Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1024: Shuang 1 wave

As a new demigod, one of Zhao Wenrui's biggest shortcomings is lack of accumulation.

And the huge amount of human face insects in the ground hall is a wave of good fertilizer for him.

But fertilizer is better than control.

No matter which system, control is the king.

The power of heaven and earth is magnificent, and the stellar firepower is strong. How many people can control it freely?

So this time the black demon was promoted to the black lich with the help of the ground hall. The most precious thing is the increase in control.

More precisely, a large amount of soul power, under high restraint and high pressure, completed the process of quantitative change leading to qualitative change, and the soul of wisdom burst out of chaos. This change with chaos creation effect is the most valuable.

If Zhao Wenrui is a god, then the black lich is equivalent to the Holy Spirit.

The focus is not on how powerful it is, but on being smart and loyal. It is most in line with the master's ideas. You are worried about the monarch, and you are anxious to rush. You can work spontaneously.

Therefore, the Holy Spirits are the backbone of the kingdom of God. Even if the gods fell, they still run around and work hard for the recovery of God, and they will not hesitate to put themselves on.

As the so-called Thousand Armies is easy to obtain, this kind of hard-core subordinates will naturally have very difficult output, especially those who rise up on their own, rather than God-given, can be said to be a model for believers and the ultimate example.

Zhao Wenrui got seven, not only was it as simple as drowsy pillows, no wonder even C Kane was jealous.

Moreover, the promotion carnival did not stop, but continued.

Soon after the birth of the black witches, they demonstrated their gluttonous abilities dozens of times that of the black witches. A dark vortex was formed in the air, and even the human face insects took the radiant wind and swallowed together.

Not only is efficiency improved, but raw chewing is more nutritious than grilling.

If the previous stomach bag was of a different dimension, then now it is a dark furnace, and without its indigestible substances and energy, even the crayon is more nutritious.

So the black beast who let go of his appetite was promoted.

After promotion, the black beasts did not become more burly and robust. On the contrary, they all shrank severely and became emaciated. And it is a bit more thorny puppet than in the past.

If Kane deity is here, you will find that these promoted black beasts are quite similar to a scarlet thorn lord of Sabnicolas.

Especially those muscle fibers condensed like wire ropes, dark green and almost black color, and scarlet stinger with excessive colors shining in the shimmer, making the whole mysterious and mysterious.

In fact, the black lich has similar characteristics. The lower body is octopus-like tentacles. The number is sixteen. It is not greasy or disgusting, but it is terrifying.

This is the dominant expression of the old branch factor. At the beginning, Black Kane swallowed Shabu's body, and Shabu was the master of darkness in the old branch. Therefore, Zhao Wenrui succeeded in stimulating the Shabu factor after blackening.

Substituting into the Magic universe, the black lich and the black beast are all heirs of Ozaki, the old claws, with the evil things swallowed and destroyed by the watch.

Black beasts should now be called black orcs. They can easily switch between human and beast forms through bone and tendon conditions without any discomfort.

The most important thing is that they are much heavier than they seem. Not only are the thorns and tentacles dense, but also the extraordinary power is playing a role, so looking at thin, it is a true tank-level Hercules.

Is measured in terms of strength, speed, endurance, and explosive power. They are comparable to Hulk in the normal shape, but more skillful and wild.

The level of the black figurines has also been improved, but they have too little investment in the early stage, they are not carefully selected, and the amount of equipment is limited, so they quickly reached the limit, and even some individual directly runaway and turned into a raging muscle monster. Indiscriminate attack, no fatal key, strong vitality, extremely difficult to kill.

And once killed, it will soon turn into a smelly pus, which is extremely corrosive and the volatile gas is also highly toxic.

Obviously, compared to the guards and radiant winds in the ground hall on this evil side, Zhao Wenrui's subordinates are not very good. Everyone is a crow who meets a black pig, and no one can laugh at anyone.

The surviving black figurines are more evil, ugly and ugly, with black smoke rising up and down, thin bones, and a unique cruel breath like a kind of devil.

