Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 907: Deep into the disaster area (below)

Compared with the targeted, fast-in and fast-out of the Jack Rescue Squad, the multi-headed snake thugs chose a strategy of pushing all the way and arresting and destroying who.

‘Either be saved or destroyed! 'This is their slogan for action.

Such a slogan bursts naturally with certainty, and their support is weaponry.

When it comes to these weapons and equipment, we have to talk about Hydra

Hydra is not equal to Wakanda. To be precise, it is the uncle of the orthodox Panther Techara, Nibucho, who joined the secret organization and embarked on the road of exporting GM.

This organization is neither a multi-headed snake nor a hydra, but a star club, and a superhero-based organization.

Sentinel Bob Reynolds, US team Stephen Rogers, are all members, but they are not supreme leaders.

The highest leader of the Star Yao Club has great strength, and even the sentinels are not as good as they are. The quality of its members is also better than that of the current Avengers.

Under the operation of the Stars Club, the new king Nibjo temporarily set aside the traditional culture of the black buddies. At least when exporting weapons and equipment for GM, what kind of national wind is engaged in? Advanced experience in mainstream weaponry.

They developed the 'Sunshine Warrior' series of individual soldier equipment. This equipment itself is only an exoskeleton level, which is not a power armor.

Compared to the general-purpose exoskeleton of Tomorrow's Edge Universe, the Sunshine Warrior exoskeleton is more close-fitting and lightweight. At first glance, it looks like a set of shape correctors. The slim frame seems to be a rough basket made of rattan.

The energy of this exoskeleton is derived from the "power of the sun", which is the kind of power that is given to the backbone of the tissue that opens the door of the sun.

These backbones are like radiation sources, which can provide wireless energy to the members in the range, just like the sun. This is also the origin of the name "Sunshine Warrior".

This design makes the individual equipment more concise, so it looks a bit like a riot suit.

The module armor is attached outside the exoskeleton, and the energy shield of the vibration gold cloak is used on it, which greatly improves the protection ability.

It can be said that the exoskeleton of the Sunshine Warrior is at the same level as the Avengers' colony, and the technical expression and focus are different.

In terms of weapons, mainly firearms are modified.

For example, Hans Cat's G-36 and Belgian SCAR, the main modification point is the multi-functional launcher mounted on the tactical rail.

This kind of launcher replaces the grenade, which can spray the beam of particles, high-energy plasma ball, and plasma flame. It does not require special ammunition, but only needs to be wirelessly charged after shooting.

This set of weapons and equipment, which is based on the wireless transmission technology of the Sun's power, is the reliance of the mob.

In this operation, there were only five backbones who had the authority to open the Sun Gate. When the thugs and the officials tore around in New York, they did not have such support.

The violent fighting power, coupled with the anti-viral agent guaranteed by the sentry, as long as there is no mutation, can be safe even if infected, the mob naturally have nothing to fear.

They sent a total of 246 people, there is a forward team of nearly 30 people, and there is a flanker composed of more than 30 people, the guard is 20 people.

The forward opens the way, the flanks pay attention to the situation of the two wings of the team, and the main force maintains a considerable speed of movement, marching all the way.

The tactics of the thugs are quite satisfactory, but their strategy for dealing with zombies is more singular and rude, basically it is one-size-fits-all. Once it hits, it immediately waits with firepower.

The multi-headed DJ anchor Jim Brother also sang praises for this, saying that the thugs dare to face their hands directly, and the Thunder punishes evil. Unlike some people, they are indecisive, fluent, and will not kill aggressively.

"To be generous to the enemy is to be cruel to one's own people. Without a mutant, there is one more source of infection. And our rescue team will do our best to destroy the enemy's living power as an important thing ..."

As a result, their approach successfully angered the zombie.

When they advanced to Flushing City Hall, they were raided by two nearby zombies.

A gang can be called a "fanatic gang", their leader Vladimir was originally a pimp company. Specially provides Eastern European beauty for the rich.

Vladimir's career was very large, which allowed him to get in touch with the tight black leaves although he was not high-ranked, but his connections were not bad.

Vladimir, who used black leaf blight, became an extremely rare black witch after being infected with the super-sacrifice virus, not a death claw.

