Just like that, another mark was added between Li Ye's eyebrows, and a Bagua Tai Chi mark was added below the sundial mark. The two were overlapped without any violation.

After attaching the seal to Li Ye, Daode Tianzun said: "I have already placed the practice methods I created back then. You must remember that you must not practice unchangingly at all. You are not me!"

Li Ye nodded: "Thank you Tianzun for your teaching!"

Daode Tianzun nodded: "The path you are taking is based on the Five Emperors, and then the paths of the Five Emperors are unified. It is too strong, and my method can neutralize one or two of them!"

Li Ye nodded: "Boy, I understand!"

Daode Tianzun closed his eyes and said: "It's time for you to go too!! The road ahead requires you to work harder!"

At this time, Li Ye said with some embarrassment: "Well, Tianzun... I have an unkind request..."

Daode raised his eyes and said somewhat unexpectedly: "Oh? What is your request? Just say it!"

. . . . . .

Tushita Palace, Bagua Furnace

This place is still extremely vast, with nothing left except two people and a few dead birds.

The heroic man in black flame armor once again struggled with the golden monkey.

The golden-haired monkey's fists hit the flesh, and his tactics were natural. On the other hand, the man in black flame armor only followed the beast's consciousness when fighting, and was beaten back steadily.

But what is more surprising is that even if his arm is torn off and his head is smashed, this man in black flame armor can repair it instantly. Weaknesses such as heart and head will not have any effect on him.

After beating for a while, the golden-haired monkey got tired. He tore off a piece of meat from the big bird carcass on one side, put it in his mouth to chew, and then sat down on the ground.

The man in black flame armor opposite slowly repaired the damage on his body, and then stood there like a robot without electricity. And not only that, his armor was also being repaired. Within a moment, Repair has been completed

The golden-haired monkey sitting on the ground looked over and sighed: "I don't know how you can train so well that all your weaknesses are gone. If you talk about being reborn with a drop of blood, turning your hair into a soldier, etc., compared to you There are also big shortcomings. You can recover even your fingernails, and there is no impact at all. I really don’t know what happened!”

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. The golden-haired monkey shook his head and continued to talk to himself: "I don't know how long I will stay here. It's good to have a boy like you, but you can't talk and can only fight, which is boring. And I always feel aggrieved when fighting with you!"

"But look at that face of yours, tsk tsk, I don't know how long it is. If you put it on the side of you humans, it would cause big trouble. You are such a pretty pretty face!"

After the golden-haired monkey finished eating, he shook his body with blood stains from the fight, then stood up and walked towards the man in black armor.

"Stop talking so much, let's continue! Boy!"

In an instant, the two of them were wrestling together again, and the collision of flesh and flesh caused a roar in the alchemy furnace. If the furnace was not strong, there would be no way to block the impact.


The man in black armor was thrown out hard by the monkey and was imprinted on the wall of the Bagua furnace. Then, waiting for him, the golden-haired monkey pursued him again.

"Hey! Eat my fist!"

But at this moment, the man in black armor's eyes suddenly became clear, but as soon as they became clear, a fist struck from in front of his eyes.

"I'm super!! Punch!"

The next second, the surrounding space trembled, his figure moved dozens of feet, and a long knife was pulled out from his hand.


In an instant, the light fell, and everything around it was split open, whether it was light, heat, energy or space,

but! Seeing the light coming towards him, the golden-haired monkey didn't panic at all. His eyes suddenly widened, and then he smiled, becoming extremely huge, reaching the sky and the earth, emitting golden light all over his body, and the surroundings were filled with a bohemian color.

The man in black armor was confused: "Frog Qu! What a big monkey!!!"

The huge ape stretched out his hands to hold down the light.

"This! That's interesting!!!"


The light shattered and everything around him was illuminated. The man in black armor was holding a weapon that was too long to look like a normal war blade. He stood in front of the huge golden ape. The two were filled with a chilling air.

But the next second, the man in black armor sneezed, and the chilling air around him instantly stopped. He looked at the golden-haired monkey and said, "No fight, no fight, I don't want to fight!"

The golden-haired ape looked at the black-armored man with disdain, then curled his lips and sounded like a thunderous voice: "What are you talking about? I can't hear you clearly! I can't hear you at all!"

An hour later, Li Ye covered his face and sat on the ground. He was beaten. He was beaten by a giant monkey. The most important thing was that he fought back. He had not been beaten before.

This makes me even more depressed

"I must have just returned to my body and am not familiar with it!"

The golden-haired monkey opposite had returned to its original size. He was eating the big bird carcass and looking at Li Ye in front of him speechlessly: "Hey, hey, what's your name? My name is Sun Wukong, and you call me the Monkey King. That’s okay! After all these years, the outside world no longer has any information about me!”

Li Ye covered his forehead, took out a bottle of iodine from somewhere, and rubbed it on it: "Oops! My ears seem to have been damaged! I can't hear anything!"

Sun Wukong was speechless: "You kid, I have beaten your body for several years, and I didn't see any damage. Humph, are you trying to frame me!"

Li Ye immediately covered his heart when he heard it: "Ah! You actually beat me for several years! My internal injuries relapsed!"

Sun Wukong suddenly looked shrewd: "Okay, okay, you kid, I know, you want to benefit me, right?"

Li Ye immediately threw away the iodine and looked forward at Sun Wukong: "Ah! This!! You are!! Are you the legendary Monkey King Sun Wukong? You don't know! I grew up listening to your stories since I was a child, you say. . . You mean you want to give me a benefit? Oh my god! I am so lucky! "

Sun Wukong smiled and said: "You are very smart, but... It's not impossible to want my things, but you have to give me some benefits!"

Li Ye quickly covered his head and said: "Great Sage, Great Sage, I am afraid you have damaged my head. My head hurts, my head hurts!"

At this time, his head also began to bleed, and blood rushed out of his seven orifices, like a faucet

Sun Wukong covered his head and said: "Okay, okay, you kid, I just need you to do a few small things!"

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