Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 825 Marika's Day of Shame

"Since there really are mages, why don't they come out to deal with these bad guys? These guys want to destroy our world. If those mages really exist, why don't they come out to help us?"

Li Ye shook his head: "Maybe it's because the things the mages have to deal with are too powerful. They are dealing with those dimension demons, which are much more difficult to deal with than these guys. Do you know the dimension demons? I read in a book that they all control a dimension, just like hell, just a dimension."

Listening to Li Ye's speech, Wanda's mood was obviously much better, and her tired body was also After relaxing many times, Li Ye could see that her body had now stretched out, and then he joked: "Maybe some latitude demon will jump out and say something, you must help me guard the house I bought on Earth, otherwise I will invade Earth! Then the wizard's men will not be enough."

Wanda laughed: "How can there be such a thing?"

Wanda actually still didn't believe the wizard Li Ye said, but they really had nowhere to go. They needed a target. Serbia was definitely not an option. There was a Hydra base here. They had to leave here, and Britain was a good place to go.

Wanda only regarded Li Ye's words as words to make her happy. Wanda liked this kind of words very much, because it was one of the few consolations in this doomsday, which could make her have beautiful ideas about the future world.

Li Ye did not explain anything, he just used a fantastic story to tell the girl.

At this time, something moved in the corner of the wall, and Wanda immediately became alert: "What!"

Li Ye walked over to take a look and found Marika here, in the rat state, covering her mouth and laughing crazily, making people feel like beating her. Li Ye gritted his teeth and whispered: "Why haven't you left yet!"

Marika chuckled and replied in a low voice: "I came to see you pick up girls, but I didn't expect you to be so abstract. I couldn't help it. It's so funny, isn't this you? Let the Supreme Sorcerer guard the church for you."

Li Ye grinned: "Isn't that me? Isn't that the shark sculpture of Strange going there himself?"

Marika said : "I received the information from Vishanti. He told you not to occupy public resources. You made me laugh to death."

Li Ye was speechless. A door hit her face and sealed her mouth. Little Wanda said in fear: "Li Ye. What on earth is it?"

Then Li Ye said: "Don't worry, it's just a mouse. I have dealt with it."

Little Wanda was trembling with fear. Li Ye shook his head slightly: "Alas, you are such a timid girl. If it were me... Okay, go to bed quickly. It's time to go on the road tomorrow."

Li Ye dismantled several wooden boards and put together a bed for little Wanda. He also found a quilt for her. The quilt was full of small cat-like patterns and had a faint scent of laundry detergent.

It can be seen that this is a quilt for a beautiful girl, but the little girl who should have been on it has disappeared, so it can only be left to Wanda.

In the end of the world, it is so incredible to have such a quilt.

Little Wanda looked at Li Ye, and tears were about to flow again. Li Ye was always like this, always so good, and he always touched her a lot in the end of the world.

"Li Ye."

"Okay, you should go to bed! Children should sleep more, and I am counting on you to support me in the future!"

"Li Ye. You are a good person."

". Good people deserve to be given a good person card. Go to bed quickly. Don't say I am a good person in the future. I am a bad person who covets your future power."

Wanda thought Li Ye wanted to covet her beauty, but after so long, Li Ye did not do anything to her. Instead, when she wanted to get close to Li Ye, Li Ye would avoid her. It might be as Li Ye said, he coveted his future, but Wanda did not think he had any future, but she could not understand why Li Ye would help her so much.

"He really regarded me as a good friend? Or..."

Thinking of Li Ye, little Wanda fell asleep carefully.

Li Ye looked at Wanda's little head sticking out from under the quilt and shook his head slightly: "It's really interesting."

At this time, a golden light appeared behind Li Ye, and the light instantly formed the appearance of a blond and luxurious woman. It was Marika. She jumped up and was about to hit Li Ye on the head: "It's interesting, you big-headed ghost! That's my quilt! You used my quilt to pick up girls! And you hit me! You guy! Go to hell!!"