Afterwards, this guy took a keen opportunity and declared, ‘this is not a virus, but an evolutionary test given to mankind by God. It allows the strong to evolve into a hunter, while the weak can only be reduced to food ... ’

This old bustard, who has no learning skills, is playing the social Darwinism at a critical moment.

He ordered his younger brother to take the initiative to embrace ‘evolution’, and then he hunted and recruited members in a team mode, which turned him into a trend.

By dawn, the fanatical gang led by him was already the most powerful zombie gang in the northeast of Queens. There are quite a few powerful officers under his command, all of whom are basically wise and mourning.

The wise special funerals are mostly anxious and anxious. The external changes of the special funerals are too much, and they do n’t look like people at first glance, which makes them do not know where their future is going.

Vladimir, who preached that the virus mutation is evolution, and the special funeral is the elite, naturally became an object of cooperation.

Vladimir's ambitions, the business he used to run, let him know what the rich and politicians are. He believes that as long as he can show sufficient strength and control, he can talk to the authorities, and ultimately he will be the manager of the "autonomous special zone" and the spokesperson of the zombies.

The Hydra mob's approach is tantamount to destroying the qualifications for negotiation. He believes that he must show his muscles and maintain sufficient deterrence.

As for another zombie organization Blue Corps, its members are mainly the former army, the National Guard, and the police.

If Ning Lv does not eat people, there are those who have already embarked on a road of no return, but still trying to open up a new world. Eternal hardships and only death, no matter what they become, they will not choose to kill themselves, but continue to survive and win.

The reason why the Blue Corps blocked the Hydra rescue team is more due to tactical considerations. Ordinary zombies are their subjects and protective clothing. They have tasted the sweetness of the trend of ordinary zombies doing things. Snake thugs smashed ordinary zombies to death.

And the blue background makes them always attach great importance to information collection and exchange. It is one of the few zombies that realizes the importance of intelligence and can effectively carry out actual actions.

Because of this, when Vladimir proposed to stop the Hydra mob, the head of the Blue Corps quickly agreed.

Although the martial deployment of the thugs is properly arranged, the executors lack military literacy. In the eyes of professional Marcus, naturally there are many loopholes.

Marcus and Vladimir together, the targeted plan is there.

The Thug Squad advances along North Avenue, with commercial buildings or functional facilities on both sides of the road. And the method they adopted is a group of five, clearing all the way.

Anyway, it can be constantly recharged, there is no shortage of firepower, and it is very cool to fry all the way.

When I walked to the T-junction at the junction of North Avenue and Bonn Road, in a beauty salon next to a Chinese restaurant and an optical shop, I actually saved two pretty girls.

The thugs of the forwards were a little bit immobile right away. The two girls were also looking forward to thanking each other. If they were not staring at the backbone of the long snake, they might take turns on the spot.

The sister provided important information. Flushing High School diagonally across from it is likely that some survivors are hiding.

It was mainly a group of teachers and a group of students who were originally engaged in New Year ’s parties. As a result, a series of incidents occurred and they were not seen leaving.

The mob came in spirit, they had a mission in this trip, and they were worried that they could not find the survivors to rescue.

So the backbone of the Pioneer team greeted the home team. The home team sent 15 people to support. They have an active control field that can open the gate of the sun. 10 people are responsible for the surrounding security. There are more than 30 remaining. It is more than enough to sweep a school.

As a result, the tragedy happened to the backbone.

This backbone is a clone of the US team, the combat effectiveness is still very good, especially in the state where the Sun Gate is open, even if the current Eagle Eye + Black Widow teamed up, they will not be able to win it quickly.

But the two enchanting beautiful girls did.

Let's get together first and sell pitiful clothes.

However, the fake American team was born in the training tank, and the memory information was obtained by instillation. It was relatively pure and was not corroded by red dust. Therefore, it did not fake the performance of the two girls and had good vigilance.

But no matter how high the vigilance can not stand the girl suddenly burst!

The deep-fried type had several meters in diameter.

A nearby mob responsible for vigilance was taken care of. Before, he also looked at him secretly, envious of the Yanfu of the fake American team, and he saw the beauty explode, and the fake American team was covered in flesh and blood.

Afterwards, the fake American team made a wailing howl, scratching and ripping while howling, like something got into the body.

