"When each member of Xianji joins, there will be three tasks, which are entry-level tasks, but you don't have to complete them because your identity and strength have been recognized by all of us, and this trip to Jiangdong was mostly helped by you."

"In addition, you can also obtain an identity, just like your brother, who chose 'Huanglong Zhenren', you can obtain some skills represented by masks on gods, which we rely on the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation to search from various worlds."

"Existing characters cannot be selected, just like 'Huanglong Zhenren'"

"As for which ones can be selected, just look at the wall in front of you!"

Li Ye was brought to a wall with masks on it. At the top were three masks of "Daode Tianzun", "Yuanshi Tianzun", and "Lingbao Tianzun", and below were masks such as "Qingyuan Daozun". Miao Zhenjun", "Huanglong Zhenren", "Taiyi Zhenren", Chanjiao Jiejiao and so on,

Among them, the Lingbao Tianzun mask at the top and the Yuanshi Tianzun mask are gray, which means that there are already people behind this identity

Zhai Jiuniang looked at Li Ye and said, "There is another thing! Another thing, in the fairyland, you are not allowed to inquire about other people's true identity! You can't tell others about the identity displayed by others! Do you understand? After all, there are many confrontation tasks in the reincarnation world. If too many people know the real identity, it is inevitable to reveal it, which will affect the people around in reality! "

Li Ye nodded: "Of course I understand! But you all know my identity!"

Zhai Jiuniang smiled awkwardly: "You... You are an exception! You are not afraid that the people around you will be implicated!"

Li Ye said: "Are you saying that I am a star of misfortune, and there is no one else around me?"

Zhai Jiuniang hurriedly shook her head and waved her hands: I... I am not! "

But after she did all this, she felt a little strange. Although she was also a person with an eccentric personality, why did she behave so strangely in front of Li Ye, a junior?

At this time, Li Ye smiled and shook his head, raised his hand, took off one of the top three masks, and said to Zhai Jiuniang: "I choose this one!"

After seeing the mask, Zhai Jiuniang was stunned for a moment: "That is... Do you really want to choose that one?"

Li Ye nodded: "Of course! "

Li Ye was holding the mask of Taiqing Daode Tianzun!

The moment he got the mask, Li Ye's eyes suddenly changed. The fairy spirit was still there, but the scene had changed. In front of him was no longer a fairyland, but a fairy mansion. It was simple and elegant, but not extravagant, but a low-key connotation.

Around this fairy mansion, red birds were flying, and there were all kinds of fairy beasts. The spiritual energy was abnormal. Ordinary people could smell it and practice for several days elsewhere.

And above the sky gate of this mansion, there were three big characters written in unknown words. As soon as you look at the characters, you will know that there is an infinite rhyme of Taoism flowing in it. People can't watch it for a long time, but you can know what the characters are at first sight.

"Tushita Palace! ”

A green ox was tied in front of the mansion, sleeping leisurely. The door was open, as if waiting for someone to come

Li Ye nodded, then walked forward, crossed the door, and walked deeper

As Li Ye walked, the green ox also opened its eyes, looked at Li Ye, then mooed twice, and continued to sleep

Li Ye followed the road and walked around until he arrived at a hall. In the center of the hall was a huge Tai Chi Bagua alchemy furnace, with three-color flames burning underneath. Surprisingly, although the flames were strong, the temperature in the room was the same as outside

In front of the furnace, there was an old man with his back to Li Ye. He was wearing a Tai Chi Taoist robe. There was no trace of Taoism around him, but he did make people respect him and it was difficult to have any disrespect

"You, are here"

Li Ye bowed and said to the old man in front of him: "Boy, I have met the Supreme Daode Tianzun! "

That's right, the person in front of him is the real Lord of Daode, Taishang Laojun, Taiqing of the Three Pure Ones, one of the oldest people on the other side.

He slowly turned around and revealed his face. It was the face of a thin old man with a kind smile. Facing Li Ye, he said: "You are very good, not only because of your physical characteristics, but also because of your strong heart!"

Li Ye smiled and said: "I am still a lot worse. If I use my original body to strengthen the other side, I will only die! There is no victory! Of course, there is no possibility now!"

The Lord of Daode smiled and shook his head: "You have only been practicing Taoism for a few decades. If you can be promoted to the infinite realm, then those others have lived in vain! "

Li Ye nodded. Indeed, even in the original book, with the help of Donghuang Taiyi and Yuanshi Tianzun, and with modern ideas, Meng Qi, who developed his own characteristics of the cause of all fruits with all the people in the world, spent hundreds and thousands of years to settle down before reaching the other side, not to mention others.

Qingdi and Zhenwu Emperor even waited for tens of millions of years before they had a chance to become a Taoist.

Hearing this, Li Ye seemed to understand something, and immediately bowed and said, "I understand, kid! Thank you for your teaching!"

Daode Tianzun smiled and nodded: "It's good to understand! I have kept your body for you for so long, and now you can take it away!"

Li Ye shook his head a little embarrassedly: "I still need the help of Tianzun. That body will probably have to stay here for some time. My heart is still not worthy of that body. I plan to return after reaching the legend!"

Daode Tianzun nodded: "That's fine, it's the same as mine!"

Li Ye bowed here: "Thank you, Heavenly Lord, for your help!"

Daodetianzun shook his head: "No need to be polite, you are of great benefit to me! I have put many karma on you without mercy! And I also owe you something, he chose You, these things will be given to you!”

Li Ye nodded: "Boy, I understand!"

Daodetianzun continued to speak: "Okay! Enough gossiping, it's time to talk about business!"

"Young man has already cleaned his ears. Heavenly Lord, please speak!"

Daode Tianzun said: "I am afraid that you also understand your characteristics. You can accept the cause and effect and the rhyme of the Tao almost infinitely. This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing. The good thing is that your arrival on the other side is easier than anyone else, as long as you cultivate your mind. That’s it, the only thing is that you can’t win the Dao Fruit!”

Li Ye nodded: "You know, boy!"

Daode Tianzun continued: "In order to repay that person's karma, and for my own sake, I plan to give you my Taoism. Are you willing?"

Li Ye nodded quickly: "What's the reason for your reluctance, kid?"

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