Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1023: IQ is not enough

Evil, negative energy, the radiant wind is full of extraordinary powers of these two properties. Very unfriendly to sunlight life.

But the Zhao Wenrui line with the power of darkness is very suitable for exploring in an environment full of such extraordinary energy.

Depending on Zhao Wenrui's relationship with the project engineering department, it is naturally impossible to leave the servant team unused and become a good boy to help the project engineering department to dig treasures wholeheartedly.

In fact, when the prisoner's coolie is still closed, the slave team has already begun to prepare. When the caster completes the closure, all the personnel evacuate, and the exploration operation officially begins.

In this case, even if some movements are made, the caster will not notice the abnormality.

The middle force of the servant team is naturally black beast and black demon.

Black demon is a man-made dark creature that completes the blackening ritual based on the shadow demon equipped with the soul of pain.

They are more formidable than black beasts because their birth process is not replicable.

That is to say, at least before Zhao Wenrui's intentional level-up (from demi-god to god), it was unable to promote the existence of this type of the same grade.

The key point is that he has control over those painful souls, but no manufacturing ability.

Is a black beast that is one of the three-axe skills. It can be made, and it has broken through the original rules, and there is no longer a limit in number.

It's just that nowadays, it is impossible for him to get the right materials like in the past.

Of course, if the blood cypress which is still the holy tree is used as the material, a more powerful blood beast can be created. However, it was a tree closely connected with his life, and it was the foundation of the future kingdom of God.

Therefore, the blood beast is reluctant to make, and the black hand is limited due to the difficulty in obtaining suitable materials, and the possibility of mass production is still small.

Is a black figurine, relatively easy to obtain, and some already exist.

Was eliminated under the harsh working and living environment. After taking Dali pills, it became a dark ghost after death.

Roughly calculated, there are more than a hundred, but this is still Daliwan's popularity, and quickly spread out, so that their part of the project's daily mortality rate has reached a record low.

"Unconsciously, it's almost two months with the neck ring and the prison cage ..."

Sometimes Zhao Wenrui also feels this way. It is not that he is more tolerable than expected in reality, but he is lamenting the adaptability of people. As long as he can do the work, it is really easy to play as a dog. Only by accident, I realized that I was actually a wolf.

Dogs eat shit, wolves eat meat. No matter what the project team is digging, in his eyes, this is a piece of meat.

Now, by sharing the black demon's vision, he can see exactly what the meat is.

A water blue bead.

Even if it is far away, there is a feeling of solidifying the whole Wang Yang.

Of course, Zhao Wenrui knew that this feeling was not due to his strong sense of perception. After all, he is now a backdoor and inspecting things. The reason why he can feel the power of such surging water is entirely because the power contained in this bead is too great.

"It turns out to be an energy treasure ..."

Although Zhao Wenrui is far less than C Kane in terms of experience and knowledge due to the relationship between the creation of human beings, he has the minimum compulsion of the traverser.

As a traverser who grew up in the information age, he has been subjected to the saturated baptism of refusing the fragmented culture all year round, and his brain hole will not be too low.

Associated with several other project divisions that started construction at the same time, he soon realized that most of what he faced was really the "big tomb" guessed in private!

"At least the top-level fire, water, wind, and orb to suppress the seal is needed, which is also afraid of the existence of the holy level."

Holy is the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Realm, which is regarded as a quasi-god, and the force is often higher than the demigod.

If the demigod is an illegitimate child, then the Son is the pro-son Basically, they are exhausted in the reincarnation process, and there are few high-ranking ones, let alone the blue ones.

Of course, there are occasional explosions such as Kratos, Hercules, and Perseus.

Zhao Wenrui is now afraid that the seal here is this kind of demon, mainly because this seal pattern is not clear, and this kind of windfall is afraid that it is delicious and difficult to digest.

Especially considering that now he has no shadow, he can slip to the shadow plane at any time, and then use the convenience of counterattack or counterattack. Encounter this level of battle is inevitably a bit virtual.

