Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 267 Darkness Under the Lamp

As soon as Bluebird ran to the original city, he saw two crow feathers stuck in the Wanderer's portrait.

After waiting for a while, his portrait turned into a black and white portrait, and five claw marks sealed his death.

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"Although it's not surprising, but I got a double kill before an hour. Is this game hopeless?"

Bluebird's current thinking has changed from how to win to how to keep his settlement reward.

In a few minutes, [Detect Evil] will be cooled down.

Since the last [Detect Evil], the Soul Hunter has executed the detective and the Wanderer in succession in just half an hour, with amazing efficiency.

On the other side, Guan Shanyue also learned about the Wanderer's exit, and was glad that he was sober at the time and stayed away from the open city.

After Wei Miao dealt with the last vending machine, he embarked on a formal hunting trip.

She chose to go counterclockwise along the original route.

During this time, Qingniao, who was wandering around the block, had a deeper understanding of the map of the Soul Requiem Area.

Some areas were fully enclosed areas similar to manors, surrounded by iron fences.

The hospital was an open area, but it had only one floor, and the white beds were arranged in three rows in the wide long road. It was not realistic to use it as a gaming venue.

The city defense camp, which was built with wood and tents, was completely enclosed, similar to a small manor.

Not far outside the city defense camp was the market, where the stalls on the street were close to each other, leaving only a narrow aisle in the middle.

Here, Qingniao actually met Guan Shanyue.

The two met on a narrow road, and after a pleasant exchange of sign language and lip language, Qingniao finally sorted out the evolution of the situation since the start of the hunt.

It happened that [Detect Evil] had cooled down, and now the movements of the soul hunter were unknown, Qingniao no longer considered the efficiency of the skill and used it directly.

"This moving direction?!"

The result made Qingniao and Guan Shanyue look at each other in bewilderment.

Guan Shanyue was a little panicked, because the soul hunter was moving towards them, and the two sides were only six or seven hundred meters apart.

Now Qingniao couldn't understand the soul hunter's way. When did it use its overall perception?

The most urgent thing is-"Run separately?" Guan Shanyue thought very clearly. If she was with Qingniao, she would be the one who couldn't run away when she met the soul hunter.

But if Qingniao met the soul hunter first, her ability could delay the soul hunter for a long time.

Guan Shanyue could run away decisively.

In comparison, it would be better for her to separate.

Qingniao didn't expect that Guan Shanyue, who looked honest on the surface, had his own little thoughts. She didn't think too much and agreed directly.

So, Qingniao went south, aiming at the southwest city area, and Guan Shanyue went west, aiming at the northwest city area, and the two went their separate ways.

Not long after they left, Wei Miao walked around the northeast city area inside and out, without triggering any perception.

"I didn't meet anyone." Wei Miao stopped in the middle of the street. Her "All Perception" had cooled down.

But she didn't want to use it immediately.

The whole hunt had lasted for a whole hour. In her plan, the next "All Perception" should be used when no one was found in the next city.

Map licking is a technical job. How to search the most areas in the shortest time is a must for soul hunters.

In unfamiliar situations, it takes Wei Miao 10-15 minutes to roughly search an area. If it weren't for the excellent direction perception and distance calculation ability, it would take longer.

"But with the performance of the soul hunter, after getting familiar with the map, the time for licking the area should be compressed to within 10 minutes."

The soul hunter with unlimited physical strength is simply a superman. In comparison, the traveler has physical strength restrictions and no effective countermeasures against the soul hunter, which can be called a disabled person.

The only active winning style "Collecting Holy Light" also has unstable benefits.

"I always feel that there will be a balance adjustment after the end of the first round. If the traveler wants to win, they need to work together and have higher ability requirements than the soul hunter." While searching the map, Wei Miao still had time to think about the direction of the game adjustment.

However, after searching, she changed her direction and ran the map clockwise.

It would be great if someone thought that she would not return in a short time after leaving, and could be in the dark under the lamp.

Qingniao is a person who believes that "the most dangerous place is the safest place".

In her opinion, the soul hunter just left the southeast city where the wanderer was satisfied, and should focus on other areas in a short time.

Thinking further, since the soul hunter's previous route was northwest-southwest-southeast-northeast, is it possible that the soul hunter took a counterclockwise patrol?

Qingniao only needs to lag behind him by one or two areas. For example, when the soul hunter is in the northeast city, she is in the southwest city. Running in the opposite direction can slow down the time of being discovered.

However, Qingniao knows in his heart that physical strength is one of the disadvantages of the traveler. Running in the opposite direction will definitely not be able to outrun the soul hunter. It needs to be flexible according to the position of the soul hunter.

The Soul Hunter should search the map before leaving, and predicting its movements is the key to avoiding the Soul Hunter.

3 minutes later, Bluebird entered the southwest city.

She estimated the possible location of the Soul Hunter.

After communicating with Guan Shanyue, it was learned that the Soul Hunter carried [Critical Strike] and [Crow Feather Blade]. If the remaining skill is [Inspiration], then the Soul Hunter's search time will be shorter than expected.

[Inspiration] can expand the perception range of the soul hunter, and perception is the main reliance of the soul hunter when searching for maps.

According to her own speed, it will take at least 15 minutes to search the entire urban area. I don’t know how efficient the soul hunter is.

In short, I can take a breath now, and then move my position depending on the situation.

Qingniao took this time to stroll around this unfamiliar urban area. There are many houses here, which seem to be the main residential and commercial areas.

There is an open park in the southernmost part, which is sloppily built, and the shabby fountain in the center of the square is no longer working.

Most of the rich manor areas are located in the west, and all the gates are locked and cannot be entered.

After more than ten minutes, Qingniao thought that the soul hunter should have almost searched the northeastern urban area and was about to move to the northwest urban area.

So she also prepared to change places.

The southwest urban area is a sad place for wanderers, and it is also a place she is more familiar with.

Not long after Qingniao stepped into here, she suddenly shuddered all over.

"The soul hunter is actually here?!"

Qingniao never expected that she would trigger perception here.

"Did they use the All Perception again?"

The Soul Hunter's actions always went beyond her expectations and ran counter to her expectations, and Bluebird couldn't be dealt with.

But she was surprised but not scared, because the elusive ghosts were played by players after all.

She was looking forward to competing with this Soul Hunter who was on the rise, to see if she could escape from its claws.

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