Zhao Wenrui simply named the magic figurine, used to distinguish it from the black figurines.

There is also the accumulation of a large amount of dark materials, such as the thick material that was originally secreted from the black hand, and now the black orcs can also produce.

This kind of material is the product of disguised materialization of the power of darkness, and it is also the main material of Dali Pill. For Zhao Wenrui, it is strategic material.

Another important resource is the power to distort the souls.

This kind of distorted spiritual power from human faces, insects and souls, although the birth of the black lich demon soul, but after the formation of the black lich demon soul, it is not dare to touch it again, and Zhao Wenrui also dare not, afraid of being distracted by all kinds of negative emotions Burn into a lunatic.

But the technology from the old blood vessels allowed him to use it as a base of energy.

To put it bluntly is the principle of the battery, relying on the power of the souls to control a large amount of the power of darkness, and then compress the reserve and release it when needed.

After all, in the main material plane, even at night, it takes a lot of effort to obtain the power of darkness, and with the extraordinary version of the battery, whether it is Zhao Wenrui or the black lich, it can more quickly exert some powerful darkness. Spells.

Therefore, the logistics team with material vehicles and energy vehicles as the core, after this round of supplements, is a bit of a meaning.

The method of engulfing the dark vortex of the black lich, engulfing the human face worm quickly at an extremely effective speed, so that the second ring of the serial organ in the ground hall was greatly weakened at the beginning of activation.

The original setting is that once the human face bug loses a certain amount, it will activate the horror monster.

And the monster's first meal is the human face insect.

In addition, the human face bug will also become part of the horror monster in the form of flesh and blood.

But now, although the horror monster is recovering, there are not enough human face bugs to eat, and not many human face bugs are attached to its flesh and blood, and each looks like a shaved skeleton that is not clean. Directly expose the inner core of the heart.

It comes with a superb San San horror deterrent BUFF and black lich in the dark realm, like a fish swimming in the water, quickly and flexibly, while constantly projecting the nuclear fireball of purgatory, and the eyes on the lower body tentacles emit death rays, which is simply Just like a space gunboat, it has to penetrate and penetrate, and explode and explode.

The terrifying monster was blown up as soon as it came up. During this period, the black orcs who walked like ghosts and charged as powerful as chariots hit the autumn wind.

Although the block-headed horror monsters are larger, they may not be completely toned by the black orcs. Therefore, the black orcs' collision is still very effective. After knocking over, they will also take some bones, ‘click! "Click" and gnawing.

Although scary monsters can be spliced ​​and combined, it takes time to restore strength completely. And a lot of core energy is used in the bone-breaking puzzle. The result is that it looks like it is just a little bit, and is constantly being abused until it is exhausted, and it has not been able to organize an effective counterattack.

C Kane, who was watching in secret, looked straight.

The scary monster didn't look so unbearable. It was a little slow, and it was possible for Zhao Wenrui's servant team to deflate. Unfortunately, the supernatural power was invincible, and he was beaten to death.

Zhao Wenrui's servant team completely entered the state of step by step, step by step.

The defense strategy of the ground hall is one by one. The human face is lost to activate the horror monster, and the scary monster is lost to activate the holy spirit guard.

But now the terrifying monster is dying so fast and so utterly and so thoroughly that the holy spirit guard simply cannot get enough time and strength to be armed.

As a result, he was blocked in the holy coffin and beaten. Finally, he was consecrated to Zhao Wenrui by the black lich in a sacrifice ceremony.

The half **** is like a devil. You can communicate sacrifices through **** sacrifices, not to mention one another.

Moreover, Zhao Wenrui, as an old branch, has a higher standard. The sacrifice process also includes extraction and filtering. Zhao Wenrui received the purest power of life and soul.

At that time, Zhao Wenrui had just come out of the bathroom and was about to drive with his sister. Suddenly he was energized, followed by the black blood of Qiqiao, and the pores also oozed out of the smelly black blood. Hiccup, scared girl screams again and again.

Zhao Wenrui was very happy.

