Li Ye looked at Thanos in front of him without saying a word, and Thanos also put his hand into his chest. He didn't hesitate at all, but the change in the expression on his face told Li Ye that this was not easy.

Yes, how can this be easy? This is not just tearing out one's own heart, but also stripping one's own energy, digitization and a series of things from one's body. The pain from the previous battle will probably penetrate Thanos' body in an instant, which is why The reason why Li Ye doesn't like digitization.

It will make you feel comfortable and lower your pain threshold, and then slowly blunt your spirit. When you lose digitalization, you will directly feel the most primitive pain, and that gap will make you crazy. .

But Thanos just shook his body and smiled reluctantly: "Unfortunately, I still didn't succeed."

Thanos pulled out his heart bit by bit and handed it to Li Ye, and Li Ye also stretched out his hand and took the heart. It was not a human heart, but a heart filled with various strange patterns. , a heart filled with energy of various colors, even if it is pulled out, it is still beating. It is obvious that this is the heart of the universe.

The beating of this heart produces a strange fluctuation, which seems to be catering to something in the entire world, and the depths of the universe are constantly responding to the sound of this heart.

Li Ye looked at the gorgeous heart and frowned, because the heart was slowly disappearing!

Thanos held Li Ye's hand and held the heart, so that the heart did not pass away. He trembled in pain and said: "As soon as possible. Fusion. This thing will pass with time! I leave my memory to you. Yes, this is what we agreed to do. I believe you!”

Thanos' body slowly began to dissipate, which represented Li Ye's victory. As Thanos disappeared, the entire universe was trembling, because his apparent identity was still the heir to the universe, and the universe still wanted to resurrect him. But Li Ye did not agree, and instead used the power of infinite gems to suppress the vague consciousness of the universe.

"The old king is dead and a new king should be established!"

Thanos' body turned into ashes. Looking at the body, Li Ye just shook his head slightly. Thanos was an admirable guy, he was just thinking about his career.

Li Ye vaguely remembered that when he was filming the Avengers series, he watched Endgame in the cinema. At that time, what shocked him most was not the appearance of the horse-faced mage with a large group of men, but the defeat of Thanos. After that, he was not hysterical, crazy or regretful. He just sat there, very quiet, like a person who had worked hard all day and finally got a rest.

"Oh, it's really a precious memory."

Li Ye likes this kind of memory very much, because it makes him remember his purpose, remember what he wants to do, and remember that he is still a human being, not some other indescribable things.

"Hometown is a distant term. It is said that wealth and wealth will not return to hometown, just like walking at night in brocade clothes. I also want to go back, but I have no chance at all."

Li Ye shook his head. On his body, seven gems appeared in the seven-color stream of light. The seven gems held up the Heart of the Universe in his hand and instantly radiated seven-color stream of light.

The things are correct, Thanos didn't make any mess, he still has some dignity in him, he doesn't look like someone else, and he still makes small moves even when he loses.

"What a man. If it were me, I would probably put 114,514 kinds of poisons in it, and add 1,437 waves of energy shocks. If I don't feel good, others won't feel good either."

Of course, Li Ye was just talking, because if he couldn't fight, he would run away. He would never fight a battle without being prepared to escape. Escape would be a no-brainer.

The next second, he inserted the heart into his body.

In an instant, colorful colors emerged from within him, and everyone else was numb: "It's broken! I've become a disco ball!"

But the next second, he felt the changes in his body. The energy around him was gathering towards him, and his body was constantly making regular changes in line with the universe.

Li Ye looked up to the sky and laughed: "Is this the heart of the universe? Ah ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha!"

"Lord, this is not the effect brought about by the Heart of the Universe. The Heart of the Universe is more complex to analyze and is merging. It is estimated that it will take 250,000 years. At this time, there is no ability to provide benefits. Now it is just You become the sole heir of the universe, and the universe protects you.”

Li Ye coughed twice and said, "Okay, I understand. Please speak in a lower voice next time. There are other people here, so it's not good."

