Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 839 Goddess, you have revealed your blood bar

In an instant, Li Ye's body flew out. There were dots of colorful light in his eyes, and black mist shone in his long knife.

The goddess of death did not react at all. No, or should be said, Li Ye's knife did not move in time at all. He cut the knife in the cracks of time! No one can see clearly what happened in the time crack!


The next moment, a flower of blood burst out from the chest of the goddess of death. She looked at the man in front of her with a long knife inserted into her chest in disbelief: "What!!"

Li Ye's face was less than half a meter away from the goddess of death. Li Ye looked at her like this and smiled slightly: "You are so arrogant, goddess! It looks like you will bleed too!!"

The goddess of death immediately waved her hands, and everything around her instantly withered, including the energy of the universe, which was also slowly falling into death. This was absolute death! This is the passage that living bodies must experience, and it is also the passage that non-living bodies must experience. This is the power of rules!

The next second, the hands of the goddess of death attacked Li Ye, but Li Ye just glanced at it, stretched out his hand, and pulled out the long knife inserted into the chest of the goddess of death. His speed was faster, and his methods were also faster. Even more cruel: "Sorry, goddess of death, I have a girlfriend, so I don't want to be held by your hands!"

The corners of the goddess of death's mouth raised: "Boy! You've been fooled!"

Sure enough, when Li Ye wanted to escape from those hands, the realm of death directly formed a cocoon behind him, trying to wrap him up, and Li Ye also raised the corner of his mouth: "It's really a feint full of loopholes. Ah, you think I didn’t notice it, Lady Death?”

In an instant, time paused again. This time, even if the goddess of death was prepared, there was nothing she could do to stop it. This was a time pause at a higher latitude!

Li Ye stood there, looking at the hands of the goddess of death, and shook his head. Sure enough, these goddesses of death and the eternal gods are all born with growth. There is no way they can compete with him, a person who rushed out from the latitude of the first life. Fight.

As for stopping time, this was what Li Ye mastered in the ten minutes just now, and the principle of mastering it comes from the heart of the universe. Originally, this should be the last thing to master, but no matter, time is the law that Li Ye is best at now. .

After all, the descendants of the Emperor of Heaven are not worth talking about. The Goddess of Death, the little Karami, is at best a small legend. Li Ye, the descendant of the Emperor of Heaven, has a level of time accomplishments, and she can't resist at all.

Now Li Ye can really stop the drama of the world at will.

Of course, in the past ten minutes, Li Ye also learned about the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, as well as the power of sacrifice that he first got from Douluo. These are all things he is good at.

Li Ye glanced at the goddess of death in front of him and did not choose to attack. Instead, he said: "Hoe, how much have you realized now."

Hoe said: "Reporting to the master, I have understood 5.313%."

Li Ye nodded: "So, can you give me a sharp blow?"

Hoe said: "You can use the power of the world to perform blessed cuts. Of course, there is also the power that the master you asked me to analyze at that time! You can also perform blessings."

Li Ye smiled slightly: "Oh? I didn't expect that the power is already gone, then? Then! Come on!"

In an instant, Li Ye's long knife was covered in seven-color radiance. This knife was transformed by Li Ye through the infinite toilet poke and his own reality transformation ability. It was not an ordinary thing, but it also trembled at this moment. It couldn't even support the power Li Ye added to it!

"It's a pity that this sword is still too weak! It's just 5% of the power of the universe plus that ability! I miss you Xiami for a day!"

Li Ye just said normal words, and directly poked out the long knife in his hand. The long knife instantly penetrated the chest of the goddess of death. No abnormality was produced, it was just pierced through, just like piercing a rag. , piercing the goddess of death on the opposite side.


The next second, everything around him shattered. This was not the result of this knife, but the fragmentation of the stillness of time. Li Ye released the stillness of time because he could not hold on any longer. This knife consumed a lot of energy.

The next second, the end of Li Ye's long knife was shattered into pieces. The goddess of death looked blankly at the knife inserted in her chest, and said incredulously: "It is impossible for you to suppress this level of power." Suppressed to this level of purity. What did you do?"

Blood flowed from her mouth, and she said in disbelief: "It's the Infinity Goddess! That bitch! Pfft ah ah ah!"

"Bingo, you guessed it~ I used her power to make a shell for my cosmic energy, like an Infinity Stone!"

Li Ye smiled slightly and continued: "Part of the power of the Wireless Goddess, plus the energy of the universe, haha."

"How about it, Lady Goddess, the food is not bad! The bonus of these two things, this knife, should be enough to destroy your spirit. Through the incarnation of You, it affects your final spirit, which is really good~"

Yes, the woman in front of her is not the goddess of death herself, but a clone of her, which is dispensable. Without this clone, the goddess of death will certainly feel uncomfortable for a while, but she will not die, but Li Ye is. Forcibly through this part of the clone, part of her consciousness was cut off.

This is the effect that the power of the universe, coupled with the power of the infinite goddess, and the "talent-tower" added by the mouth can achieve.

In the next second, infinite light emerged from the mouth of the goddess of death, and her body continued to be damaged. She looked at Li Ye and gritted her teeth: "You!! I won't let you go! Ahhhhh!! Next time! It’s my body that comes here!”

Li Ye looked at her and just wiped the knife in his hand. The long knife turned into a toilet poke again. Li Ye directly inserted it into the face of the goddess of death: "If you want to die, hurry up!"

The next second, the goddess of death slowly dissipated. At the same time, somewhere outside the universe, somewhere unknown, the goddess of death suddenly spat out blood: "Damn it!! Damn it!!"

A large hole dripping with blood appeared on her chest. If you look carefully, the hole was exactly the same as where Li Ye had pierced her clone, and blood was pouring out.