In fact, the best situation in his imagination is to find some hard goods funerary items.

After all, he has a poor foundation in artifacts, especially after he rebelled against nature, all the magic instruments of the natural department that he originally saved were all abandoned.

Moreover, there is punishment for the apostasy, but he just worships the darkness of the pier, dives into the nature, and goes beyond the universe. Although Hao Miao is better than the void, he has the advantage of being connected, and the world is manifested. Therefore, he did not punish him naturally.

Punishment is punishment. His natural alchemy has been automatically converted into dark alchemy. It does not seem to be much worse, but it is actually much worse.

Frankly speaking, the darkness has only one color, but nature is colorful. After all, the dark alchemy path is much narrower. It is not feasible without the premise of dark invasion. After all, there is natural punishment there. When natural things come into his hands, they will quickly deteriorate, and they will bring a BUFF that reduces the effect and reduces the success rate.

Under such a background, he was very eager for the extraordinary creations above the holy artifact level, which had his own compulsion and basically would not be affected by external forces.

Actually, legendary items are also acceptable, but they can only be used as a makeshift.

He vaguely has a hunch that he will grow by leaps and bounds in a period of time in the future, so legendary items, whether of quality or power, will not be long before they will be left behind.

Rather than using emotions and proficiency, but having to give up because of limited play, it is better to choose a similar one early. At least after you have put it in place, you do n’t have to worry about this kind of thing for tens of centuries, but you can free up more Time to do what he wants.

He naturally knows that there are not many opportunities to obtain the holy artifact.

So this time coincided with his meeting, he thought it was an opportunity of ‘God wo n’t take it, he will be blamed’.

"It's worth taking a little risk, just where to find so much."

This "just right" naturally means that the blackening time is still short, the state is still consolidating, and the new technology is in the stage of chewing and mastering, so it feels a bit unlucky to encounter this opportunity.

Hesitated, but at the forefront, he had already started.

The Hall of Orbs is guarded by a nest with a high sense of territory.

The most important thing is that the appearance is not good, like the greasy appearance of a big-bellied female cockroach, there is a sense of nausea, but it is against a miniature face. The style of horror, evil and blasphemous style is simply coming, plus The number of lumps in the air, coupled with the turbulent flying and wriggling of the "chirp" sound, the scalp of people who are looking at it is numb.

The skin is numb, and my heart is numb. There are too many of them. The servant team is like a small boat in the big lake, which will be drowned at any time.

Especially when these flying insects attacked, it seemed that the water in the lake had turned into a cloud in the sky, and then turned into pouring rain, which made people desperate.

Zhao Wenrui estimated a little bit, and knew that if the slave team had a hard top, that is, there would be no **** that would be bitten in a few minutes, only to let the team withdraw first.

The black monsters opened the black fire shields, enveloped the entire team in the black fire, and then quickly retreated. Facial insects continue to dive down, and then the shell char burned in the black fire is rotten, or simply exploded, but the number cannot be held.

Is like fire extinguishing with oil. It is large in volume, so that the head and face are covered, it is impervious to the air, and there is no oxygen to support the combustion, and the fire is suppressed.

The situation is almost the same now. The burning dream is not as good as a smashing dream. Within a few seconds before and after the team members are gnawing. The kind of ‘tweeting’ is like a dense bite of rat grinding teeth, and the person who listens is horrified.

The servants quickly paid an expensive price. The black mummy-like black figurines were actually nightmare soldiers, with strong skin and bones, high energy tolerance, and a perpetual motion, except for the power of the Holy Light. It is more restrained, and the power of flame is less restrained.

However, encountering a human face worm is bad luck, because the main skill of the human face worm is cursing and gnawing. There are almost no things that can not be gnawed in the world. Coupled with the huge number, it ca n’t be used for any steel bar. How long will it eat.

Black figurines are considered good. It takes two to three minutes to lose their mobility due to physical disabilities, and then there is nothing to say.