In the void on one side, a mouse condensed out. It was Marika from the Golden Tree. She looked at Li Ye and laughed: "It's embarrassing to see you, hahahaha! Ouyoyo ~ This is the power of the heart of the universe Is it really scary~ He looks like he has never seen the world, and he treats the accessories as treasures.”

Li Ye looked at Marika, with black lines all over his forehead: "You are really..."

But then, Li Ye thought of something and said: Hey! I remember someone’s body and they need my help in making it. Then I’ll make it look like a dog. A mouse still doesn’t suit you very well! Or make it look like a curse frog. "

Malika was numb: "Hey, hey, hey! Why can't you take a joke!"

Li Ye waved his hand: "I think it's a joke. Just like just now, do you think I'm joking with you?"

Marika snorted and turned to the side. Li Ye shook his head, not looking at her, but looking inside himself. At this moment, the whole world was celebrating, celebrating the new god's enthronement, and celebrating the perfect arrival of everything.

Li Ye shook his head and felt everything around him. Everything around him seemed to look so familiar, so Li Ye said: "Hoe, can you speed up the progress? Two and a half thousand years, day lilies will be cold by then." ”

The phantom of the hoe appeared, holding a heart in its hand, which was the heart of the universe just now. This was the projection of her body, and her body was now reflected in Li Ye's body.

She said seriously: "Report to the Lord, the heart of the universe is not a mortal thing. Even with the blessing of infinite gems, it is difficult to complete it as quickly as possible. After all, the universe is too big, and it is too difficult to fully grasp it."

The universe has always existed, just like the Sithorne latitude and the Black Shadow latitude. It existed before Li Ye obtained it. It would be really difficult to inherit this kind of world. In addition, the universe is not as good as the Black Shadow. Latitude and West Thorne latitude, there are not so many creatures in it.

There is only one living body in the Sithorne and Black Shadow latitudes, Li Ye, and there are too many lives in the universe.

And there is another thing about the universe, that is, it is too complete. The rules, laws, and everything in it are quite difficult to understand. In addition, there are interference from other dimensional demons. It is really troublesome for him to fully understand it. Mom opens the door for Trouble, Trouble is home.

Thinking of this, Li Ye shook his head and threw a phantom out. The phantom was none other than Thanos, or in other words, Thanos' memory. It was given to him by Thanos before his death. Of course, Li Ye had no idea of ​​going to see one. The memory of the great old man, he needs this memory not just for reading: "Hoe, there is a lot of understanding of the heart of the universe in it."

"What about adding these?"

Hoe searched Thanos's memory and sighed: "Sorry, Lord, there are not many things in Thanos' memory. It only reaches the level of 0.5% of the world's inheritance. He only knows the rules. Just have some confidence.”

Li Ye also sighed: "Oh, there is still a long way to go!"

There is no way, Thanos has only gained a little understanding over the years, but Li Ye is not in a hurry. All the messy things he pulled out from his main account are all. When the time comes, he will look for any time-accelerating props and open a small account by himself. Hang up here and let the big player do whatever he wants.

"Fortunately, my strength will be greatly improved every day, and I don't need to hang up to understand the whole world."

The benefits of the Trinity God are reflected again. What the hoe perceives is what he perceives. The characteristics of the hoe itself are his characteristics. You must know that the hoe has special talents. After lighting up the talent for the hoe in the world of Dicuo, after so long In terms of development, the current hoe is like two supercomputers working together, with incredible thinking intensity.

Thinking of this, Li Ye said: "By the way, hoe, a large amount of energy intervention can speed up the process, right?"

Hoe said: "That's true, but the energy required for this is extremely huge. Even if the existing latitudes are added together, there is no way to complete it by more than 3%."

Li Ye plans to take out all the energy of his several latitudes and integrate them into one, and its template is his own shadow latitude. Because of the special nature of the shadow latitude, he can learn from people's evil emotions in the real dimension. Extract strength from it and turn it into your own energy.

