect the soldiers' shooting range.

Helpless, Jack gave the turn-in order, dropped the burning obstacle, and advanced while fighting.

This is much more risky, but with Hill ’s red dot information, it is possible to know the enemy ’s position probabilistically, and will not be ambushed. Even when they meet in a narrow road, they will get the first move. With Jack ’s combat qualities and equipment, they are still sure to win.

Jack had n’t been around long before the flying demon arrived. At that time there were still a few zombies, who could n’t help being attracted by the broken bottle of blood, scrambling to want to kneel and lick.

As soon as the flying demon arrived, they immediately dispersed as birds and beasts.

Where can I still have time?

The flying demon is too fast. When it is soaring, the fast speed can bring welcome. If you give it a runway, it can rush out of a hundred meters in 2.3 seconds. In front of such a speed, even the speed and response of the zombie wisdom, They are all floating clouds.

On the contrary, for the flying demon, if it can run at such a speed, then the ground, the side wall, and even the ceiling can become the relay point of the running, so its movement is not only fast, but it is difficult to estimate according to common sense, and it comes with evasion skills addition.

Flying demon is not good at power, but speed is closely related to power, and her claws are sharp and able to cut gold and broken stones, just like the cavalry charge with a saber. It only needs to pass the target and obsolete. The target is often You will be cut in two.

The flying demon was wearing thick, self-illuminating red hair, which was like a cloud of fire, and when it stopped, there was no moving thing at the scene.

It froze for a while, then made a ‘ho ho’ sound, and continued to swim, the general goal was the place where there was a noise, which was the place where Jack was pushing.

And Jack, they now have the style of hard to break the enemy to rescue the hostages, constantly advancing, constantly shooting at targets in all fields of vision, with the instant information provided by the Hill, they have no possibility of accidental shooting, and they are often prepared. As soon as the other party took the lead, the bullet greeted it.

Photographer Charlie naturally captured a lot of wonderful scenes, and Robert was also crazy about it, and inserted some talk-like comments.

In general, the progress of the group is very fast.

At the entrance of the stairwell to the corridor, they knew there was an ambush in advance, they directly dropped a flash bomb, and then threw out a shot, killing more than a dozen intelligent zombies in less than 5 seconds, which is the most dazzling since the operation. A scene.

At this time, more alarmed zombies chased up the stairs.

As soon as Jack gritted his teeth, he directly dropped the big bomb made of C4 explosives, which caused serious damage to the hospital's building structure. A big hole was seen from the outside, and the stairs were blown up.

Jack said in a deep voice: "It's a wave of defense here, but we have to see how many zombies there are."

It has to be said that the blocking position chosen by Jack is very good. It is already on the top floor. The ambush in the corridor has been cleared, and the chaser behind is forced by the damaged terrain. It is very difficult to cross the fault.

Jack, they are condescending, whoever dares to jump out and die.

The dead nature is the brainless zombies attracted by huge movements ~ ~ The wisdom zombies will not be pursued hard in this case, and as a result, they killed dozens of brainless zombies here. The brainless zombies of the entire hospital are almost finished.

Then the flying monster appeared. The flying monster was killing several witted zombies, and then they found Jack.

The broken floor can hardly be an obstacle. The flying monster flying like a cloud, the super cool running action surprised everyone.

The soldiers of the rescue team fired even three people, but failed to hit the flying demon because the prediction was wrong.

Seeing that he was about to be ridden, Jack's protagonist haloed at the critical moment, and he slapped the flying demon with a grenade at a distance of 3 meters.

The shock wave generated by the violent explosion pushed Jack and them away by several meters, but the flying demon was also uncomfortable, its tonnage was not good, and its endurance was also normal. These were bombed directly and flew out directly, and fiercely. After hitting the wall, after falling to the ground, he fell directly from the big hole that was blown out of the wall to the outside of the building.

The four standby Streakers just noticed this because of the explosion. They also heard Jack ’s communication on the channel. They knew that the red-haired thinner who fell out was particularly mourned. At that time, he shot with 25MM guns.

The unlucky Flying Demon failed to get up and was torn to pieces, and the camera of the cannon faithfully recorded the scene. Even in that case, the Flying Demon still tried to avoid it, and was almost successful. Fortunately, a bullet hit and stiffened, which was torn to pieces by more bullets.

As soon as the flying monster died, Jack thought they had stabilized the rescue.

Under the instructions of the Hill, it was much easier to find the survivors, but they made such a big movement and successfully alarmed the nearby zombies. A wave of small corpses is rapidly brewing ...

Infinite Supreme Wizard

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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