He is a traitor and works in darkness. He is so abrupt and unprepared that he has suffered many negative effects on his body and mind. It can be said that it is a dark disease that is difficult to eradicate.

But this time, by absorbing the power of pure life and the power of the soul, there was a comprehensive cleansing, which can be said to have swept away Shen Qi and the surplus.

Since he came to this world, no, even the life of a scavenger in New York in his previous life has been counted, and it has never been so pleasant.

"Sure enough, people are rich without prosperity, and horses without night grass are not fat. Hahaha!"

Happy, very happy!

The prison guard was disturbed by the sister's scream. When he ran around, Zhao Wenrui was so embarrassed, and he hurriedly asked what happened.

Zhao Wenrui came out with a lie, saying that this was the price of selling Dali Pills and forcibly urging prisoners to work hard to death.

The prison guard ran to find the deacon, and the deacon invited the healing transcendent to help Zhao Wenrui recover.

Of course, Zhao Wenrui knew that these guys cared about him so much because he still needed him, so he didn't feel empathy and accepted treatment.

In any case, Shen Qi was discharged in this violent way, his body was indeed damaged, so extraordinary treatment is still valuable.

The surplus vitality and soul power are used to increase the capacity. The old dominators have actually grown up through similar cannibalism. Of course, they basically eat everything, and the power that best fits their own strength attributes It is a staple food.

But Zhao Wenrui is not in a hurry to devour a large amount of dark power to strengthen himself.

He has discovered that the power of darkness has eroded and harmed his consciousness, and knows that the body serves as a vehicle for the soul. Premature darkening will lead to problems such as aging of the body, resulting in energy loss and blunted thinking.

That is to say, he is the strongest soul now, otherwise he will soon become a dark puppet.

Although absorbing foreign soul power like this is not without a price, but the cost has really become a problem that must be faced and even solved. I am afraid that it will be thousands of years later, and the erosion of the power of darkness may be decades or even It will make him lose himself in more than ten years, so from a priority point of view, his main operation is actually open source and throttling.

Open source means that things like this time absorbing powerful soul can do more.

Throttling, the body uses the power of darkness to do as little as possible.

Is precisely because of this, the existence of seven black witches who have grown to a quasi-legendary level, and because of the old factors, have become a pseudo-legend because of the fact that they are one step closer, become very precious.

With this team, he can be a queen bee, let the team hunt for him, and he can farm and engage in scientific research, driving and entertaining, these days seem to be okay.

At the same time, C Kane felt a little bit fed. It ’s not how much he hates Zhao Wenrui and sees each other good, but Zhao Wenrui ’s luck is simply a face-saving of red fruits. Not only can he always turn from danger to safety, he can survive in death, and this kind of fire chestnut and fist knock down the teacher. The protagonist's life, it is almost.

The guard of the Holy Soul was also killed. The protection system of the ground hall was considered to be disintegrated by 80%, and the remaining 20%, one was the endless radiant wind, and the other was the energy protection barrier to protect the water element orb.

This type of facility-based rigid protection is not difficult to break under the background of losing the maneuvering power. The servant corps quickly got it.

After, he also took down the god-level magic circle of the ground hall, which forcibly merged human soul and worm body, and can exert great restraint and compression effect on soul power during special promotion. The value is still very high.

Zhao Wenrui also knows that such a circle, the conditions he wants to set up are very harsh, basically not what he can do now, but the related technology is unfavorable, so he can be put into the warehouse and can be copied and copied.

After this wave of search, there will be no high-value objects.

Zhao Wenrui did not find the point of smashing the gold bricks and prying the gems to dig up the antiques. He let the slaves rest and prepare for another battle.

That's right, after tasting the sweetness, Zhao Wenrui was staring at Shu, wanting to see if other project divisions can also take advantage of it.

But soon, the facts told him that there is no shortage of smart people, and no decisive people in this world.

On the morning of the fourth day after the first block operation, the ‘professional graveyard team’ dispatched by the headquarters arrived.

More than 30 people, the worst are masters, there are as many as eight legends, the leader is the sanctuary, or the gods walking in the world, from the church.