Originally, she should not have blood, but at this moment, she is dripping with blood, because it is not blood, but a concrete thing, her spirit, and the basis for her existence.

"Damn it. Ahhhhh. No way! I want to find Eternity and the others! No way, the Heart of the Universe must destroy his Heart of the Universe. Otherwise, we can only find the Court of Life."

Behind her, a man stood up. Looking at the embarrassed Goddess of Death, he smiled slightly and said, "Why, she is so embarrassed and suffered such heavy injuries."

The goddess of death glanced at the man and gritted her teeth: "Eternity! Help me!"

The man shook his head: "You are asking for trouble in everything. Who asked you to touch something like the Heart of the Universe? You can't control it, but there is nothing you can do about it. Although the five of us are not one god, we are all of the same spirit. Lianzhi.

The goddess of death gritted her teeth and said: "We must start as soon as possible. If it takes longer, he will have more power, and we will all die in his hands. He is too evil!"

The man was surprised: "To be praised so much by you, it seems that this man is really not simple!"

The goddess of death said: "Of course! He can really hurt my body, and even my authority."

Only then did the man look squarely at the goddess of death, and he said, "Then, this son must not be kept!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door: "Hello? Are you there? I'm here to play with you!"

The goddess of death was stunned. This voice was exactly what she had heard just now. It was the guy named Li Ye.

"How could he know this place?"

The man looked at the goddess of death and shook his head: "What's wrong with chasing us here? Just kill them together~"

But the next second, he was also stunned. The person who came in was none other than Li Ye, but in his hand, he was dragging the bodies of two guys. They all knew these two guys, Swallowing Star and Annihilation.


Only then did the man called Eternal see the appearance of Li Ye clearly.

His face was extremely charming and filled with the rules of beauty. He was as tall as 1.8 meters tall and held a strange long knife in his hand. It didn't look like a normal sword at all.

This "Li Ye" said: "I just happened to have some time recently, so I'll pack it all up for you. Haha."

This day is known as the darkest moment of the four supreme gods. Why is it called the four? Because one of the infinite goddesses has long since disappeared.

It is said that a man comparable to oaa tied these four supreme gods to a small world and suppressed them there with the long river of time. They were unable to move and were washed away by the long river of time day and night.

The goddess of death cried: "No! You can't do this to us! We are going to the Court of Life!!"

On her side, Eternal looked at the long river of time pressing on him in disbelief: "It's impossible. Why. The quality of time can never be greater than mine! Why!! I can't escape!"

This guy looked at the river of time as if he was in a daze, unable to move his eyes at all.

The swallow star on the side is still in the shape of a ball, but much smaller than before. He said that he was wronged. He was eating at home, and before he could do anything, a knife came over and gave him existence. The universe was directly cut in half, divided into two.

Then Galactus got a good beating, shrank a lot, and was caught here: "I'm so hungry. I'm so hungry."

The Annihilation people on the side were numb: "I am the most unjust! What did I do to me?"

In front of them, Li Ye appeared again, took out his ears and said: "I'm sorry, everyone, you are too strong and too dangerous! And you have murderous intentions towards me, so I can't let you stay outside!"

After hearing these words, everyone among these people was numb. Not buddies, each of us has one sword, and there are absolutely no more. You took away all four swords for us, and then told us that we are too strong and you want to seal us? Are you kidding me?

The goddess of death looked at Li Ye and said crazily: "You! Who are you! Aren't you afraid of the Court of Life?"

Li Ye saw that there was still a big hole in the chest of the goddess of death, with no sign of repair at all. He nodded and then said: "Me? Am I not the Li Ye you want to kill? As for the Tribunal of Life, I will capture it and suppress it for you in a moment. One piece, except for oaa, I think I can capture the whole world.”

The Annihilation person on the side was numb: "Who? Li Ye? Who is that? No, I don't know anything! It's not that you arrested the wrong person, buddy, ah ah! Goddess of Death! And eternity! You are harming me!" "

On the side, Yan Xing was still wandering as always: "I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry."

Li Ye looked at this set of brothers and sisters and nodded. He swiped in the air and opened his own panel, which showed everything about him: "Hmm~ It's really good!"

[Ding, the negative emotion value from the goddess of death is +125254]

[Ding, the negative emotion value from Annihilation is +71254]

[Ding, negative emotion value from eternity +112254]

[Ding, the negative emotion value from Planet Devourer is +225254]

Beautiful sounds are endless, this is really a fertile land.

"No, I can't do this anymore. It damages my humanity. If I do it too much, I will become a godly thing. At most, my enemies will get involved. Well, my enemies!"

Li Ye took off the sword on his body and took a long breath: "Ah~ Xiao Xiami is better. You are all my anchor! I won't become a god as long as you are here!"

At this moment, the long knife rang out, and a woman's voice sounded: "Don't touch me, it's disgusting."

Everything that happened before seemed to happen in a dream, but it only appeared in a moment. Everything happened when time stopped.

But this is not false. It has no impact on reality. After all, Li Ye's large size is too exaggerated for the ability to pause time. It is simply a bug-level existence in this world, so only a few seconds have passed.

At this moment, Li Ye looked at the toilet stick in his hand and started thinking. It was stained with some blood, which was the blood of the goddess of death's clone: ​​"Hey, why didn't this thing leave a wound on the face of the goddess of death? It’s really strange, I didn’t see her having a second wound.”

Marika got out of Li Ye, looked at Li Ye and said, "No, you just finished beating her, why do you say it as if you have seen her before?"

Li Ye looked at Marika in front of him, smiled slightly, and made a joke. The time around him paused. Li Ye scratched Marika's nose and drew a little turtle on it.

The next second, time started to flow again. Marika looked at Li Ye and said, "What did you do to me?"

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