To the east of the city gate, countless corpses fell to the ground. Most of the corpses had no obvious wounds and no trace of blood coming out. But it was just like this that made them look terrifying.

Li Ye held the long sword in his hand, and the Taoist robe was flying, automatically in the absence of wind. There was no crown on his head, and his hair was tied into a bun, flying with the Taoist robe. The sword in his hand was like running water, facing the horse in front of him, he was very happy. Fearful, he didn't even look at it, he just clenched the sword in his hand

In an instant, the long sword danced wildly, and the surrounding sword energy defenses were airtight. He used his sword moves to display his sword skills.

"Wall of Sighs!"

It is inappropriate to use sword moves in swordsmanship, not to mention that Li Ye's sword is very long, but when facing these little guys, he doesn't need to use corresponding moves at all!

In an instant, the sword danced wildly, cutting off all the people around it.

Those three assassins were not fools. They tried their best to watch the connection between Li Ye's moves, and wanted to use their swords to pick him up and kill the enemy before he changed his moves.

But they couldn't find it at all! Li Ye's swordsmanship was like running water, with no flaws or openings to break through. They were immediately cut off by Lazy Yao, followed by their arms and chests. In less than half a breath, they were broken into pieces and fell to the ground.

The girl holding the sword was also ordinary. She wanted to find a breakthrough for Li Ye with her long sword, but there was no one at all. Li Ye's swordsmanship was natural. If he didn't apply special skills and just relied on brute force, he would be several times or even stronger than Li Ye. It would take more than ten times the strength to break this move into pieces

At this time, the Pi Lian instantly hit the edge of Li Ye's sword, and Li Ye cut it with his long sword. Then an unexpected scene happened. The Pi Lian actually ran with Li Ye's sword. He spun around his body, and after a full circle, he headed straight towards the girl holding the sword in front of him.

But at this moment, the three corpses on the ground suddenly opened their eyes at the same time.


The three of them opened their mouths, and a large number of poisonous needles came out of their mouths! This is Burenlou’s method! Hidden weapons are stored in the human body. Once the person dies, the machine will activate. No one knows what hidden weapons are on each person, and no one knows what kind of damage such hidden weapons will cause to whom.

But without exception, everyone has it. This is a clever way to control the killer, and it is also the embodiment of the purpose of Burenlou. To achieve the goal, do not compromise the means!

"The first tenet of Buren Tower is mission first! Human life is worthless!"

The woman who was protected by Li Ye covered her chest. After cutting down the people around her, she yelled at Li Ye: "It's a hidden weapon! They have been transformed!"

Li Ye didn't pay any attention to the obviously poisonous hidden weapon, but blindly penetrated the sword into the chest of the woman holding the sword.

In an instant, Flying Needle and Pi Lian reached their target at the same time. The woman holding the sword seemed to have been drugged for an instant, her face immediately flushed, and then her whole body was like a steamed shrimp, and began to emit gas. However, as the gas came out, her mouth and nose There is also a large amount of bright red liquid sputtering inside

Li Ye realized that it was brain matter. He estimated that the effect of this move was nothing more than hitting the head with huge energy, causing one of its senses to exceed its limit and causing the head to crack.

"What a clever illusion!"

The woman looked at Li Ye in front of her and bowed slightly: "I'm not as good as the illusionist, but don't you feel anything now? Just now, I sensed that three little things entered behind your back, sir. !”

Li Ye shook his head and said, "Then when did you think that I was hit?"

The woman shook her head: "Sir, you are just joking. Your body is locked by the treasure soldiers, so there is no magic to speak of!"

Li Ye smiled slightly: "When did you have the illusion that your treasure weapon was effective?"

The woman frowned, but she was still confident: "Don't be ridiculous, sir. As far as I know, the poison of the three Buren brothers is probably unusual. Although I don't know what kind of poison it is, I'm sure. Those who see it will seal their throats!"

Li Ye shook his head: "It's really ridiculous. Is the treasure weapon an unparalleled existence for you? It's superficial and pitiful!"

He stretched out his hand, placed it in front of him, and continued: "Then, let's see it! The real world!"

The woman was stunned when she looked at Li Ye's hand, because his hand was shattering little by little, and this seemed impossible to her, because she had been maintaining the effect of the Dikui flower basket, and Li Ye in front of her had absolutely no It is possible to cast magic!

but. . . But what is the scene before us?

Li Ye held his hand in the void, and endless spider web-like cracks appeared. The world was shattered bit by bit by his grasp, exposing the endless darkness behind it.

"Yes... what... when!!"

She waved her hands helplessly, trying to activate the effect of the flower basket, but it had no effect at all. The flower basket did not change at all.

Li Ye smiled slightly, and his handsome face looked extremely evil after the crack. He spoke: "Hua Basket is very strong, but you are not strong. Do you understand?"

The next moment, everything around her collapsed. The flower phantom holding the flower basket covered her head and looked at everything in front of her. Everything collapsed. She unexpectedly found that she was back at the gate of the city. The woman holding the sword and Bu Ren The three brothers were still beside her, and Li Ye was still walking slowly towards this side, waving the flag that read "Nothing for a cent" in his hand.

She would not think that this was a real scene. She could only know from it that she was under the spell of an illusion. Under the influence of the Dikui's flower basket, she was still under the spell of an illusion.

"Is... is it an illusion at this time?"

Li Ye's voice gradually reached her ears: "Yes"

In an instant, everything around her collapsed. Next to her, there was a corpse. There were no wounds on their bodies, but they died directly. The only difference was that the woman holding the sword had some wounds on her body. , but there were still no fatal injuries, so he died directly.

The Flower Illusion Envoy looked at Li Ye with some confusion: "Why? Why do you know their abilities, swordsmanship, and habits? Such a real illusion is simply impossible!"

Li Ye said: "You are the only one who fell into the illusion, not her, do you understand?"

Li Ye discovered these people from the beginning and also discovered the masters among them. He naturally knew how to deal with them. He dragged the Hua Huan Envoy into the illusion from the beginning. She did not really use the Dikui flower basket, but used the Dikui flower basket. The flower basket was made by Li Ye himself!

He used illusions to swallow those people into the illusion, and then he found out when he went to check the things in these guys' mustard rings. After inference, he also knew what these guys wanted to do with this thing. During this period, he also tried it himself, so he Only then did I know what the effect of Dikui’s flower basket was, thus creating such a real illusion.

After listening to Li Ye's words, Hua Huan envoy laughed twice: "Is that so? I still haven't gone far enough with Huanfa..."

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