When the nearby mob reacted and approached the fake US team, the fierce movement of the fake US team had stopped, and the dumb poke was there, and there was a problem at first sight.

Immediately afterwards, the fake American team raised its head and smiled at the approaching mob, cooperating with the **** face, looking extremely panicked.

Then the fake American team raised their hands and made a shooting gesture at the mob.

‘Boom! "A gunshot blasted the mob ’s head, and the helmet equipped with the exoskeleton failed to protect. The reason is also simple, the fake American team that provided the power of the sun was the first to get it.

This gunshot seemed to be a signal. For a time, the gunshots were loud, and the thugs responsible for the peripheral alert were shot.

Almost the first wave of attack, these vigilant thugs are all lost. They are facing veterans whose physical qualities have been improved by 2-3 times due to the super-destructive virus. In terms of combat technology alone, the gap between them is not small.

The mob ’s home team is only one street away from the vanguard. They are near the gas station at the T-junction of Parsons Road and North Avenue in the east. Next to the gas station is a mobile phone shop. Several mobs are using the rest time in a timely manner. Rummage through it to see if you can find a cell phone that survived a nuclear electromagnetic explosion.

As a result, there was a lot of gunfire, and the head of the home team, the US team, asked about the situation on the 9th. They also have communication equipment, but they are not purely technological products, but light communication provided by the sentry, which not only reduces the technology of exoskeleton equipment. The content makes it easier to produce, and it also has the functions of encryption to prevent eavesdropping and anti-counterfeiting.

The fake American team of the striker has been confused and triggered the protection mechanism of the use of the Sun Gate. The gate has been closed and it is naturally impossible to answer.

Realizing that the situation was not right, the US team announced on the 9th the entire group immediately, and then rushed to Flushing High School.

But this distance of less than three hundred meters, when he came over, he could no longer see a living mob.

The U.S. team realized that this was a trap.

He soon made a ruthless decision. He asked people to go to Flushing High School and use their equipment to scream, asking the rescued personnel who entered it to evacuate within 5 minutes, otherwise they would be buried under the ruins of the high school.

Five minutes passed quickly, no one came out, and there was no movement. The high school was like a tomb.

The US team issued an attack order on the 9th, and the mob used a portable energy cannon, which was also charged by the power of the sun, with a longer cooling time and greater power.

The US team did not stop on the 9th, and the thugs continued to bombard, and they completely blasted the school into ruins without any shape.

"Stop!" The US team said on the 9th to another fake US team: "No. 16, then you and your people will be the strikers and continue westward."

"Yes." The US team responded on the 16th and greeted his subordinates: "Team 4 ~ ~ Follow me."

A group of thugs twitched their eyes.

Although the fake American team was the captain, it took the lead in charging and doing things fairly, but its cold, mechanical side still made them uncomfortable.

Like the scene before them, although they can't think of a more concise and effective response, the thought of the previous striker, even if there were survivors, was buried alive, and there was still a bit of a chill.

"These **** mechanical heads will be killed sooner or later."

The thugs also scolded them in their hearts to get them out of the ranks. They did not have the courage to do so. Even if the multi-headed snake did not recover the weapons and equipment it had distributed, it had no confidence to escape from birth.

This is how the thugs fought like a wolf in a downwind battle. Once frustrated, morale plummeted. When the deserter's thoughts emerged, he refused to fight bravely, and one by one became sneaky.

The secretly observed Marcus and Vladimir evacuated quietly.

Marcus praised: "The two puppets used very well, why the other side turned a blind eye to the two bombers who were obviously in trouble?"

Vladimir's mouth curled up: "Because in their eyes, they are two harmless young beauties."

Although Marcus had long guessed it, but after being determined by Vladimir, it still felt uncomfortable to think about the ghost of the bomber, and at the same time he also had a more direct understanding of Vladimir's strange ability.

At the same time, Maria, who was watching in the Hill, couldn't help but ask Kane: "That was ... mysterious side just now?"

"Well, the positive effect of this virus is indeed powerful. It can even be said that it is equivalent to an enhanced potion that directly improves the level of life, but the method is very rude. Or from another perspective, big harvest naturally has great risks. Faced with this Gambling, most people are losers. "

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