Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 824 The horse-faced wizard felt a chill on his back

It seems that a short time has passed, but Li Ye has lived here for half a month. During this time, Li Ye did not coax this little girl to do anything beyond her age limit. After all, this guy is contemptuous and not a human being. Scum.

He can coax the little sister to gain strength, but he will also give the little sister some compensation, but he will not make things tense and play with the emotions of these girls to death.

Li Qingsheng and Xiao Xiaowei's doctor Ye is convinced that he is a good person. After all, he has not used the doctor's template many times, which is just a charm halo. Only he knows how exaggerated that panel is.

"Hey, take care of the kids, increase your favorability, and then give yourself away, perfect~"

When Li Ye woke up in the morning, he saw Wanda lying next to him, sleeping like a kitten. He felt completely at ease because she was dirty and had not bathed for a month. Of course, even if she was clean, Yes, Li Ye wouldn't feel anything. How could he feel? A man with four wives, what woman hasn’t seen him?

The three-no girl, the little dragon girl who seems cold but is actually more considerate and enthusiastic than anyone else, the elf mother who seems to know a lot but actually knows nothing, and the art girl who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, I hope he can have something to this little girl As for feelings, it is better to expect him to have some feelings for Teacher Sithorn.

Li Ye shook Wanda's body and said, "Wake up, it's time to go! Those guys are about to start searching here!"

Wanda opened her eyes and saw Li Ye, her eyes full of confusion. After focusing for a while, she regained clarity: "Li Ye, are we still alive?"

Li Ye nodded; "Don't worry, we didn't die last night!"

This girl would ask this question every morning when she got up, every day, for fear that she would find herself dead in the flames of war last night when she got up every morning.

Li Ye raised his head and looked at the sky. Thanos's battleships were still flying, but it was obvious that the momentum was much weaker. This meant that Thanos's energy could not last long, and it was estimated that he could only support one About a month.

Li Ye shook his head. He was a little anxious and wanted to kill Thanos as soon as possible. Then Thanos would also give him all the insights into the heart of the universe as agreed, and that was the heart of the universe.

But the more anxious you are about this kind of thing, the less effective it will be. Li Ye can't be anxious if he wants to kill Thanos. He needs a lot of energy to support it and must do it slowly.

"So little Wanda, it's time for us to move on!"

Wanda was eating something at this time. It was the food that Li Ye had collected. She only realized after listening to Li Ye's words: "Yeah!"

The two people continued to wander among the ruins of the city, looking at the soldiers around them as they continued to move forward and explore the road ahead.

"Huhu. Li Ye is tired. You can take a rest. There are no enemies around here." Xiao Wanda panted and looked at Li Ye in front of her. Her physical fitness was still very poor and she could not run like this for a long time.

Li Ye also knew where her limit was, so he stood still and said, "You still need to exercise, Wanda. If you only reach this level and I can't come back, you will be in danger and you won't be able to get out of here." Piancheng District!”

Wanda burst into tears instantly: "You won't come back! Li Ye! You won't! Pietro is gone, you can't leave again!"

She rushed forward and grabbed Li Ye's hand. During this period of contact, Wanda became more and more dependent on Li Ye. Li Ye thought this was a good thing. Reliance represented points, and it also represented Wanda's "death" after she The strength increase will be more intense.

"Okay, okay, I can't, but if I don't leave, what will we eat?"

Wanda didn't speak. On their way to the attack, they didn't have much to eat, and everything was looted by the survivors. If Li Ye didn't go find something to eat, then their food would not be enough.

Wanda wanted to say something, but she didn't seem to know how to say it. This girl had been in the laboratory for too long: "Li Ye."

Li Ye shook his head, looked at Wanda in front of him, and said, "Eat, and keep your mouth shut when you eat."

Wanda looked at Li Ye and put the things next to Li Ye first. Li Ye smiled and shook his head again: "Don't worry, I'm not hungry yet. I've already eaten the food when I came here. I'll go out soon." I’ll just look for some more while I’m searching.”

Wanda looked at Li Ye with tears streaming down his face: "Li Ye."

Li Ye had no choice but to pick up a few pieces of bread and eat them. Wanda then started eating too. Wanda, a girl, had been in the research institute for a long time and looked a little naive no matter where she was. If she let When she gains power, she may become willful regardless of the consequences, just like in Avengers 2 and Captain America 3.

This is completely opposite to Eri Yi. Li Ye doesn't know why this is opposite. It may be because of the difference in cognitive quantity, or it may be because Eri Yi is too kind, but in any case, he knows that now Wanda has no power and is still the same little girl.

"After you finish eating, you wait here while I go find some food. We don't have enough to go out."

Wanda shook her head. She wanted to stop Li Ye. She was really afraid that Li Ye wouldn't survive, but she couldn't say anything. During this period, as a dragster, she had been very humble: "You and Li Ye Ye, where are we going?”

Li Ye touched the little girl's head, smiled slightly and said: "We are going to the border of Serbia, and then to England. In my memory, there is a wizard tower over there, and there are many powerful wizards in it. We can Live there."

Wanda looked at Li Ye and said, "Li Ye, am I useless? I feel like I can't be of any help. If you are the only one, you can definitely get out quickly."

Li Ye shook his head: "This has nothing to do with you. We are friends, aren't we? It would be good if such a beautiful girl was taken out to be my wife. What's more, Wanda herself has such strong talents, but You haven’t learned how to use it yet, so just think that I’m coveting your beauty and talents, and isn’t Little Wanda useful now? You can sense the enemy’s location!”

