Black clouds rolled over the city, strong winds roared, and across the east gate of Ye City, swords were dancing with sharp blades and shadows of swords were dancing. Those people no longer cared about hiding anything, and they just started to kill with their swords dancing wildly.

Surprisingly, none of the pedestrians or traders fled. They all took out their swords and joined the battlefield. It can be seen that this action was not a random action, but a long-planned action!

This is an action against Li Ye!

The three men among the five leading men rushed to Li Ye's side at the same time. The sharp knives in their hands poked out at the same time, blocking all Li Ye's escape routes. These three men must have been trained for a long time! Such fighter control, such synchronization! Definitely not something ordinary people own

Li Ye will be cut by the sword no matter he is up, down, in front, behind, left or right.

But Li Ye didn't have any fear. He didn't even move at all. He just stood like this. Three sharp blades immediately pierced his chest, but the three people didn't stop and immediately left in other directions, as if they were in vain. Like a shadow, if you miss a hit, you will immediately retreat; if you hit with a killing blow, you will immediately retreat!

They knew that Li Ye was definitely not dead! So he hid directly among these vendors and pedestrians, changed his appearance instantly, and waved his sword like those vendors, waiting for the next kill. This is a professional killer! Hidden in the surrounding environment at any time, rather than hiding in another appearance

The big hermit hides in the city, the small hermit hides in the wild, the same principle applies, nothing more than this

However, their actions had no effect at all. The lenses on Li Ye's body were shattered, and his face was like porcelain, falling off bit by bit. The three wounds were stabbed in his chest, forehead, and forehead. , and in these places, with the wound as the center, glass cracks like spider webs were produced.

But Li Ye's body did not completely collapse. Instead, he raised his head with his broken face. His white eyes without any expression seemed to look at the people around him, and he shook his head: "What a powerful concealment technique!"

"Then! I can only kill you all!"

In an instant, silhouettes emerged from his body and charged towards the surroundings, and each silhouette bore his face!

Illusion! Through the Looking Glass!

In an instant, countless people saw their bodies, their left eyes saw their right eyes, and finally understood how this felt, but the price they paid was their lives!

At this time, the woman with the flower basket tipped the flower basket, and countless flowers fell like sea water, pressing towards the figure of Li Ye. "Li Ye" who was contaminated by the sea of ​​flowers immediately turned into a bubble, revealing the real scene.

There was no Li Ye, there was no sword, and there were no severed heads. The same as in the illusion, there were only corpses on the ground, corpses without a trace of wounds. However, because of the flowers, Li Ye did not kill all those people. A large part of them survived, and the three assassins were among them.

Flowers bloomed all over the east gate, and Li Ye's real figure also appeared among the flowers. He picked off one in front of him, put it in front of his nose and smelled it: "The flower basket is not bad, it is an imitation of Di Kui's flower basket, middle grade. Baobing, it seems that the Su Nu Cult is really spending all its money to capture me!"

The woman holding the sword finally moved her hand. The sharp sword in her hand was unsheathed and she moved suddenly, like thunder, resounding throughout the east gate.

"Sword Qi...Sword Qi Thunder Sound!!"

The two heroes who followed Li Ye were hiding behind the house, watching all this, and said in shock: "The sound of thunder of sword energy... It's the sound of thunder of sword energy. It's been a long time... I haven't seen it like this for a long time. Swordsmanship! Really. Someone can perform the sword energy without going into the scene!"

At this time, Li Ye also drew out his long sword and fought with the woman. The woman's swordsmanship was very fierce. She attacked Li Ye's big points with the intention of killing Li Ye directly: "Suwen Xuantian Sect has five directions and five emperors. Knife skills! Come and try it!”

Li Ye shook his head and said, "When did you have the illusion that a knife was needed to kill you?"

The woman who was being protected behind Li Ye broke away from a vendor and spoke to her: "The woman holding the sword is the 'Unfeeling Sword'. It was also a half-step outdoor scene, but it was only two years ago. The highest it was before was the third position on the list. !

She didn't finish her words because Li Ye had already cured the woman opposite.

Li Ye's long sword was slow and unpleasant, but he could always block the swordsmanship of the woman in front of him. None of his swordsmanship was offensive, they were all like flowing water, effortlessly, but he could not attack the opponent at all. But come on, the sword energy and thunder sound have no effect at all.

But the moment after the three moves, the three people in the crowd reappeared and attacked Li Ye. They now changed back to their original colors, like the gods of death. They seized the opportunity to form a trinity again and blocked Li Ye's position.

The woman with the sword in front of her came here to find a breakthrough. The woman with the flower basket controlled Li Ye not to use magic, and the other three made a sure kill!

this! It’s an unsolvable killer!

Without the help of magic, Li Ye was also tired of the people in front of him at this moment. The woman behind him was also entangled in the crowd and could not cope with it at all.

The hearts of the two warriors who followed Li Ye jumped into their throats. Although they did not join the battlefield, they had chivalrous hearts. At this moment, they also knew that Li Ye was definitely a good person, and the opponent was definitely an evil person. At this moment, they were also Quite uncomfortable

"Brother! What to do!"

"There is no other way. If the illusionist is not dead after this attack, then the two of us can go and save him!"


When they were about to go forward to rescue Li Ye, they saw a shocking scene. The long sword in Li Ye's hand drew a circle casually, accelerated by half a point, and directly circled the three killers and controlled them together.

Such a fatal blow was controlled so lightly, which was surprising.

The current situation is quite strange. It is obvious that Li Ye was besieged by four people, but he was calm and composed, while the four people around him were in a mess.

Because they found that they could not only break through Li Ye's defense, but also could not retreat at all. If they wanted to retreat, Li Ye's long sword would immediately block their retreat. Such swordsmanship was unheard of. Although there was the intention of Zhenwu, there was no Zhenwu move.

This was Li Ye's new understanding of sword moves, the product of the fusion of Tai Chi and Nine Swords!

The woman holding the sword frowned. She was also from the Su Nu Sect, but it could be seen that she was not a lewd person. She did not practice the traditional Yin and Yang method of the Su Nu Sect, but practiced sword cultivation. She could see that Li Ye's swordsmanship in front of her was definitely not low!

"Damn... this sword technique..."

At this time, the woman with the flower basket sighed, looking charming and blushing. In the next breath, she also joined the battlefield. Her flower basket sent out a streak of light, flying towards Li Ye. On the streak of light, there were countless beautiful women painted in erotic pictures, naked and wrapped in clouds, each of them looked like a fairy.

It is not difficult to imagine what would happen if you were hit by this streak of light

And Li Ye finally moved at this time: "I said, I won't use a knife to kill you!"

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