Such a luxurious team rushed into the ground hall with great momentum, but the result was the battlefield that had been attacked and empty, and the bad mood could be imagined.

Then it is normal to ask a question: Who is the first to take the lead?

Before solving this mystery, the project headquarters made a very angry decision, and all the people in the branch where Zhao Wenrui was located, etc., all got rid of it!

It can be punishment for revenge, killing chickens and monkeys, even sitting on big crimes, or Youton style, anyway, it is enough to resolve, from the management of the project department, to the lowest level of prisoner hardship, even prison guards, and auxiliary personnel, such as cooks There is a lot of hard work and so on, and all are killed!

Such a beautiful operation, not to mention Zhao Wenrui's coercion, even C Kane said that such a Western scenery is really rare.

It is the professional graveyard team from the headquarter, especially the specific operatives. It's really 'easy and approachable'. I don't put a stand on mastery at all. I'm not afraid of dirty hands or stigma.

What is even more admirable is that such a fantasy-level team, doing the work of stepping on ants, was not even A, but used tactics, first dispatched personnel, and then fully blossomed, slaughtered slaughter, patched patch , The chase of chase, shows the professional style of lion fighting rabbit.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Wenrui was alerted and escaped.

Mainly because of his demigods, the mind is more sensitive than ordinary transcendentals, and has a wider range, and it is not easy to be discovered by ordinary transcendentals.

When he found out that several masters were actually doing sneaky things, concealed their whereabouts, and then put them in the designated position. I groaned in my heart, realizing that something big was going to happen.

As a traverser with a lack of security, he naturally prepared Li Daitao stiff body early in the morning, especially since he was half-god, naturally he would not let the explosion neck ring still wrap around his neck.

And this substitute who was changed by a prisoner's coolie has played a huge role this time.

The professional tomb squad not only used the explosive neck ring to fry the watermelon, but also carried out ‘send warmth’ to certain targets, targeted inspection and burned the corpse.

Zhao Wenrui is within the scope of the target, and is still a legendary class.

Apparently, the stolen orb of water element made these powerful people careful enough.

The specific reason is actually simple. Several project divisions are facing the same level of seal guard.

Then through horizontal comparison, it is not difficult to guess the difficulty of quietly attacking the ground hall and taking away the water element orb.

Under such a background, these veteran powerful people naturally thought of the inner ghost, and the perpetrators may still be digging in the team, and appreciate the possibility of the follow-up of their masterpieces up close.

Therefore, if it is paralyzed, it is likely to be beaten by a strong enemy who is disguised as a disguise and has a hard time. To avoid overturning the gutter, show enough sincerity.

Zhao Wenrui is very glad that he had seen the machine early ~ ~ and the previous self-protection has done a good job. Basically, he has not exposed his strength. The open person is only a small person who can do a handful of black magic.

So the legend simply confirmed the status of the avatar, and after matching the relevant information to the number, he burned the corpse, put the warmth into place, and then flashed the person.

Of course, the sister who was arranged by the project division to Zhao Wenrui, who had good appearance and figure skills, also failed to escape the poison hand.

As a blackened and depraved person, Zhao Wenrui also successfully showed a cold-blooded side in this incident. What day one couple hundred days grace, did not even think about it.

In fact, in order to make the avatar look realistic, Zhao Wenrui had thought that there was nothing to do in the morning, and he needed to escape for death, let the girl sacrifice, and make the effect of death more realistic. This time it was just because the executioner was sharp enough, he did n’t dirty his hands, but his heart had long been selfish and cold, and where would he read the feelings of careful service?

The decisive performance of the professional grave digging team made the hidden Zhao Wenrui realize that his previous Long Wang Shu plan was afraid that he wouldn't take the lead.

Has high alertness and is not subject to moral restraint. The tricks come in handily. The **** kills the chickens and does not pretend to be arrogant. He plays with such opponents and wants to play with the cardinals.

However, the orb of water element is already in hand, this time the opening of the grave to dig the heavy treasure project, still can barely continue to follow up ...

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