Wanda looked at the sun's rays on Li Ye's back, reflecting a burst of golden halo. Li Ye's eyes seemed to be shining with tears. Her cheeks were slightly red and she said, "Come back soon." ”

No one knew what the "good" in her mouth was responding to, not even Wanda herself. However, Li Ye, a guy with four wives, was not a newbie in love, so he naturally knew what this guy was like.

Li Ye looked at the face of this girl, silently turned off the energy of the golden tree behind him to disguise himself from the sun, and then silently shook his head.

"That's almost it. Next, we just need to provide the location of the Dark Holy Book, and then we can give this body away."

Then, Li Ye left, and Wanda looked at Li Ye's back, huddled in the corner. In just half a month, she had experienced too much. She didn't know how to deal with these things. Her brother's death, life She did not want to accept the changes, the country's ruin, being hunted down, sleeping in the open air, constantly avoiding her.

Slowly, her body was wrapped with circles of crimson energy. This was the power of reality and could control everything in real life.

"Fortunately, there is Li Ye."

She has been with Li Ye for half a month. At first, she didn't trust that man, but she couldn't survive here and could only follow that guy. But later, she trusted that man more and more, and slowly, that man He has replaced the position of "brother" in her eyes, and should not be the position of "father".

She was so weak that she couldn't survive at all. It was Li Ye who helped her, which made her feel quite grateful and dependent. After all, she couldn't do anything and knew nothing, and Li Ye hadn't abandoned her yet.

Li Ye's comprehensiveness and gentleness made her feel a kind of longing? No, she doesn't know what this feeling is.

Thinking of Li Ye, the energy in her body slowly disappeared.

"What a terrible and beautiful treasure!" Li Ye's figure appeared in a distant position, holding a telescope in his hand, looking at all this, and shook his head: "It's a pity, it has nothing to do with me, I hope Tony wouldn't care if I gave him such a powerful enemy."

He is now standing under the moonlight, looking at everything in front of him, smiling slightly: "Oh~ I don't want to be expected by such a girl, but everyone knows that longing is the farthest distance from understanding."

"However, this relationship will eventually end with my death."

"So you just deceive this little girl's feelings?" On Li Ye's body, a golden mouse slowly took shape, lying on his body and shouting.

Li Ye flew up, kicked the mouse, and said, "How can this be called cheating? It's obviously a win-win situation. She gained power and I gained access."

Marika was kicked out and hit the wall so hard that she couldn't even dig it off, but she still shouted: "Devil! And! How did you hit me at that angle?"

Li Ye patted his shoulder, which was stained with smoke and dust due to the collapse of the house he just kicked out. Then he said: "The power of rules, boy! But if you don't tug of war with Thanos, what are you doing here with me?" ?”

Marika shook her head and said, "You don't know. That hoe is so strong that I'm scared even when I'm next to her. It's really outrageous!"

Li Ye sighed: "I can't help it. Who made me so good? The people under me have also become good."

He was actually quite shocked. How could Hoe resist Thanos alone? Looking at Marika like this, that guy seems to have the upper hand. Li Ye only needs to arrange his energy to launch a general attack.

Marika shook her head: "So what are you doing here to hook up with a little girl? Hey, hey, tell me which one you like~ Hey~ I'm telling you, I can become one too!"

Li Ye sighed: "What the hell? I want to create a mark through her and find the source of energy. How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air!"

Marika said teasingly: "Hey, hey, you look like this. You can obviously become a villain and kill the whole family. Then tell her that practicing the Dark Holy Book can defeat you, so she will naturally go. It's easy! You still say that you It’s not about lusting after others’ bodies!”

Li Ye sighed: "It's so tiring to communicate with fools. Do you think that girl is the same as you? When you are extremely angry, just be extremely angry. If that girl is extremely angry, she can be torn apart by Thanos's hands. She is furious. The Heavenly Father level is not making trouble with you, but I still kill the whole family. Why, you give me this energy that is beyond the Heavenly Father level? And the most important thing is that she has to kill the whole family for me."

Marika snorted: "I'm so convinced, you guy."

Li Ye looked at Marika's appearance and kicked her out: "Find food for the labor and management!"

Marika yelled: "You treat me differently!! Treat me differently!! Ouch!"

Li Ye looked at Marika's shadow and shook his head: "It seems that the problem still needs to be solved early!"

At night, Li Ye looked at the starry sky and sat with Wanda. At this time, it was usually when Li Ye told stories. Wanda also liked Li Ye telling stories because Li Ye seemed to have many things that he could never finish. story.

At this time, Li Ye said: "Do you know? Your potential is actually very great. I can see it, but you need emotional fluctuations to release a very powerful force! After training and releasing your potential, you Even if you are not very emotional, you should still be able to use those powers.”

Now Wanda only learned to spread her energy to search for enemies, which was taught to her by Li Ye.

After listening to Li Ye's words, Wanda looked at herself and the red energy in her hands, and said unconfidently: "Is it really true?"

Li Ye nodded: "Of course, as long as you exercise more, you can be of great help to me! The war will probably be over by then, and I can count on Little Wanda to help me!"

Wanda nodded immediately, and Li Ye smiled slightly, looked at the galaxy in the distance, and said, "It's time to go to sleep. We will probably have to walk through a forest area tomorrow, which is a bit dangerous.

Wanda shook her head: "I can observe the enemy. Can we go to bed later? I want to hear you continue telling the story of dragon slaying and the Holy Grail War."

Li Ye shook his head: "There's really nothing I can do against you, but I want to finish telling the mage's story first."

"This may not be a story, but a legend I discovered at home when I was a child. It was a paradise for wizards, a place called Kama Taj, where there were wizards with horse faces and niggas with bald heads. Together with the fat delivery boy, these guys protect the earth from the influence of the Latitude Demon. "

"But. If there are really mages, why won't they come out to deal with these bad guys?"

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