If it is an ordinary person, just one bite, it will immediately be poisoned by curses, produce hallucinations, look at any creatures around, are the most strange monster images that they fear.

Plus the real pain of being eaten by the flesh and blood, it is not difficult to imagine how it will react.

Black demon is not very frustrated, their black fire is divided into three layers, the outermost layer is the fire layer, the middle is the hellfire layer, and the film is the fire layer.

In other words, the black demon has no coating at all. The so-called coating is just liquid energy flowing on the surface of the tendon.

The Netherfire layer has a very high lethality to the human face bug. The Hellfire layer can make the face insect irrational and unable to carry out the attack intention resolutely, just like the pilot ’s suicide impact. Fainted in the cockpit.

The fire refining layer even touched death.

However, the huge number of human face bugs makes the black monsters self-reliant. They only have a total of 9 people, which is far from enough to care for the entire team, especially the black beasts.

The team did not enter deep, plus high defense, and finally finally withdrew. But with the exception of the black monsters all wounded, especially the black figurines, basically dead and wounded, the total combat power fell by at least 40%.

Zhao Wenrui was quite helpless. There was no wave in this operation, and the scouts and even the scouts were actually dispatched.

But there is a sacred level of magical layout in the huge hall, he may not see it through the kiss, let alone his lord.

He did not expect in advance that the guard would be of this type.

After all, the rapid reproduction is generally short-lived. It is necessary to change this natural law. The cost is high and the efficiency is low. Therefore, this non-wild swarm is not suitable as a long-term seal guard.

Is generally a golem or something, which is more cost-effective.

But here is so fierce that it merges human souls and evil insects, and is supported by advanced formations and massive energy.

Of course, this is far from enough to discourage him. After all, the difference in wisdom alone gives him more flexible and targeted means to perform, which is not comparable to rigid defenders who are constrained by fixed rules.

In fact, the specific operation is simpler than expected, especially after discovering that the human face bug will not leave the ground hall, only need to arrange the black demon into the battle in turn, provoking and burning.

Human face bugs are the most dangerous when they are activated for the first time, because they do not wake up without a sufficient amount of extraordinary total strength and entering a sufficiently deep area.

Power is not enough, just the energy and material protection shell of the seal is enough to make Wang Baoxing sigh.

Has enough power, and the human face bug is activated.

Is such a logically simple mechanism design.

And now, the human face insect is like a knife cut out, and it takes time to regain the sheath. The provocation of the black demon makes the knife unable to return to the sheath.

Of course, burning alone is not enough. The total gap between the two sides is huge. The output of the 9 black monsters is long-lasting and stable, and it is not enough to contend with a larger amount of human face insects.

But if you add food, it is another story.

An alternative barbecue feast, that's it.

The black demon is a humanoid structure, not a human. Its head can be opened like a petal, swallowing the body like a body.

You can also **** the corpse of the human face bug into the belly as if it had a bag of different dimensions inside, like the present, snorting like a blower.

But in fact it will pull the clam, and it is the kind of high temperature and high pressure large **** like a clam, as if it is itself a small processing equipment, feeding in front and shipping later.

And this kind of cake is the food of the black beast.

The gelatinous substance secreted by the black beast after eating can heal all kinds of injuries of the black figurines by painting and bonding.

In short, a part of the natural circulation system has been retained, but the expression is more alternative, looking at disgusting, thinking about horror. After all, the human face worm is a human soul + worm body, and it is a twisted strange body with a cursed poison. If it is eaten this time, then, it is no problem to say that this system is an extraordinary life scavenger.

Dark gluttony is one of the characteristics of Zhao Wenrui's ability. Through his puppet creation, it is reflected vividly. Leaving aside the concepts of dirty, ugly and evil, it is still quite powerful.

The dark slaves who were injured but not dead quickly recovered from the injury by eating the sea plug headed by the black demon. To say that the human face bug is still quite tonic, high protein, and can nourish the soul, but the power of poison and curse is stronger. The dark servant is not ordinary life, so he does not stun this, but it inevitably becomes Even Zhao Wenrui feels that even if it is him, it is better not to come into close contact with the evil and evil things that no one should enter.