In order to deal a heavy blow to Li Ye, Marika even gave up her energy and turned into her original form, just to teach Li Ye a lesson.

The next second, Li Ye directly pinched Marika's chin with his hand, and Marika was immediately stunned: "What. You."

Li Ye's eyes met Marika's, and the golden hair was stroked by Li Ye. He slowly lifted the long hair, put it in front of his nose, and sniffed it gently: "Hmm, it's really beautiful. The smell of sunshine is stained with elegance and luxury. Marika, you have always been so beautiful."

Marika was stunned. She stood there woodenly, as if she was struck by lightning, unable to move: "You... you... are you having a seizure!"

Li Ye pinched Marika's chin, put Marika's face against his, and said slightly: "Marika, I have already noticed your beauty, and I have already understood your intention. Now , please leave everything to me? I understand your jealousy, but I have to do it!"

Marika said blankly: "You, you, me, me."

The next second, Li Ye laughed: "Hahahaha! Silly! Labor and management lied to you! Hahahaha! You are such an idiot! When did I care about your feelings? But no matter what, labor and management also used to pick up girls back then. A good hand ~ Did you feel excited just now ~"

Marika's face turned red, and she didn't know whether it was because of anger or why. She screamed: "Li Ye!! I want you to die!!!"

Li Ye quickly covered Little Wanda with energy, controlled the volume input, and then punched Marika on the head: "You are stupid! Keep your voice down!"

Marika stepped on Li Ye's foot in aggrieved manner and said loudly: "You bastard!!"

Then Marika left. Li Ye looked at her back, snorted, and smiled. Then he looked up at the starry sky. Li Ye felt that it was almost done, and it was time to abandon his body.

The next day, when he got up early in the morning, Li Ye did what he did every day. He tore apart a few boards,

Then, Li Ye took Little Wanda and ran wildly in the forest: "Hurry! Hurry up! As long as we pass through this forest, we will reach the final place!"

Wanda kept running, and her body parts kept jumping. However, because the burden was too heavy and her physical fitness was not high, the guy gasped from exhaustion, but she had no choice but to run fast.

"They. They are still chasing us!" Wanda's body was wrapped with crimson energy, and she spoke to Li Ye, and Li Ye also frowned: "Why do they seem to have met a cat's dog this time? Same!"

At this time, someone else's voice sounded from behind them: "Hurry! They are right in front!"

Listening to the earth's language, they understood that someone from Hydra was coming. Li Ye hurriedly said: "Can you continue? Wanda?"

Wanda coughed dryly and said, "Hurry, Li Ye, you go first and you survive."

Li Ye looked at her and showed a frown again. Looking at the pursuers chasing after him, he immediately hugged Wanda and hid behind the tree: "Don't be stupid. You are my protection in the future. How can I I’m so willing to leave you behind!”

Wanda coughed dryly: "Li Ye, let me go. You can leave on your own."

During this period of time, Li Ye also showed several "deficiencies" in his abilities. For example, once his abilities are activated, he cannot move. Also, if he takes someone with him to become invisible, the energy consumption of his invisibility will be greatly increased. These It was all the foreshadowing he had laid for his suicide.

"A perfect warrior will never die, only a dancer with flaws will die vigorously and excitingly!"

Back to the present, Hydra soldiers passed by in front of them. Wanda turned around and hugged Li Ye tightly, trying to reduce the space they needed by hugging them tightly so that they would not be discovered.

"Li Ye, will we be fine?"

Li Ye whispered: "Don't worry, haven't we experienced it before?"

"The energy reaction is definitely here! Why can't you find it?" The surrounding Hydra soldiers were still looking for Li Ye, while Wanda hugged Li Ye tightly, waiting for everything to pass. .

Finally, these guys walked away. They yelled "Damn" and walked away from here.

