Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 266 Flying Demon

Pure malice came over him.

Looking at that smile that could hardly be called a smile, the Wanderer felt uneasy.

He didn't know why the Soul Hunter also stopped, but the stalemate was in his favor.

The next moment, the Soul Hunter moved.

Under the Wanderer's high alert, its figure flashed to the side and disappeared from the window.

"A detour?"

He lost the Soul Hunter's position.

The Wanderer remained absolutely alert, looking left and right, hoping to capture the Soul Hunter's position as soon as possible.

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound.

It was similar to the sound of shaking cloth, dull and short in frequency.

This was the first time he heard a sound in the Soul Requiem field in half an hour, so that his mind was completely attracted.

He listened attentively, trying to think about the source of the sound.

After a brief moment of shock, he suddenly came back to his senses from his confusion: "It's a flying demon!"

Almost at the same time as he made the judgment, a swift black shadow passed straight through the two windows like an arrow from a bow, and rushed straight to his face.

The wanderer had never thought that the flying demon could be used in this way. With the speed of the soul hunter, when he noticed it, the sharp sickle was already in front of him.

The surging momentum made him vaguely think that he would be cut in two.

The giant sickle undoubtedly passed diagonally across his shoulder, and then, the black claws grasped his right shoulder, and a great force threw him to the left.

After the figure completely passed through the window, the speed of the soul hunter suddenly slowed down, and the crow feather cloak behind it rustled.

It kicked the wall of the opposite house with a light foot that was inconsistent with its body size, and landed steadily after removing the impact.

But when it landed, there was still a circle of invisible air waves spreading from its feet, affecting the surrounding three meters.

On the other side, the wanderer was lying face down on the ground, or more precisely, he was lying on the ground, with no obvious scars on his body.

[Warning: You have fallen to the ground with serious injuries! ]

The red "four-layer damage" buff prompt on the terminal panel let him know that he was finished.

Although there was no pain, he inexplicably couldn't muster the strength, as if the neural control connection with the game character was cut off.

The wanderer controlled his neck, turned his head with the last strength, rolled his eyes, and glanced behind him.

He would rather see himself being eliminated than to have a black screen without knowing anything.

He couldn't feel the pain, which reduced his fear of death.

Wei Miao, who ended the "flying demon" state, carried the sickle on his shoulder with one hand and walked briskly to his left.

The sickle blade was surrounded by scarlet light bands, whispering the desire to harvest life.

Using the thumb as a fulcrum, Wei Miao turned the sickle.

The joints of the alienated crow claws were flexible, and it easily turned the heavy sickle upside down and held the handle firmly.

The blade was at the bottom, and the tip was facing outward. Wei Miao swung the sickle nonchalantly, and the blade cut into the wanderer's neck horizontally. The contact position instantly became blurred, and it looked like an ordinary penetration.

The hand holding it was slightly raised, and the sickle blade tilted up, completely cutting through his neck, leaving a wisp of soft white mist at the edge.

The wanderer's expression was particularly interesting, his eyes wide open staring at the sharp blade, although there was no pain, but he was afraid of distortion due to too many fantasies.

The execution had begun.

The black smoke was faint, and in the ethereal elegy, the wanderer's expression gradually calmed down.

The black cross constructed by the smoke fell ruthlessly, crushing his body here.

In the soaring crow feathers, Wei Miao turned his wrist, and the sickle blade drew a semi-arc, disrupting the falling trajectory of some crow feathers.

She stood there, sharpening her knife while watching the crow feathers melt away.

"After suffering two layers of damage, he still had the obsession to fight through the window. He is most likely a wanderer. The effect of 'agility' includes that the speed of window flipping is not affected by damage."

"His subsequent ideas are correct, but he failed to defend against the 'Flying Demon'."

Ordinary people will use the "Flying Demon" to climb over obstacles, which is the most common use of flying skills.

Wei Miao's use of it to flip through the window is not a whim, but a concept that has been gradually improved in the game.

First of all, old players who often play virtual games should know that the activation of the system auxiliary action function is based on the actions of the player model, such as the common shooting auxiliary aiming.

This is because the early virtual games did not capture the thoughts accurately enough, and the players could not be 100% focused. Sometimes a "sudden whim" may lead to a tragic fireball that engulfs teammates, so the release of skills is driven by actions and thoughts.

Each move begins with a specific preparatory action as the "instruction" to trigger the skill. After the preparatory action is completed, the system will officially take over and the skill will be activated.

This also gave rise to one of the essential qualities of virtual game PVP - grasping the pre-swing. Competitive players who can't grasp the pre-swing are not worthy of the table.

Player model actions have since become the core of interactive design, and many rules are triggered around actions.

Similarly, some rules in the game are bound to the action module, specifically, through the restriction and calibration of the action module.

The game experience of the masquerade is extremely realistic, but when conducting a data experience, it still continues the design ideas of previous virtual games.

The upper limit of running speed is actually achieved by limiting the step length and step frequency, and the upper limit of window flipping speed is achieved by limiting body coordination, which is essentially a regulation of the action module.

The definition of the rules is made for the action module.

In other words, as long as the action module is not triggered, the so-called "window flipping" speed limit can be exceeded.

"Flying Demon" allows the Soul Hunter to move freely in the air, and the extremely high customization behavior gives her an opportunity.

It can replace the window flipping action module and use the flying action module to perform actual window flipping behavior without triggering the limit.

This is not a bug, but a reasonable use within the rules.

The previous short disappearance of Wei Miao was not a detour, but a pre-acceleration to pull out a distance. When using "Flying Demon", it can directly reach full speed.

The feeling of controlling your own flight is a bit like driving a car, and you need to drift when turning.

Based on the extremely precise body control, Wei Miao turned into the window at a speed of 10 meters per second and rushed straight to the door. It is normal for the wanderer to be unable to react.

With the increase in the number of rounds, for the sake of traffic or popularity, sooner or later someone will publish the discovered skills. But knowing is one thing, and actually operating is another.

Wei Miao left this dimly lit area and soon found the last vending machine not far away as planned.

The featured product of this vending machine is red apples, which can replenish physical strength without side effects. There are only 3 left in stock.

Wei Miao directly emptied the red apple stock, and only 10 candies were left in his hand.

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