Actually the real problem lies with himself. Darkness is a hotbed of evil. Since he switched to the dark door, he has begun to experience the stimulation and amplification of darkness on the evil thoughts in his heart.

Turned into a wicked person in the eyes of others. It didn't matter to him. What he could not tolerate was that the negative emotions were greatly amplified, making him easily become a fool of seven emotions, a rational off-line brain.

So he had to rely heavily on the power of darkness, while being cautious, and had to taste the growing and frequent emotional out-of-control, and the fear of losing his reason.

It can be said that now he is facing another model of dying to death, and his various actions are nothing more than trying to find a solution to the crazy problem before he becomes a lunatic.

And the basic requirements for the possibility of finding a way are stronger than now, and can only admit its destiny downward, but it has to rely on the power of darkness to accelerate the arrival of the end.

Whether to find a solution first, or to go crazy first, how much reason can I still have when I find a solution, is my personality fragmented?

He didn't even dare to think more about it, so as not to increase the psychological shadow and negative emotions, and set off a new round of emotional out of control.

Leaving aside these, the others are quite good. He is stronger than before. He already has a certain chess player qualification, and he is still in the dark. The initiative is in the hands. The outrageous shot can make any individual or force lose a lot. Now it is still quiet. The benefits of fishing ...

Zhao Wenrui thinks this is about pain and happy.

But there was a voice in my heart that told him after measuring the gains and losses, the overall situation today is much worse than that of the Shadow Germany period.

The overall pressure is higher, and the fault tolerance rate for success is lower, and his once indulgent pursuit of indulgence did not meet expectations.

The most important thing is that the feeling of indulgence itself is far less beautiful than expected. Especially under the background of the increasingly severe overall situation, it seemed superficial and boring, making him not interested in playing.

To sum up briefly, he took a lot of effort to reduce his mind, and caused serious losses. Although he made mistakes and made a great breakthrough in strength, the space for maneuvering became smaller, and the overall time for achieving big goals was also burned fiercely. If you cut it off, you still get evil spirits.

This also made him more keen to make up for losses through the windfall, even if the water element orb cannot be directly used, but he is still willing to take the risk to get it, he feels at least, that is also a ticket to participate in this adventure feast.

C Kane didn't think so. In his view, Zhao Wenrui's action belonged to the sword-swinging snake. The whole intelligence collection is not in place, so he took advantage of the field and made a good job.

He even calculated a small account for Zhao Wenrui, believing that it is difficult to eat the water element orb in his mouth ~ ~ Because the efficiency of the black monster's gluttony is still lower than the huge number of human face insects, it needs to be lower It takes too much time.

And the delay of time will increase the increasing probability of variables.

Not to mention, the organ of the ground hall is not just a kind of human face insect. Zhao Wenrui wants to take advantage of the first-come-first-served basis. In fact, he is just a **** for a journey.

However, Zhao Wenrui's luck is good for going out. The unprofessional command of the project branch caused the entrance and exit to be bombed, and the bomb was sealed. It was extended for dozens of hours, and he could not launch a substantial strategy for the ground hall.

This made the black demon eat a ditch full of trenches.

And Zhao Wenrui did not dare to enjoy this filthy mixed energy, so all blessed the puppet servants, and the result was skewed, using the god-level magic circle in the ground hall, which greatly reduced the probability of puppet metamorphosis.

Know that, if you can unite human souls and evil insects, in addition to evil itself, this technique is extremely powerful. It is this technical effect that has a positive effect on the transformational promotion of the puppet, 90% and 70%, this high success rate C Kane is jealous.

Just like that, Zhao Wenrui added 7 Archmage-level Black Lich all at once, and he was able to control the backbone level vacancy of one party, and it was filled in at once.

This is the point, this time the action will make no profit, let alone other benefits ...

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