Then Li Ye poured the black shadow energy into the main world to improve the progress of the Heart of the Universe.

Of course, the Heart of the Universe will increase Li Ye's power a lot, and then Li Ye can use these powers to draw out the emotional energy of those guys in the main world and feed back the Black Shadow Latitude again.

It directly belongs to the left foot stepping on the right foot and the spiral ascends to the sky, and the direct stroke is a perpetual motion machine.

Li Ye nodded: "It doesn't matter. There are not many other things, but there are many worlds. Those latitude demons~ are just waiting to establish contact with this world!"

Marika curled her lips at this time: "You guy, have you forgotten? They are all scared by you, who will come to this world."

His eyes flickered: "You guys are really stupid. If I say that something suddenly went wrong when my latitudes merged, guess what, will they take the opportunity to intervene in my world? At that time, they will have no choice but to They're gone!"

Marika was numb: "Wow! You are so cunning, they really suffered a big loss from being your enemy!"

Li Ye waved his hand: "Who made me smart? Besides, it's not like you can't find a place to get energy now, is it?"

His eyes flickered, and he took out a large amount of obsidian from his bag and placed it on the ground. In an instant, a purple portal opened, and the evil aura was connected to it at which latitude without even thinking!

Li Ye smiled: "Hell~Satan's position is still vacant. What do you think if we connect the real dimension with hell? You will definitely get a lot of points!"

Marika smiled and said: "Hey! You are such a bad guy!"

Li Ye did not look at Marika at this moment, but looked behind Marika with a smile: "I'm not talking to you, you narcissistic guy. What I want to say to you is... Goddess of Death, what are you doing?" What do you think?"

Marika was stunned for a moment. She looked behind her and saw a woman standing there. Although it was just a shadow, it already brought a strong sense of oppression. The woman was beautiful and cold. Looking at Li Ye at the moment, The look in his eyes was as if he were looking at a strange creature.

Li Ye remembered this look. It was the same look he had when he saw Tang San being able to rack up points for so long under his hands before his spirit collapsed.

"Hey, hey, Goddess of Death, I used honorifics. Isn't that look in your eyes not very good?"

The gorgeous woman smiled slightly and said: "I didn't expect you to be able to kill Thanos, who has the heart of the universe. It really surprises me, but his understanding of this world is too low, so he can't put this Latitude became his own thing, but he was still too anxious, alas."

Li Ye looked at the goddess of death in front of him and smiled slightly: "So, goddess of death, can you tell me why you are here? I think there are enough dead creatures."

The goddess of death smiled and shook her head: "I just want to say that I still know the things you conspired with Thanos. You don't have to hide anything, such as your murderous intention. Haha"

Li Ye's eyes really changed at this moment: "Hey, I didn't expect to be discovered by you. Alas, it's really troublesome. There is such a fool who loves to eavesdrop on men. That guy Thanos is really stupid. So, my lady goddess, you Are you planning to kill me while I’m still young?”

The goddess of death smiled slightly: "Of course! My young man, you are really too dangerous. If I don't kill you early, I think I will have sleepless nights. Now that you have just inherited this world, it is Your weak period!”

Li Ye shook his head: "How stupid!"

He drew out his long knife in the void, shook his head and looked at the woman in front of him: "Oh, I'm really unhappy to be treated as a weakling. Lady Death, who told you that my strength comes from the heart of the universe?"

The goddess of death slowly stood up, shook her head and began to say: "You are really a frog in the well. Do you think the strongest is like Thanos? Haha, then you should die!"

Li Ye smiled and shook his head: "The strongest, you will never know what the strongest I have ever seen is like. You have never seen that universe. The strength of that universe is more than a hundred times that of this one. And that person, with one blow It can even cause the world to be destroyed directly, and it can even play with the small world around it like marbles, haha. Guess what I did after seeing her? "

"It's a sword drawn!!"

"My lady goddess, you exposed your health bar!"

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