"Okay, it's time to get up. My ribs are almost broken when I hug you."

After the crisis passed, Little Wanda relaxed and realized the current situation. Little Wanda blushed; "Li Ye. I."

Li Ye waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, I know I'm very charming, but it seems that I can be a soft rice in the future!"

Little Wanda hit Li Ye, but after she finished, she quickly detected the surrounding situation. Because of her brother's death, Li Ye's appearance seemed to have replaced her brother's position, which made Li Ye's favorability increase rapidly. Now Li Ye knew that if he confessed, the success rate would be very high. This was the confidence of a man with four wives.

"Let's go quickly, they might come back soon!"

Li Ye looked at Wanda and spoke. Both of them knew that now was not the time to fall in love. They kept running in the forest, but the humidity in the forest seemed to have rained, and the muddy ground was not good. Walk.


Wanda fell directly to the ground. Li Ye immediately went to check: "Wanda, what's wrong with you?"

Wanda looked at her knee, which was directly punctured by the protruding thorns of a wooden stake. It was quite serious, and it looked like she couldn't walk.

Li Ye held her knee, quickly took out water to clean Wanda's wound, and then said, "Be patient!"

When Wanda was stunned, Li Ye poured a bottle of iodophor down. Wanda was about to cry out in pain. Li Ye quickly stuffed his hand into her mouth. Wanda, who was in pain, immediately bit Li Ye's mouth. Hands, she knew that those guys had not gone far yet and must not make a sound.



They both cried out in pain at the same time, but Li Ye did not change his actions. He kept tearing off the gauze with one hand and bandaged Wanda's leg. Wanda looked at the man in front of her, tears welling up again.

This man seemed to be omnipotent. Because of her brother's departure, she felt that the world was a lot darker, but this man appeared and just made up for it. She believed that Li Ye's appearance was a gift from God.

"Hold on!"

Wanda looked at Li Ye with tears in her eyes and slowly spit out his hand. Looking at Li Ye's hand, the teeth marks on the hand were quite obvious, and even bitten blood. The clean palm, which was completely different from the surrounding muddy environment, was now covered with blood.

"Li Ye."

Li Ye looked at Wanda with tears in her eyes and laughed: "Why, are you crying because of the pain?"

Wanda said; "Why are you so good to me."

Li Ye shook his head: "You are talking nonsense, didn't I say it? I am jealous of your future abilities! With this kind of energy content, you will definitely be terribly strong in the future! I will rely on you in the future!"

Li Ye bandaged Wanda like this. He was always so considerate and would bring everything, gauze, iodine, and these things.

But at this time, Wanda suddenly looked up: "It's not good, Li Ye"

Li Ye raised his head and said: "What's wrong?"

The next second, his expression suddenly changed: "Damn it! They are here so soon!"

Wanda felt that there were quite a lot of enemies around her rushing towards this side, and she hurriedly said: "Li Ye! Go away, don't worry about me! Those Hydras won't kill me if they catch me"

Li Ye said: "Don't be stupid! You know what those guys look like, you should have seen those Winter Soldiers in the base! You should have sensed it too! You are not the one who will be brainwashed. own! And this time when we go back, the war is so dangerous, it requires a lot of energy and new technology! Who knows how they will study you! "

Li Ye directly carried Wanda on his back, and then said: "What's more, those may not be Hydra people!"

Normal people's vision can already see the mighty Thanos army in the distance. Li Ye immediately carried Wanda and ran forward, but Wanda was stunned again: "Li Ye. Li Ye, there are also in front of us!"

Li Ye said: "Sure enough, damn it!"

In front, the Hydra soldiers who had passed by before came back again, forming a double-sided situation for them.

"We. Must leave here!"

Li Ye kept moving with Wanda on his back, but the more they moved, the more desperate they became, especially Wanda. She clearly sensed the surroundings, and the large number of soldiers surrounded the forest.

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