Five minutes later, the lights were brightly lit in the conference room, and now all the guys were in this conference room.

Emilia, Li Ye, Ram, and the tied up Rem

A slight smile appeared on Li Ye's face: "It seems that it was just a misunderstanding~"

Lai Yue'ang slapped the table: "I almost died! Hey! The misunderstanding is over with just one sentence?"

Li Ye just smiled slightly: "It's not convenient for me to participate in these things ~ I'm just a mercenary."

Although he said this, everyone present was looking at him. He was too mysterious and involved too much in the things in this house.

Rem gritted her teeth and looked at Le Yueang in front of her: "The smell of the witch is almost overflowing from your body! That disgusting smell! You are definitely taught by a witch!! What are your intentions!!"

Everyone in Leyueang was dumbfounded: "It's not like I don't even know what the witch cult you are talking about is!!"

Emilia, on the other hand, didn't know what to say. She looked at Le Yue Ang beside her, who was also her savior. She also wanted to say a few words for Le Yue Ang, but she was also the kind of person who relied on others. , plus she has a pure nature and doesn’t know what to say

Ram on the side just closed his eyes lightly: "Ram's sister was tortured by the Witch Cult when she was very young, and the aura of the Witch Cult in you is too serious. In addition, the recent Witch Cult has been... Activities in the surrounding area, that’s why my sister wrongly blamed you!”

Lai Yue raised her head and said, "I told you I don't even know what a witch is!"

Ram said slowly: "So how to solve this matter?"

Li Ye smiled and did not intend to stay here any longer. Instead, he slowly got up and walked around the house.

It is inevitable that Rem will misunderstand Leon. His return from death was given by the Jealousy Witch. The Jealousy Witch is one of the most powerful witches in the world.

And this death return ability is not the kind of power that can be given casually. The Jealous Witch also spent a lot of effort to give it to her, and she was more dedicated than the bird feather powers obtained by other priests.

Therefore, the witch smell on Lai Yue Ang is even more exaggerated

He has a witch scent that is stronger than even a priest. Whoever meets this guy wouldn’t think he is a bad guy?

Even Reinhardt in the original work has been with Leon for a while at the beginning. It is inevitable for this reason. If the world's number one cannot smell the smell of a witch, then Li Ye will not believe it.

It was because Reinhardt followed him secretly that he was rescued from the Sausage Hunter.

Li Ye walked slowly, opening the doors one after another. His elegant footsteps landed on the floor of the castle, making a clicking sound.

It's just his look that makes people look a little bit funny.

He was still wearing the same tattered clothes. There was nothing he could do about it. He had just gone through a big battle and was a little bit in trouble.

Fortunately, the opponent was not particularly exaggerated. He defeated the opponent with his own absolute means.

But you can tell by looking at Li Ye's clothes that Li Ye also paid a certain price. Although the world was not shattered in that battle, it was still dark and dark.

Li Ye slowly pushed open a door, put his head in and took a look. Well, there was nothing.

He is looking for a "space that does not exist"

There is a hidden space inside this house, and there is a guy who has lived for four hundred years.

He is not a guy like Roswaal who survived through special methods, but he has actually lived for four hundred years.

A great elf, a "imprisoned" great elf, an artificial great elf created by a witch,

In this mansion, as long as the door is opened, there is a certain probability that a door will open leading to the hidden space, and Li Ye is looking for that place here now.

" seems that the probability is not high."

He opened the doors one after another, but there was nothing behind them.

"Well, it must not be my bad luck, it must be like this."

The speed of his hands is getting faster and faster, and he is getting more and more violent,

"No, I'll tell you! There are dozens of these, it's time to open them!"

Li Ye opened the door with a bang,

" continue"

This time there was finally nothing inside. This time there were two cats inside. They looked like wild cats. They were having the same battle that Li Ye had just done in this empty room.

They were frightened by the sound of Li Ye opening the door and ran out quickly.

"Oh... these young people still like to do things outside. Really, they just like to play with flowers."

He closed the door, then opened another, and another. . . Another door. . .

"I don't believe it! I can't find it today!!"

He even activated the time-accelerating power of the Rabbit Talisman and the inherent time control. All the doors in the house were opened in one moment and closed in the next moment.

Li Ye still hasn’t found the space he’s looking for

"It must not be my fault!! It must not be!!!"

Li Ye's face is getting darker and darker,


He closed the last door and returned to the conference room with a dark face. Those guys were still arguing.

Lai Yue Ang is not a guy who likes to quarrel, but this time it was really scary.

If he still wants to live here, he must deal with this matter clearly, but because his temper is still a bit weak now, this guy can't handle it well no matter how he handles it.

Li Ye's entry interrupted the quarrel of these people. They all stared at Li Ye, wanting to see what Li Ye thought

But Li Ye just smiled: "I'll borrow this guy for a while"

He directly dragged Lai Yueang, who was confused, outside. Lai Yueang only remembered at this time: "Oh! By the way! I still owe you money. What do you need me to do? Do you need me to light a fire for you?"

Li Ye's face was very dark, and he said directly: "No need, I can tell you that because of a silver-haired half-elf, you now have three chances to ask for my help! But now you only have one left, do you understand?"

Lai Yueang was a little stunned: "Ah? What did you say? Silver-haired half-elf? Isn't it Emilia? Three times?"

Li Ye threw him aside: "You don't know now, but you will understand in the future. These three chances are very important. I advise you to save the last chance until the end"

Lai Yueang received too much information at once, and his head was a little big: "Do you know something about my crossing?"

Li Ye smiled, a terrifying smile: "Now I need you to help me do something. If you can do it, I can give you a little help."

Lai Yueang was a little confused: "What do you want me to do?"

The middle-parted head shape was quite abstract on his forehead, swinging back and forth

Li Ye still had a terrifying smile on his face: "Come! Open this door for me"

He pointed casually, it was an ordinary door, Li Ye had opened this door three or four times, and the scene inside was

Lai Yueang was a little confused: "Are you looking for Beatrice?"

He opened the door casually while talking, and opposite the door was another room that Li Ye had never seen before.

Lai Yueang pointed inside: "Yes, Beatrice is inside" Then he smiled: "Then what is your help to me~"

Li Ye punched him on the forehead: "The help I give you is that tonight's matter ends like this! Perfect solution for you! How is it!"

Before Lai Yueang fell to the ground, looking at Li Ye's smile that exuded black mist, he didn't know what he did wrong in the end

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